getUserPreference(Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin(), Piwik_UsersManager_API::PREFERENCE_DEFAULT_REPORT); $module = 'CoreHome'; $action = 'index'; // User preference: default report to load is the All Websites dashboard if ($defaultReport == 'MultiSites' && PluginsManager::getInstance()->isPluginActivated('MultiSites') ) { $module = 'MultiSites'; } if ($defaultReport == Piwik::getLoginPluginName()) { $module = Piwik::getLoginPluginName(); } $idSite = Common::getRequestVar('idSite', false, 'int'); parent::redirectToIndex($module, $action, !empty($idSite) ? $idSite : null); } public function showInContext() { $controllerName = Common::getRequestVar('moduleToLoad'); $actionName = Common::getRequestVar('actionToLoad', 'index'); if ($actionName == 'showInContext') { throw new Exception("Preventing infinite recursion..."); } $view = $this->getDefaultIndexView(); $view->content = Piwik_FrontController::getInstance()->fetchDispatch($controllerName, $actionName); echo $view->render(); } protected function getDefaultIndexView() { $view = new Piwik_View('@CoreHome/getDefaultIndexView'); $this->setGeneralVariablesView($view); $view->menu = Piwik_GetMenu(); $view->content = ''; return $view; } protected function setDateTodayIfWebsiteCreatedToday() { $date = Common::getRequestVar('date', false); if ($date == 'today' || Common::getRequestVar('period', false) == 'range' ) { return; } $websiteId = Common::getRequestVar('idSite', false, 'int'); if ($websiteId) { $website = new Site($websiteId); $datetimeCreationDate = $this->site->getCreationDate()->getDatetime(); $creationDateLocalTimezone = Piwik_Date::factory($datetimeCreationDate, $website->getTimezone())->toString('Y-m-d'); $todayLocalTimezone = Piwik_Date::factory('now', $website->getTimezone())->toString('Y-m-d'); if ($creationDateLocalTimezone == $todayLocalTimezone) { Piwik::redirectToModule('CoreHome', 'index', array('date' => 'today', 'idSite' => $websiteId, 'period' => Common::getRequestVar('period')) ); } } } public function index() { $this->setDateTodayIfWebsiteCreatedToday(); $view = $this->getDefaultIndexView(); echo $view->render(); } /** * This method is called when the asset manager is configured in merged mode. * It returns the content of the css merged file. * * @see core/AssetManager.php */ public function getCss() { $cssMergedFile = Piwik_AssetManager::getMergedCssFileLocation(); Piwik::serveStaticFile($cssMergedFile, "text/css"); } /** * This method is called when the asset manager is configured in merged mode. * It returns the content of the js merged file. * * @see core/AssetManager.php */ public function getJs() { $jsMergedFile = Piwik_AssetManager::getMergedJsFileLocation(); Piwik::serveStaticFile($jsMergedFile, "application/javascript; charset=UTF-8"); } // -------------------------------------------------------- // ROW EVOLUTION // The following methods render the popover that shows the // evolution of a singe or multiple rows in a data table // -------------------------------------------------------- /** * This static cache is necessary because the signature cannot be modified * if the method renders a ViewDataTable. So we use it to pass information * to getRowEvolutionGraph() * @var Piwik_CoreHome_DataTableAction_Evolution */ private static $rowEvolutionCache = null; /** Render the entire row evolution popover for a single row */ public function getRowEvolutionPopover() { $rowEvolution = $this->makeRowEvolution($isMulti = false); self::$rowEvolutionCache = $rowEvolution; $view = new Piwik_View('@CoreHome/getRowEvolutionPopover'); echo $rowEvolution->renderPopover($this, $view); } /** Render the entire row evolution popover for multiple rows */ public function getMultiRowEvolutionPopover() { $rowEvolution = $this->makeRowEvolution($isMulti = true); self::$rowEvolutionCache = $rowEvolution; $view = new Piwik_View('@CoreHome/getMultiRowEvolutionPopover'); echo $rowEvolution->renderPopover($this, $view); } /** Generic method to get an evolution graph or a sparkline for the row evolution popover */ public function getRowEvolutionGraph($fetch = false) { $rowEvolution = self::$rowEvolutionCache; if ($rowEvolution === null) { $paramName = Piwik_CoreHome_DataTableRowAction_MultiRowEvolution::IS_MULTI_EVOLUTION_PARAM; $isMultiRowEvolution = Common::getRequestVar($paramName, false, 'int'); $rowEvolution = $this->makeRowEvolution($isMultiRowEvolution, $graphType = 'graphEvolution'); $rowEvolution->useAvailableMetrics(); self::$rowEvolutionCache = $rowEvolution; } $view = $rowEvolution->getRowEvolutionGraph(); return $this->renderView($view, $fetch); } /** Utility function. Creates a RowEvolution instance. */ private function makeRowEvolution($isMultiRowEvolution, $graphType = null) { if ($isMultiRowEvolution) { return new Piwik_CoreHome_DataTableRowAction_MultiRowEvolution($this->idSite, $this->date, $graphType); } else { return new Piwik_CoreHome_DataTableRowAction_RowEvolution($this->idSite, $this->date, $graphType); } } /** * Forces a check for updates and re-renders the header message. * * This will check at most once per 10s. */ public function checkForUpdates() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess(); $this->checkTokenInUrl(); // perform check (but only once every 10s) Piwik_UpdateCheck::check($force = false, Piwik_UpdateCheck::UI_CLICK_CHECK_INTERVAL); $view = new Piwik_View('@CoreHome/checkForUpdates'); $this->setGeneralVariablesView($view); echo $view->render(); } /** * Renders and echo's the in-app donate form w/ slider. */ public function getDonateForm() { $view = new Piwik_View('@CoreHome/getDonateForm'); if (Common::getRequestVar('widget', false) && Piwik::isUserIsSuperUser() ) { $view->footerMessage = Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_OnlyForAdmin'); } echo $view->render(); } /** * Renders and echo's HTML that displays the Piwik promo video. */ public function getPromoVideo() { $view = new Piwik_View('@CoreHome/getPromoVideo'); $view->shareText = Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_SharePiwikShort'); $view->shareTextLong = Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_SharePiwikLong'); $view->promoVideoUrl = ''; echo $view->render(); } /** * Redirects the user to a paypal so they can donate to Piwik. */ public function redirectToPaypal() { $parameters = Piwik_API_Request::getRequestArrayFromString($request = null); foreach ($parameters as $name => $param) { if ($name == 'idSite' || $name == 'module' || $name == 'action' ) { unset($parameters[$name]); } } $url = "".Piwik_Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($parameters); header("Location: $url"); exit; } }