archivePurger = $archivePurger; } protected function configure() { $this->setName('core:purge-old-archive-data'); $this->setDescription('Purges out of date and invalid archive data from archive tables.'); $this->addArgument("dates", InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::OPTIONAL, "The months of the archive tables to purge data from. By default, only deletes from the current month. Use '" . self::ALL_DATES_STRING. "' for all dates.", array(self::getToday()->toString())); $this->addOption('exclude-outdated', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "Do not purge outdated archive data."); $this->addOption('exclude-invalidated', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "Do not purge invalidated archive data."); $this->addOption('exclude-ranges', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "Do not purge custom ranges."); $this->addOption('skip-optimize-tables', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "Do not run OPTIMIZE TABLES query on affected archive tables."); $this->addOption('include-year-archives', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "If supplied, the command will purge archive tables that contain year archives for every supplied date."); $this->addOption('force-optimize-tables', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "If supplied, forces optimize table SQL to be run, even on InnoDB tables."); $this->setHelp("By default old and invalidated archives are purged. Custom ranges are also purged with outdated archives.\n\n" . "Note: archive purging is done during scheduled task execution, so under normal circumstances, you should not need to " . "run this command manually."); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { // during normal command execution, we don't want the INFO level logs logged by the ArchivePurger service // to display in the console, so we use a NullLogger for the service $logger = null; if ($output->getVerbosity() <= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL) { $logger = new NullLogger(); } $archivePurger = $this->archivePurger ?: new ArchivePurger($model = null, $purgeDatesOlderThan = null, $logger); $dates = $this->getDatesToPurgeFor($input); $excludeOutdated = $input->getOption('exclude-outdated'); if ($excludeOutdated) { $output->writeln("Skipping purge outdated archive data."); } else { foreach ($dates as $date) { $message = sprintf("Purging outdated archives for %s...", $date->toString('Y_m')); $this->performTimedPurging($output, $message, function () use ($date, $archivePurger) { $archivePurger->purgeOutdatedArchives($date); }); } } $excludeInvalidated = $input->getOption('exclude-invalidated'); if ($excludeInvalidated) { $output->writeln("Skipping purge invalidated archive data."); } else { foreach ($dates as $date) { $message = sprintf("Purging invalidated archives for %s...", $date->toString('Y_m')); $this->performTimedPurging($output, $message, function () use ($archivePurger, $date) { $archivePurger->purgeInvalidatedArchivesFrom($date); }); } } $excludeCustomRanges = $input->getOption('exclude-ranges'); if ($excludeCustomRanges) { $output->writeln("Skipping purge custom range archives."); } else { foreach ($dates as $date) { $message = sprintf("Purging custom range archives for %s...", $date->toString('Y_m')); $this->performTimedPurging($output, $message, function () use ($date, $archivePurger) { $archivePurger->purgeArchivesWithPeriodRange($date); }); } } $skipOptimizeTables = $input->getOption('skip-optimize-tables'); if ($skipOptimizeTables) { $output->writeln("Skipping OPTIMIZE TABLES."); } else { $this->optimizeArchiveTables($output, $dates, $input->getOption('force-optimize-tables')); } } /** * @param InputInterface $input * @return Date[] */ private function getDatesToPurgeFor(InputInterface $input) { $dates = array(); $dateSpecifier = $input->getArgument('dates'); if (count($dateSpecifier) === 1 && reset($dateSpecifier) == self::ALL_DATES_STRING ) { foreach (ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled() as $table) { $tableDate = ArchiveTableCreator::getDateFromTableName($table); list($year, $month) = explode('_', $tableDate); try { $date = Date::factory($year . '-' . $month . '-' . '01'); $dates[] = $date; } catch (\Exception $e) { // this might occur if archive tables like piwik_archive_numeric_1875_09 exist } } } else { $includeYearArchives = $input->getOption('include-year-archives'); foreach ($dateSpecifier as $date) { $dateObj = Date::factory($date); $yearMonth = $dateObj->toString('Y-m'); $dates[$yearMonth] = $dateObj; // if --include-year-archives is supplied, add a date for the january table for this date's year // so year archives will be purged if ($includeYearArchives) { $janYearMonth = $dateObj->toString('Y') . '-01'; if (empty($dates[$janYearMonth])) { $dates[$janYearMonth] = Date::factory($janYearMonth . '-01'); } } } $dates = array_values($dates); } return $dates; } private function performTimedPurging(OutputInterface $output, $startMessage, $callback) { $timer = new Timer(); $output->write($startMessage); $callback(); $output->writeln("Done. [" . $timer->__toString() . "]"); } /** * @param OutputInterface $output * @param Date[] $dates * @param bool $forceOptimzation */ private function optimizeArchiveTables(OutputInterface $output, $dates, $forceOptimzation = false) { $output->writeln("Optimizing archive tables..."); foreach ($dates as $date) { $numericTable = ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable($date); $this->performTimedPurging($output, "Optimizing table $numericTable...", function () use ($numericTable, $forceOptimzation) { Db::optimizeTables($numericTable, $forceOptimzation); }); $blobTable = ArchiveTableCreator::getBlobTable($date); $this->performTimedPurging($output, "Optimizing table $blobTable...", function () use ($blobTable, $forceOptimzation) { Db::optimizeTables($blobTable, $forceOptimzation); }); } } private static function getToday() { return self::$todayOverride ?: Date::today(); } }