toString() == $theDate) { $toInvalidate[] = $date; } else { $invalidDates[] = $theDate; } } // If using the feature "Delete logs older than N days"... $logsAreDeletedBeforeThisDate = Config::getInstance()->Deletelogs['delete_logs_schedule_lowest_interval']; $logsDeleteEnabled = Config::getInstance()->Deletelogs['delete_logs_enable']; $minimumDateWithLogs = false; if ($logsDeleteEnabled && $logsAreDeletedBeforeThisDate ) { $minimumDateWithLogs = Date::factory('today')->subDay($logsAreDeletedBeforeThisDate); } // Given the list of dates, process which tables they should be deleted from $minDate = false; $warningDates = $processedDates = array(); /* @var $date Date */ foreach ($toInvalidate as $date) { // we should only delete reports for dates that are more recent than N days if ($minimumDateWithLogs && $date->isEarlier($minimumDateWithLogs) ) { $warningDates[] = $date->toString(); } else { $processedDates[] = $date->toString(); } $month = $date->toString('Y_m'); // For a given date, we must invalidate in the monthly archive table $datesByMonth[$month][] = $date->toString(); // But also the year stored in January $year = $date->toString('Y_01'); $datesByMonth[$year][] = $date->toString(); // but also weeks overlapping several months stored in the month where the week is starting /* @var $week Week */ $week = Period::factory('week', $date); $weekAsString = $week->getDateStart()->toString('Y_m'); $datesByMonth[$weekAsString][] = $date->toString(); // Keep track of the minimum date for each website if ($minDate === false || $date->isEarlier($minDate) ) { $minDate = $date; } } // In each table, invalidate day/week/month/year containing this date $sqlIdSites = implode(",", $idSites); $archiveTables = ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled(); foreach ($archiveTables as $table) { // Extract Y_m from table name $suffix = ArchiveTableCreator::getDateFromTableName($table); if (!isset($datesByMonth[$suffix])) { continue; } // Dates which are to be deleted from this table $datesToDeleteInTable = $datesByMonth[$suffix]; // Build one statement to delete all dates from the given table $sql = $bind = array(); $datesToDeleteInTable = array_unique($datesToDeleteInTable); foreach ($datesToDeleteInTable as $dateToDelete) { $sql[] = '(date1 <= ? AND ? <= date2)'; $bind[] = $dateToDelete; $bind[] = $dateToDelete; } $sql = implode(" OR ", $sql); $query = "DELETE FROM $table " . " WHERE ( $sql ) " . " AND idsite IN (" . $sqlIdSites . ")"; Piwik_Query($query, $bind); } // Update piwik_site.ts_created $query = "UPDATE " . Common::prefixTable("site") . " SET ts_created = ?" . " WHERE idsite IN ( $sqlIdSites ) AND ts_created > ?"; $minDateSql = $minDate->subDay(1)->getDatetime(); $bind = array($minDateSql, $minDateSql); Piwik_Query($query, $bind); // Force to re-process data for these websites in the next archive.php cron run $invalidatedIdSites = Piwik_CoreAdminHome_API::getWebsiteIdsToInvalidate(); $invalidatedIdSites = array_merge($invalidatedIdSites, $idSites); $invalidatedIdSites = array_unique($invalidatedIdSites); $invalidatedIdSites = array_values($invalidatedIdSites); Piwik_SetOption(self::OPTION_INVALIDATED_IDSITES, serialize($invalidatedIdSites)); Site::clearCache(); $output = array(); // output logs if ($warningDates) { $output[] = 'Warning: the following Dates have not been invalidated, because they are earlier than your Log Deletion limit: ' . implode(", ", $warningDates) . "\n The last day with logs is " . $minimumDateWithLogs . ". " . "\n Please disable 'Delete old Logs' or set it to a higher deletion threshold (eg. 180 days or 365 years).'."; } $output[] = "Success. The following dates were invalidated successfully: " . implode(", ", $processedDates); return $output; } /** * Returns array of idSites to force re-process next time archive.php runs * * @ignore * @return mixed */ static public function getWebsiteIdsToInvalidate() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess(); $invalidatedIdSites = Piwik_GetOption(self::OPTION_INVALIDATED_IDSITES); if ($invalidatedIdSites && ($invalidatedIdSites = unserialize($invalidatedIdSites)) && count($invalidatedIdSites) ) { return $invalidatedIdSites; } return array(); } }