{ "CoreAdminHome": { "AddNewTrustedHost": "Add a new trusted host", "Administration": "Administration", "ArchivingSettings": "Archiving settings", "BrandingSettings": "Branding settings", "ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid": "The SMTP from address is not valid", "ReleaseChannel": "Release channel", "ClickHereToOptIn": "Click here to opt in.", "ClickHereToOptOut": "Click here to opt out.", "CorsDomains": "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains", "CorsDomainsHelp": "You can define domains or subdomains like http:\/\/example.com or http:\/\/stats.example.com. Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *", "CustomLogoFeedbackInfo": "If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.", "CustomLogoHelpText": "You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.", "DevelopmentProcess": "While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the \"No bug policy\" in Matomo.", "EmailServerSettings": "Email server settings", "ForBetaTestersOnly": "For beta testers only", "ImageTracking": "Image Tracking", "ImageTrackingIntro1": "When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.", "ImageTrackingIntro2": "Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you're using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.", "ImageTrackingIntro3": "For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.", "ImageTrackingLink": "Image Tracking Link", "ImportingServerLogs": "Importing Server Logs", "ImportingServerLogsDesc": "An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.", "InvalidPluginsWarning": "The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.", "InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall": "You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.", "JavaScriptTracking": "JavaScript Tracking", "HttpTrackingApi": "HTTP Tracking API", "HttpTrackingApiDescription": "The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or application in a special way.", "JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam": "Campaign Keyword parameter", "JSTracking_CampaignNameParam": "Campaign Name parameter", "JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead": "Make sure this code is on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag.", "JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail": "Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.", "JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam": "Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name & keyword", "JSTracking_CrossDomain": "By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser's first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website's alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.", "JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains": "Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.", "JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc": "Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s", "JSTracking_DisableCookies": "Disable all tracking cookies", "JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc": "Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next page view.", "JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking": "Enables cross domain linking", "JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack": "Enable client side DoNotTrack detection", "JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled": "Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.", "JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc": "So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.", "JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain": "Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking", "JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1": "So if someone visits the 'About' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as 'blog \/ About'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.", "JSTracking_MergeAliases": "In the \"Outlinks\" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of", "JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc": "So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as \"Outlink\".", "JSTracking_MergeSubdomains": "Track visitors across all subdomains of", "JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc": "So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.", "JSTracking_PageCustomVars": "Track a custom variable for each page view", "JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc": "For example, with variable name \"Category\" and value \"White Papers\".", "JSTracking_TrackNoScript": "Track users with JavaScript disabled", "JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars": "Track custom variables for this visitor", "JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc": "For example, with variable name \"Type\" and value \"Customer\".", "JSTracking_EndNote": "Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.", "JSTrackingIntro1": "You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.", "JSTrackingIntro2": "Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.", "JSTrackingIntro3a": "In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)", "JSTrackingIntro3b": "If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the <\/head> tag which is often defined in a 'header.php', 'header.tpl' or similar template file.", "JSTrackingIntro4": "If you don't want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.", "JSTrackingIntro5": "If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.", "LogoNotWriteableInstruction": "To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.", "FileUploadDisabled": "Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.", "LogoUploadFailed": "The uploaded file couldn't be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.", "LogoUpload": "Select a Logo to upload", "FaviconUpload": "Select a Favicon to upload", "LogoUploadHelp": "Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.", "MenuDiagnostic": "Diagnostic", "MenuGeneralSettings": "General settings", "MenuSystem": "System", "MenuDevelopment": "Development", "MenuMeasurables": "Measurables", "OptOutComplete": "Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.", "OptOutCompleteBis": "Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.", "OptOutDntFound": "You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won't be able to opt-in until you disable the 'Do Not Track' feature.", "OptOutExplanation": "Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.", "OptOutExplanationIntro": "This code will display an Iframe containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their browsers. See below (or %1$s click here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the iFrame.", "OptOutForYourVisitors": "Matomo opt-out for your visitors", "PiwikIsInstalledAt": "Matomo is installed at", "PersonalPluginSettings": "Personal Plugin Settings", "PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed": "You are not allowed to change the value of the setting \"%1$s\" in plugin \"%2$s\"", "PluginSettingReadNotAllowed": "You are not allowed to read the value of the setting \"%1$s\" in plugin \"%2$s\"", "PluginSettings": "Plugin Settings", "PluginSettingsIntro": "Here you can change the settings for the following 3rd party plugins:", "PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed": "The value for field \"%1$s\" in plugin \"%2$s\" is not allowed", "PluginSettingsSaveFailed": "Failed to save plugin settings", "PluginSettingsSaveSuccess": "Plugin settings updated.", "TrackingFailures": "Tracking failures", "SettingsSaveSuccess": "Settings updated.", "SendPluginUpdateCommunication": "Send an email when a plugin update is available", "SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp": "An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.", "StableReleases": "If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.", "LtsReleases": "LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug fixes.", "SystemPluginSettings": "System Plugin Settings", "TrackAGoal": "Track a goal", "TrackingCode": "Tracking Code", "TrackingCodeIntro": "Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.", "TrustedHostConfirm": "Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?", "TrustedHostSettings": "Trusted Matomo Hostname", "UiDemo": "UI Demo", "UpdateSettings": "Update settings", "UseCustomLogo": "Use a custom logo", "ValidPiwikHostname": "Valid Matomo Hostname", "WithOptionalRevenue": "with optional revenue", "YouAreOptedOut": "You are currently opted out.", "YouAreNotOptedOut": "You are not opted out.", "YouMayOptOut": "You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.", "YouMayOptOutBis": "To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.", "OptingYouOut": "Opting you out, please wait...", "ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly": "You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using https), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.", "ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution": "To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s", "YouMayOptOut2": "You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.", "YouMayOptOut3": "Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.", "UncheckToOptOut": "Uncheck this box to opt-out.", "CheckToOptIn": "Check this box to opt-in.", "OptOutErrorNoCookies": "The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.", "OptOutErrorNotHttps": "The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.", "OptOutErrorWindowOpen": "The tracking Opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.", "MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject": "No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now", "JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1": "A few days ago you added the website '%s' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn't seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.", "JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2": "To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you'll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.", "JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3": "To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).", "TrackingFailuresIntroduction": "This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.", "NoKnownFailures": "There are no known tracking failures.", "Problem": "Problem", "Solution": "Solution", "TrackingURL": "Tracking URL", "LearnMore": "Learn more", "DeleteAllFailures": "Delete all failures", "NTrackingFailures": "%s tracking failures", "ViewAllTrackingFailures": "View all tracking failures", "TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem": "The site does not exist.", "TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution": "Update the configured idSite in the tracker.", "TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem": "Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.", "TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution": "Set or correct a \"token_auth\" in your tracking request.", "ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures": "Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?", "ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure": "Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?", "TrackingFailuresEmailSubject": "Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics", "TrackingFailuresEmail1": "This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.", "TrackingFailuresEmail2": "To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.", "ImportFromGoogleAnalytics": "Import from Google Analytics", "ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription": "If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.", "SecurityNotificationEmailSubject": "Security Notification", "SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody": "Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.", "SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody": "Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.", "SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody": "Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.", "SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody": "Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.", "SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody": "Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn't you, delete the token.", "SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody": "Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.", "SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody": "Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.", "SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody": "Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.", "SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody": "Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don't recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.", "SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody": "Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.", "SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody": "Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.", "SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou": "If it was you, carry on. If you don't recognize this activity, please reset your password.", "SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor": "Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.", "BruteForce": "Brute Force", "TwoFactorAuth": "Two-factor auth", "Cors": "Cors" } }