translator = $translator; parent::__construct(); } public function getDefaultAction() { return 'redirectToCoreHomeIndex'; } public function renderReportWidget(Report $report) { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess(); $this->checkSitePermission(); $report->checkIsEnabled(); return $report->render(); } /** * This is only used for exported widgets * @return string * @throws Exception * @throws \Piwik\NoAccessException */ public function renderWidgetContainer() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess(); $this->checkSitePermission(); $view = new View('@CoreHome/widgetContainer'); $view->isWidgetized = (bool) Common::getRequestVar('widget', 0, 'int'); $view->containerId = Common::getRequestVar('containerId', null, 'string'); return $view->render(); } /** * @param Widget $widget * @return mixed * @throws Exception */ public function renderWidget($widget) { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess(); $config = new WidgetConfig(); $widget::configure($config); $content = $widget->render(); if ($config->getName() && Common::getRequestVar('showtitle', '', 'string') === '1') { if (strpos($content, 'title = $config->getName(); $view->content = $content; return $view->render(); } } return $content; } function redirectToCoreHomeIndex() { $defaultReport = API::getInstance()->getUserPreference(Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin(), API::PREFERENCE_DEFAULT_REPORT); $module = 'CoreHome'; $action = 'index'; // User preference: default report to load is the All Websites dashboard if ($defaultReport == 'MultiSites' && \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->isPluginActivated('MultiSites') ) { $module = 'MultiSites'; } if ($defaultReport == Piwik::getLoginPluginName()) { $module = Piwik::getLoginPluginName(); } parent::redirectToIndex($module, $action, $this->idSite); } public function showInContext() { $controllerName = Common::getRequestVar('moduleToLoad'); $actionName = Common::getRequestVar('actionToLoad', 'index'); if($controllerName == 'API') { throw new Exception("Showing API requests in context is not supported for security reasons. Please change query parameter 'moduleToLoad'."); } if ($actionName == 'showInContext') { throw new Exception("Preventing infinite recursion..."); } $view = $this->getDefaultIndexView(); $view->content = FrontController::getInstance()->fetchDispatch($controllerName, $actionName); return $view->render(); } public function markNotificationAsRead() { $notificationId = Common::getRequestVar('notificationId'); NotificationManager::cancel($notificationId); } protected function getDefaultIndexView() { $view = new View('@CoreHome/getDefaultIndexView'); $this->setGeneralVariablesView($view); $view->showMenu = true; $view->dashboardSettingsControl = new DashboardManagerControl(); $view->content = ''; return $view; } protected function setDateTodayIfWebsiteCreatedToday() { $date = Common::getRequestVar('date', false); if ($date == 'today' || Common::getRequestVar('period', false) == 'range' ) { return; } if ($this->site) { $datetimeCreationDate = $this->site->getCreationDate()->getDatetime(); $creationDateLocalTimezone = Date::factory($datetimeCreationDate, $this->site->getTimezone())->toString('Y-m-d'); $todayLocalTimezone = Date::factory('now', $this->site->getTimezone())->toString('Y-m-d'); if ($creationDateLocalTimezone == $todayLocalTimezone) { Piwik::redirectToModule('CoreHome', 'index', array('date' => 'today', 'idSite' => $this->idSite, 'period' => Common::getRequestVar('period')) ); } } } public function index() { $this->setDateTodayIfWebsiteCreatedToday(); $view = $this->getDefaultIndexView(); return $view->render(); } // -------------------------------------------------------- // ROW EVOLUTION // The following methods render the popover that shows the // evolution of a single or multiple rows in a data table // -------------------------------------------------------- /** Render the entire row evolution popover for a single row */ public function getRowEvolutionPopover() { $rowEvolution = $this->makeRowEvolution($isMulti = false); $view = new View('@CoreHome/getRowEvolutionPopover'); return $rowEvolution->renderPopover($this, $view); } /** Render the entire row evolution popover for multiple rows */ public function getMultiRowEvolutionPopover() { $rowEvolution = $this->makeRowEvolution($isMulti = true); $view = new View('@CoreHome/getMultiRowEvolutionPopover'); return $rowEvolution->renderPopover($this, $view); } /** Generic method to get an evolution graph or a sparkline for the row evolution popover */ public function getRowEvolutionGraph($fetch = false, $rowEvolution = null) { if (empty($rowEvolution)) { $label = Common::getRequestVar('label', '', 'string'); $isMultiRowEvolution = strpos($label, ',') !== false; $rowEvolution = $this->makeRowEvolution($isMultiRowEvolution, $graphType = 'graphEvolution'); $rowEvolution->useAvailableMetrics(); } $view = $rowEvolution->getRowEvolutionGraph(); return $this->renderView($view); } /** Utility function. Creates a RowEvolution instance. */ private function makeRowEvolution($isMultiRowEvolution, $graphType = null) { if ($isMultiRowEvolution) { return new MultiRowEvolution($this->idSite, $this->date, $graphType); } else { return new RowEvolution($this->idSite, $this->date, $graphType); } } /** * Forces a check for updates and re-renders the header message. * * This will check at most once per 10s. */ public function checkForUpdates() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess(); $this->checkTokenInUrl(); // perform check (but only once every 10s) UpdateCheck::check($force = false, UpdateCheck::UI_CLICK_CHECK_INTERVAL); $view = new View('@CoreHome/checkForUpdates'); $this->setGeneralVariablesView($view); return $view->render(); } /** * Redirects the user to a paypal so they can donate to Piwik. */ public function redirectToPaypal() { $parameters = Request::getRequestArrayFromString($request = null); foreach ($parameters as $name => $param) { if ($name == 'idSite' || $name == 'module' || $name == 'action' ) { unset($parameters[$name]); } } $paypalParameters = [ "cmd" => "_s-xclick" ]; if (empty($parameters["onetime"]) || $parameters["onetime"] != "true") { $paypalParameters["hosted_button_id"] = "DVKLY73RS7JTE"; $paypalParameters["currency_code"] = "USD"; $paypalParameters["on0"] = "Piwik Supporter"; if (!empty($parameters["os0"])) { $paypalParameters["os0"] = $parameters["os0"]; } } else { $paypalParameters["hosted_button_id"] = "RPL23NJURMTFA"; } $url = "" . Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($paypalParameters); Url::redirectToUrl($url); exit; } public function saveViewDataTableParameters() { Piwik::checkUserIsNotAnonymous(); $this->checkTokenInUrl(); $reportId = Common::getRequestVar('report_id', null, 'string'); $parameters = (array) Common::getRequestVar('parameters', null, 'json'); $login = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin(); $containerId = Common::getRequestVar('containerId', '', 'string'); ViewDataTableManager::saveViewDataTableParameters($login, $reportId, $parameters, $containerId); } }