// Strips off protocol and trailing path and URL params function getDomain(url) { return url.replace(/^http[s]?:\/\//, '').replace(/\/.*/, ''); } // Strips off protocol and trailing path and URL params function getHostName(url) { // scheme : // [username [: password] @] hostame [: port] [/ [path] [? query] [# fragment]] var e = new RegExp('^(?:(?:https?|ftp):)/*(?:[^@]+@)?([^:/#]+)'), matches = e.exec(url); return matches ? matches[1] : url; } function isOptIn() { return document.getElementById('trackVisits').checked; } /** * Check for common error conditions (cases where we know the optout will not work) and warning conditions (cases * where the optout may not work on some browsers). Displays a message if warning/error conditions are encountered, * and also hides the checkbox in the case of an error condition. * @param obj message The message as received from the tracking JS * @returns {boolean} Whether we should display the checkbox and the optin/optout text. Returns false if an error * condition was encountered, otherwise true. */ function showWarningIfHttp() { var optOutUrl = window.location.href; var isHttp = optOutUrl && optOutUrl.indexOf('http:') === 0; if (isHttp) { var errorPara = document.getElementById('textError_https'); if (errorPara) { errorPara.style.display = 'block'; } } } function getDataIfMessageIsForThisFrame(e){ if (!e || !e.data) { return false; } try { var data = JSON.parse(e.data); } catch (e) { return false; } if (!data || !data.maq_url) { return false; } var originHost = getHostName(data.maq_url); if (originHost !== getHostName(window.location.href)) { // just to double check it really is for this optOut script... return false; } return data; } function submitForm(e, form) { // Find out whether checkbox is turned on var optedIn = isOptIn(); var hasOptOutChangeWorkedThroughPostMessage = null; // Send a message to the parent window so that it can set a first-party cookie (a fallback in case // third-party cookies are not permitted by the browser). if (typeof parent === 'object' && typeof parent.postMessage !== 'undefined') { window.addEventListener('message', function(e) { var data = getDataIfMessageIsForThisFrame(e); if (!data || typeof data.maq_confirm_opted_in === 'undefined') { return; } var optedIn = isOptIn(); // need to get value again as otherwise might be changed hasOptOutChangeWorkedThroughPostMessage = optedIn == data.maq_confirm_opted_in; if (!hasOptOutChangeWorkedThroughPostMessage) { // looks like opt out or opt in did maybe not work... // this might be IF eg the Matomo instance trackerUrl on the page does not match the Matomo instance optOut url... showWarningIfHttp(); } }); var optOutStatus = {maq_opted_in: optedIn}; parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify(optOutStatus), "*"); } // Update the text on the form updateText(optedIn); // Fire off a request to Matomo in the background, which will try to set the third-party cookie. // We have the first-party cookie but it's nice to set this too if we can, since it will respect the // user's wishes across multiple sites. var now = Date.now ? Date.now() : (+(new Date())); // Date.now does not exist in < IE8 var openedWindow = window.open(form.action + '&time=' + now); if (openedWindow) { var checkWindowClosedInterval; checkWindowClosedInterval = setInterval(function() { if (openedWindow.closed) { clearInterval(checkWindowClosedInterval); checkWindowClosedInterval = null; if (!hasOptOutChangeWorkedThroughPostMessage) { // this is not always 100% correct but better show a warning if post message hasn't completed by now. // Technically, the postMessage should finish before the window.open but this might not always be the case showWarningIfHttp(); } } }, 200); } else { var errorPara = document.getElementById('textError_popupBlocker'); if (errorPara) { errorPara.style.display = 'block'; } } return false; } function updateText(optedIn) { var optInPara = document.getElementById('textOptIn'); var optOutPara = document.getElementById('textOptOut'); var optInLabel = document.getElementById('labelOptIn'); var optOutLabel = document.getElementById('labelOptOut'); var checkbox = document.getElementById('trackVisits'); if (optedIn) { optInPara.style.display = 'none'; optOutPara.style.display = 'block'; optInLabel.style.display = 'none'; optOutLabel.style.display = 'inline'; checkbox.checked = true; } else { optOutPara.style.display = 'none'; optInPara.style.display = 'block'; optOutLabel.style.display = 'none'; optInLabel.style.display = 'inline'; checkbox.checked = false; } } function showWarningIfCookiesDisabled() { if (navigator && !navigator.cookieEnabled) { // Error condition: cookies disabled and Matomo not configured to opt the user out by default = they can't opt out var errorPara = document.getElementById('textError_cookies'); if (errorPara) { errorPara.style.display = 'block'; } var checkbox = document.getElementById('trackVisits'); var optInPara = document.getElementById('textOptIn'); var optOutPara = document.getElementById('textOptOut'); var optInLabel = document.getElementById('labelOptIn'); var optOutLabel = document.getElementById('labelOptOut'); // Hide the checkbox checkbox.style.display = 'none'; optInPara.style.display = 'none'; optOutPara.style.display = 'none'; optInLabel.style.display = 'none'; optOutLabel.style.display = 'none'; } } var initializationTimer = null; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { showWarningIfCookiesDisabled(); var trackVisitsCheckbox = document.getElementById('trackVisits'); if (trackVisitsCheckbox && typeof parent === 'object') { var initiallyChecked = trackVisitsCheckbox.checked; // Ask the parent window to send us initial state of the optout cookie so that we can display the form correctly var numAttempts = 0; function checkParentTrackerLoaded() { var message = {maq_initial_value: initiallyChecked}; parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify(message), '*'); numAttempts++; // 0.15 times per second * 1200 = 3 minutes // If the tracker JS hasn't finished loading by now, it ain't gonna, so let's stop trying if (numAttempts > 1200) { clearInterval(initializationTimer); initializationTimer = null; } } initializationTimer = setInterval(checkParentTrackerLoaded, 150); } }); // Listener for initialization message from parent window // This will tell us the initial state the form should be in // based on the first-party cookie value (which we can't access directly) window.addEventListener('message', function(e) { var data = getDataIfMessageIsForThisFrame(e); if (!data) { return; } if (typeof data.maq_opted_in !== 'undefined' && typeof data.maq_url !== 'undefined' && typeof data.maq_optout_by_default !== 'undefined' ) { // Cancel the interval so that we don't keep sending requests to the parent if (initializationTimer) { clearInterval(initializationTimer); } updateText(data.maq_opted_in); } });