fetch()) { if (empty($row['idaction'])) { $row['type'] = ($fieldQueried == 'idaction_url' ? Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_URL : Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME); // This will be replaced with 'X not defined' later $row['name'] = ''; // Yes, this is kind of a hack, so we don't mix 'page url not defined' with 'page title not defined' etc. $row['idaction'] = -$row['type']; } if ($row['type'] != Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_SITE_SEARCH) { unset($row[Metrics::INDEX_SITE_SEARCH_HAS_NO_RESULT]); } // This will appear as in the API, which is actually very important to keep // eg. When there's at least one row in a report that does not have a URL, not having this would break HTML/PDF reports. $url = ''; if ($row['type'] == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_SITE_SEARCH || $row['type'] == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME ) { $url = null; } elseif (!empty($row['name']) && $row['name'] != DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW ) { $url = Piwik_Tracker_Action::reconstructNormalizedUrl((string)$row['name'], $row['url_prefix']); } if (isset($row['name']) && isset($row['type']) ) { $actionName = $row['name']; $actionType = $row['type']; $urlPrefix = $row['url_prefix']; $idaction = $row['idaction']; // in some unknown case, the type field is NULL, as reported in #1082 - we ignore this page view if (empty($actionType)) { if ($idaction != DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW) { self::setCachedActionRow($idaction, $actionType, false); } continue; } $actionRow = self::getActionRow($actionName, $actionType, $urlPrefix, $actionsTablesByType); self::setCachedActionRow($idaction, $actionType, $actionRow); } else { $actionRow = self::getCachedActionRow($row['idaction'], $row['type']); // Action processed as "to skip" for some reasons if ($actionRow === false) { continue; } } if (is_null($actionRow)) { continue; } // Here we do ensure that, the Metadata URL set for a given row, is the one from the Pageview with the most hits. // This is to ensure that when, different URLs are loaded with the same page name. // For example http://piwik.org and http://id.piwik.org are reported in Piwik > Actions > Pages with /index // But, we must make sure http://piwik.org is used to link & for transitions // Note: this code is partly duplicated from Row->sumRowMetadata() if (!is_null($url) && !$actionRow->isSummaryRow() ) { if (($existingUrl = $actionRow->getMetadata('url')) !== false) { if (!empty($row[Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_NB_HITS]) && $row[Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_NB_HITS] > $actionRow->maxVisitsSummed ) { $actionRow->setMetadata('url', $url); $actionRow->maxVisitsSummed = $row[Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_NB_HITS]; } } else { $actionRow->setMetadata('url', $url); $actionRow->maxVisitsSummed = !empty($row[Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_NB_HITS]) ? $row[Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_NB_HITS] : 0; } } if ($row['type'] != Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_URL && $row['type'] != Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME ) { // only keep performance metrics when they're used (i.e. for URLs and page titles) if (array_key_exists(Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_SUM_TIME_GENERATION, $row)) { unset($row[Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_SUM_TIME_GENERATION]); } if (array_key_exists(Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_NB_HITS_WITH_TIME_GENERATION, $row)) { unset($row[Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_NB_HITS_WITH_TIME_GENERATION]); } if (array_key_exists(Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_MIN_TIME_GENERATION, $row)) { unset($row[Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_MIN_TIME_GENERATION]); } if (array_key_exists(Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_MAX_TIME_GENERATION, $row)) { unset($row[Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_MAX_TIME_GENERATION]); } } unset($row['name']); unset($row['type']); unset($row['idaction']); unset($row['url_prefix']); foreach ($row as $name => $value) { // in some edge cases, we have twice the same action name with 2 different idaction // - this happens when 2 visitors visit the same new page at the same time, and 2 actions get recorded for the same name // - this could also happen when 2 URLs end up having the same label (eg. 2 subdomains get aggregated to the "/index" page name) if (($alreadyValue = $actionRow->getColumn($name)) !== false) { $newValue = self::getColumnValuesMerged($name, $alreadyValue, $value); $actionRow->setColumn($name, $newValue); } else { $actionRow->addColumn($name, $value); } } // if the exit_action was not recorded properly in the log_link_visit_action // there would be an error message when getting the nb_hits column // we must fake the record and add the columns if ($actionRow->getColumn(Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_NB_HITS) === false) { // to test this code: delete the entries in log_link_action_visit for // a given exit_idaction_url foreach (self::getDefaultRow()->getColumns() as $name => $value) { $actionRow->addColumn($name, $value); } } $rowsProcessed++; } // just to make sure php copies the last $actionRow in the $parentTable array $actionRow =& $actionsTablesByType; return $rowsProcessed; } /** * @param $columnName * @param $alreadyValue * @param $value * @return mixed */ private static function getColumnValuesMerged($columnName, $alreadyValue, $value) { if ($columnName == Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_MIN_TIME_GENERATION) { if (empty($alreadyValue)) { $newValue = $value; } else if (empty($value)) { $newValue = $alreadyValue; } else { $newValue = min($alreadyValue, $value); } return $newValue; } if ($columnName == Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_MAX_TIME_GENERATION) { $newValue = max($alreadyValue, $value); return $newValue; } $newValue = $alreadyValue + $value; return $newValue; } static public $maximumRowsInDataTableLevelZero; static public $maximumRowsInSubDataTable; static public $columnToSortByBeforeTruncation; static protected $actionUrlCategoryDelimiter = null; static protected $actionTitleCategoryDelimiter = null; static protected $defaultActionName = null; static protected $defaultActionNameWhenNotDefined = null; static protected $defaultActionUrlWhenNotDefined = null; static public function reloadConfig() { // for BC, we read the old style delimiter first (see #1067)Row $actionDelimiter = @Config::getInstance()->General['action_category_delimiter']; if (empty($actionDelimiter)) { self::$actionUrlCategoryDelimiter = Config::getInstance()->General['action_url_category_delimiter']; self::$actionTitleCategoryDelimiter = Config::getInstance()->General['action_title_category_delimiter']; } else { self::$actionUrlCategoryDelimiter = self::$actionTitleCategoryDelimiter = $actionDelimiter; } self::$defaultActionName = Config::getInstance()->General['action_default_name']; self::$columnToSortByBeforeTruncation = Metrics::INDEX_NB_VISITS; self::$maximumRowsInDataTableLevelZero = Config::getInstance()->General['datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_actions']; self::$maximumRowsInSubDataTable = Config::getInstance()->General['datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_actions']; DataTable::setMaximumDepthLevelAllowedAtLeast(self::getSubCategoryLevelLimit() + 1); } /** * The default row is used when archiving, if data is inconsistent in the DB, * there could be pages that have exit/entry hits, but don't yet * have a record in the table (or the record was truncated). * * @return Row */ static private function getDefaultRow() { static $row = false; if ($row === false) { // This row is used in the case where an action is know as an exit_action // but this action was not properly recorded when it was hit in the first place // so we add this fake row information to make sure there is a nb_hits, etc. column for every action $row = new Row(array( Row::COLUMNS => array( Metrics::INDEX_NB_VISITS => 1, Metrics::INDEX_NB_UNIQ_VISITORS => 1, Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_NB_HITS => 1, ))); } return $row; } /** * Given a page name and type, builds a recursive datatable where * each level of the tree is a category, based on the page name split by a delimiter (slash / by default) * * @param string $actionName * @param int $actionType * @param int $urlPrefix * @param array $actionsTablesByType * @return DataTable */ protected static function getActionRow($actionName, $actionType, $urlPrefix = null, &$actionsTablesByType) { // we work on the root table of the given TYPE (either ACTION_URL or DOWNLOAD or OUTLINK etc.) /* @var DataTable $currentTable */ $currentTable =& $actionsTablesByType[$actionType]; // check for ranking query cut-off if ($actionName == DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW) { $summaryRow = $currentTable->getRowFromId(DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW); if ($summaryRow === false) { $summaryRow = $currentTable->addSummaryRow(self::createSummaryRow()); } return $summaryRow; } // go to the level of the subcategory $actionExplodedNames = self::getActionExplodedNames($actionName, $actionType, $urlPrefix); list($row, $level) = $currentTable->walkPath( $actionExplodedNames, self::getDefaultRowColumns(), self::$maximumRowsInSubDataTable); return $row; } /** * Explodes action name into an array of elements. * * NOTE: before calling this function make sure Piwik_Actions_ArchivingHelper::reloadConfig(); is called * * for downloads: * we explode link http://piwik.org/some/path/piwik.zip into an array( 'piwik.org', '/some/path/piwik.zip' ); * * for outlinks: * we explode link http://dev.piwik.org/some/path into an array( 'dev.piwik.org', '/some/path' ); * * for action urls: * we explode link http://piwik.org/some/path into an array( 'some', 'path' ); * * for action names: * we explode name 'Piwik / Category 1 / Category 2' into an array('\Piwik\Piwik', 'Category 1', 'Category 2'); * * @param string $name action name * @param int $type action type * @param int $urlPrefix url prefix (only used for TYPE_ACTION_URL) * @return array of exploded elements from $name */ static public function getActionExplodedNames($name, $type, $urlPrefix = null) { // Site Search does not split Search keywords if ($type == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_SITE_SEARCH) { return array($name); } $matches = array(); $isUrl = false; $name = str_replace("\n", "", $name); $urlRegexAfterDomain = '([^/]+)[/]?([^#]*)[#]?(.*)'; if ($urlPrefix === null) { // match url with protocol (used for outlinks / downloads) $urlRegex = '@^http[s]?://' . $urlRegexAfterDomain . '$@i'; } else { // the name is a url that does not contain protocol and www anymore // we know that normalization has been done on db level because $urlPrefix is set $urlRegex = '@^' . $urlRegexAfterDomain . '$@i'; } preg_match($urlRegex, $name, $matches); if (count($matches)) { $isUrl = true; $urlHost = $matches[1]; $urlPath = $matches[2]; $urlFragment = $matches[3]; } if ($type == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_DOWNLOAD || $type == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_OUTLINK ) { if ($isUrl) { return array(trim($urlHost), '/' . trim($urlPath)); } } if ($isUrl) { $name = $urlPath; if ($name === '' || substr($name, -1) == '/') { $name .= self::$defaultActionName; } } if ($type == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME) { $categoryDelimiter = self::$actionTitleCategoryDelimiter; } else { $categoryDelimiter = self::$actionUrlCategoryDelimiter; } if ($isUrl) { $urlFragment = Piwik_Tracker_Action::processUrlFragment($urlFragment); if (!empty($urlFragment)) { $name .= '#' . $urlFragment; } } if (empty($categoryDelimiter)) { return array(trim($name)); } $split = explode($categoryDelimiter, $name, self::getSubCategoryLevelLimit()); // trim every category and remove empty categories $split = array_map('trim', $split); $split = array_filter($split, 'strlen'); // forces array key to start at 0 $split = array_values($split); if (empty($split)) { $defaultName = self::getUnknownActionName($type); return array(trim($defaultName)); } $lastPageName = end($split); // we are careful to prefix the page URL / name with some value // so that if a page has the same name as a category // we don't merge both entries if ($type != Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME) { $lastPageName = '/' . $lastPageName; } else { $lastPageName = ' ' . $lastPageName; } $split[count($split) - 1] = $lastPageName; return array_values($split); } /** * Gets the key for the cache of action rows from an action ID and type. * * @param int $idAction * @param int $actionType * @return string|int */ private static function getCachedActionRowKey($idAction, $actionType) { return $idAction == DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW ? $actionType . '_others' : $idAction; } /** * Returns the configured sub-category level limit. * * @return int */ public static function getSubCategoryLevelLimit() { return Config::getInstance()->General['action_category_level_limit']; } /** * Returns default label for the action type * * @param $type * @return string */ static public function getUnknownActionName($type) { if (empty(self::$defaultActionNameWhenNotDefined)) { self::$defaultActionNameWhenNotDefined = Piwik_Translate('General_NotDefined', Piwik_Translate('Actions_ColumnPageName')); self::$defaultActionUrlWhenNotDefined = Piwik_Translate('General_NotDefined', Piwik_Translate('Actions_ColumnPageURL')); } if ($type == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME) { return self::$defaultActionNameWhenNotDefined; } return self::$defaultActionUrlWhenNotDefined; } /** * Static cache to store Rows during processing */ static protected $cacheParsedAction = array(); public static function clearActionsCache() { self::$cacheParsedAction = array(); } /** * Get cached action row by id & type. If $idAction is set to -1, the 'Others' row * for the specific action type will be returned. * * @param int $idAction * @param int $actionType * @return Row|false */ private static function getCachedActionRow($idAction, $actionType) { $cacheLabel = self::getCachedActionRowKey($idAction, $actionType); if (!isset(self::$cacheParsedAction[$cacheLabel])) { // This can happen when // - We select an entry page ID that was only seen yesterday, so wasn't selected in the first query // - We count time spent on a page, when this page was only seen yesterday return false; } return self::$cacheParsedAction[$cacheLabel]; } /** * Set cached action row for an id & type. * * @param int $idAction * @param int $actionType * @param \DataTable\Row */ private static function setCachedActionRow($idAction, $actionType, $actionRow) { $cacheLabel = self::getCachedActionRowKey($idAction, $actionType); self::$cacheParsedAction[$cacheLabel] = $actionRow; } /** * Returns the default columns for a row in an Actions DataTable. * * @return array */ private static function getDefaultRowColumns() { return array(Metrics::INDEX_NB_VISITS => 0, Metrics::INDEX_NB_UNIQ_VISITORS => 0, Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_NB_HITS => 0, Metrics::INDEX_PAGE_SUM_TIME_SPENT => 0); } /** * Creates a summary row for an Actions DataTable. * * @return Row */ private static function createSummaryRow() { return new Row(array( Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW) + self::getDefaultRowColumns() )); } }