setName('generate:widget') ->setDescription('Adds a plugin widget class to an existing plugin') ->addOption('pluginname', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The name of an existing plugin which does not have any widgets defined yet') ->addOption('widgetname', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The name of the widget you want to create') ->addOption('category', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The name of the category the widget should belong to'); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $pluginName = $this->getPluginName($input, $output); $this->checkAndUpdateRequiredPiwikVersion($pluginName, $output); $widgetName = $this->getWidgetName($input, $output); $category = $this->getCategory($input, $output); if ($category === Piwik::translate($category)) { // no translation found... $category = $this->makeTranslationIfPossible($pluginName, $category); } $widgetMethod = $this->getWidgetMethodName($widgetName); $widgetClass = ucfirst($widgetMethod); $exampleFolder = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins/ExamplePlugin'; $replace = array('ExamplePlugin' => $pluginName, 'MyExampleWidget' => $widgetClass, 'Example Widget Name' => $this->makeTranslationIfPossible($pluginName, $widgetName), 'About Piwik' => $category); $whitelistFiles = array('/Widgets', '/Widgets/MyExampleWidget.php'); $this->copyTemplateToPlugin($exampleFolder, $pluginName, $replace, $whitelistFiles); $this->writeSuccessMessage($output, array( sprintf('plugins/%s/Widgets/%s.php generated.', $pluginName, $widgetClass), 'You can now start implementing the render() method.', 'Enjoy!' )); } private function getWidgetMethodName($methodName) { $methodName = trim($methodName); $methodName = str_replace(' ', '', $methodName); $methodName = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", '', $methodName); if (0 !== strpos(strtolower($methodName), 'get')) { $methodName = 'get' . ucfirst($methodName); } return lcfirst($methodName); } /** * @param InputInterface $input * @param OutputInterface $output * @return array * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function getWidgetName(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $validate = function ($widgetName) { if (empty($widgetName)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Please enter the name of your widget'); } if (preg_match("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", $widgetName)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Only alpha numerical characters and whitespaces are allowed'); } return $widgetName; }; $widgetName = $input->getOption('widgetname'); if (empty($widgetName)) { $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog'); $widgetName = $dialog->askAndValidate($output, 'Enter the name of your Widget, for instance "Browser Families": ', $validate); } else { $validate($widgetName); } $widgetName = ucfirst($widgetName); return $widgetName; } protected function getExistingCategories() { $categories = array(); foreach (WidgetsList::get()->getWidgetConfigs() as $widget) { if ($widget->getCategoryId()) { $categories[] = Piwik::translate($widget->getCategoryId()); } } $categories = array_values(array_unique($categories)); return $categories; } /** * @param InputInterface $input * @param OutputInterface $output * @return array * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function getCategory(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $validate = function ($category) { if (empty($category)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Please enter the name of the category your widget should belong to'); } return $category; }; $category = $input->getOption('category'); $categories = $this->getExistingCategories(); if (empty($category)) { $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog'); $category = $dialog->askAndValidate($output, 'Enter the widget category, for instance "Visitor" (you can reuse any existing category or define a new one): ', $validate, false, null, $categories); } else { $validate($category); } $translationKey = Translate::findTranslationKeyForTranslation($category); if (!empty($translationKey)) { return $translationKey; } $category = ucfirst($category); return $category; } /** * @param InputInterface $input * @param OutputInterface $output * @return array * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function getPluginName(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $pluginNames = $this->getPluginNames(); $invalidName = 'You have to enter a name of an existing plugin.'; return $this->askPluginNameAndValidate($input, $output, $pluginNames, $invalidName); } }