doNotTrackHeaderChecker = $doNotTrackHeaderChecker ?: new DoNotTrackHeaderChecker(); $this->javascripts = array( 'inline' => array(), 'external' => array(), ); $this->stylesheets = array( 'inline' => array(), 'external' => array(), ); } /** * Add a javascript file|code into the OptOut View * Note: This method will not escape the inline javascript code! * * @param string $javascript * @param bool $inline */ public function addJavaScript($javascript, $inline = true) { $type = $inline ? 'inline' : 'external'; $this->javascripts[$type][] = $javascript; } /** * @return array */ public function getJavaScripts() { return $this->javascripts; } /** * Add a stylesheet file|code into the OptOut View * Note: This method will not escape the inline css code! * * @param string $stylesheet Escaped stylesheet * @param bool $inline */ public function addStylesheet($stylesheet, $inline = true) { $type = $inline ? 'inline' : 'external'; $this->stylesheets[$type][] = $stylesheet; } /** * @return array */ public function getStylesheets() { return $this->stylesheets; } /** * @return string */ public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } /** * @param string $title */ public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } /** * @param string $key * @param string $value * @param bool $override * * @return bool */ public function addQueryParameter($key, $value, $override = true) { if (!isset($this->queryParameters[$key]) || true === $override) { $this->queryParameters[$key] = $value; return true; } return false; } /** * @param array $items * @param bool|true $override */ public function addQueryParameters(array $items, $override = true) { foreach ($items as $key => $value) { $this->addQueryParameter($key, $value, $override); } } /** * @param $key */ public function removeQueryParameter($key) { unset($this->queryParameters[$key]); } /** * @return array */ public function getQueryParameters() { return $this->queryParameters; } /** * @return View * @throws \Exception */ public function getOptOutView() { if ($this->view) { return $this->view; } $trackVisits = !IgnoreCookie::isIgnoreCookieFound(); $dntFound = $this->getDoNotTrackHeaderChecker()->isDoNotTrackFound(); $setCookieInNewWindow = Common::getRequestVar('setCookieInNewWindow', false, 'int'); if ($setCookieInNewWindow) { $reloadUrl = Url::getCurrentQueryStringWithParametersModified(array( 'showConfirmOnly' => 1, 'setCookieInNewWindow' => 0, )); } else { $reloadUrl = false; $nonce = Common::getRequestVar('nonce', false); if ($nonce !== false && Nonce::verifyNonce('Piwik_OptOut', $nonce)) { Nonce::discardNonce('Piwik_OptOut'); IgnoreCookie::setIgnoreCookie(); $trackVisits = !$trackVisits; } } $language = Common::getRequestVar('language', ''); $lang = APILanguagesManager::getInstance()->isLanguageAvailable($language) ? $language : LanguagesManager::getLanguageCodeForCurrentUser(); $this->addQueryParameters(array( 'module' => 'CoreAdminHome', 'action' => 'optOut', 'language' => $lang, 'setCookieInNewWindow' => 1 ), false); $this->addStylesheet($this->optOutStyling()); $this->view = new View("@CoreAdminHome/optOut"); $this->addJavaScript('plugins/CoreAdminHome/javascripts/optOut.js', false); $this->view->setXFrameOptions('allow'); $this->view->dntFound = $dntFound; $this->view->trackVisits = $trackVisits; $this->view->nonce = Nonce::getNonce('Piwik_OptOut', 3600); $this->view->language = $lang; $this->view->showConfirmOnly = Common::getRequestVar('showConfirmOnly', false, 'int'); $this->view->reloadUrl = $reloadUrl; $this->view->javascripts = $this->getJavaScripts(); $this->view->stylesheets = $this->getStylesheets(); $this->view->title = $this->getTitle(); $this->view->queryParameters = $this->getQueryParameters(); return $this->view; } private function optOutStyling() { $cssfontsize = Common::unsanitizeInputValue(Common::getRequestVar('fontSize', false, 'string')); $cssfontcolour = Common::unsanitizeInputValue(Common::getRequestVar('fontColor', false, 'string')); $cssfontfamily = Common::unsanitizeInputValue(Common::getRequestVar('fontFamily', false, 'string')); $cssbackgroundcolor = Common::unsanitizeInputValue(Common::getRequestVar('backgroundColor', false, 'string')); $cssbody = 'body { '; $hexstrings = array( 'fontColor' => $cssfontcolour, 'backgroundColor' => $cssbackgroundcolor ); foreach ($hexstrings as $key => $testcase) { if ($testcase && !(ctype_xdigit($testcase) && in_array(strlen($testcase),array(3,6), true))) { throw new \Exception("The URL parameter $key value of '$testcase' is not valid. Expected value is for example 'ffffff' or 'fff'.\n"); } } if ($cssfontsize && (preg_match("/^[0-9]+[\.]?[0-9]*(px|pt|em|rem|%)$/", $cssfontsize))) { $cssbody .= 'font-size: ' . $cssfontsize . '; '; } else if ($cssfontsize) { throw new \Exception("The URL parameter fontSize value of '$cssfontsize' is not valid. Expected value is for example '15pt', '1.2em' or '13px'.\n"); } if ($cssfontfamily && (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9-\ ,\'"]+$/', $cssfontfamily))) { $cssbody .= 'font-family: ' . $cssfontfamily . '; '; } else if ($cssfontfamily) { throw new \Exception("The URL parameter fontFamily value of '$cssfontfamily' is not valid. Expected value is for example 'sans-serif' or 'Monaco, monospace'.\n"); } if ($cssfontcolour) { $cssbody .= 'color: #' . $cssfontcolour . '; '; } if ($cssbackgroundcolor) { $cssbody .= 'background-color: #' . $cssbackgroundcolor . '; '; } $cssbody .= '}'; return $cssbody; } /** * @return DoNotTrackHeaderChecker */ protected function getDoNotTrackHeaderChecker() { return $this->doNotTrackHeaderChecker; } }