/** * Matomo - free/libre analytics platform * * @link https://matomo.org * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later */ (function ($, require) { var exports = require('piwik/UI'); /** * Creates a new notifications. * * Example: * var UI = require('piwik/UI'); * var notification = new UI.Notification(); * notification.show('My Notification Message', {title: 'Low space', context: 'warning'}); */ var Notification = function () { this.$node = null; }; /** * Makes the notification visible. * * @param {string} message The actual message that will be displayed. Must be set. * @param {Object} [options] * @param {string} [options.id] Only needed for persistent notifications. The id will be sent to the * frontend once the user closes the notifications. The notification has to * be registered/notified under this name * @param {string} [options.title] The title of the notification. For instance the plugin name. * @param {bool} [options.animate=true] If enabled, the notification will be faded in. * @param {string} [options.context=warning] Context of the notification: 'info', 'warning', 'success' or * 'error' * @param {string} [options.type=transient] The type of the notification: Either 'toast' or 'transitent' * @param {bool} [options.noclear=false] If set, the close icon is not displayed. * @param {object} [options.style] Optional style/css dictionary. For instance {'display': 'inline-block'} * @param {string} [options.placeat] By default, the notification will be displayed in the "stats bar". * You can specify any other CSS selector to place the notifications * wherever you want. */ Notification.prototype.show = function (message, options) { checkMessage(message); options = checkOptions(options); var template = generateNotificationHtmlMarkup(options, message); this.$node = placeNotification(template, options); }; /** * Removes a previously shown notification having the given notification id. * * * @param {string} notificationId The id of a notification that was previously registered. */ Notification.prototype.remove = function (notificationId) { $('[piwik-notification][notification-id=' + notificationId + ']').remove(); }; Notification.prototype.scrollToNotification = function () { if (this.$node) { piwikHelper.lazyScrollTo(this.$node, 250); } }; /** * Shows a notification at a certain point with a quick upwards animation. * * TODO: if the materializecss version matomo uses is updated, should use their toasts. * * @type {Notification} * @param {string} message The actual message that will be displayed. Must be set. * @param {Object} options * @param {string} options.placeat Where to place the notification. Required. * @param {string} [options.id] Only needed for persistent notifications. The id will be sent to the * frontend once the user closes the notifications. The notification has to * be registered/notified under this name * @param {string} [options.title] The title of the notification. For instance the plugin name. * @param {string} [options.context=warning] Context of the notification: 'info', 'warning', 'success' or * 'error' * @param {string} [options.type=transient] The type of the notification: Either 'toast' or 'transitent' * @param {bool} [options.noclear=false] If set, the close icon is not displayed. * @param {object} [options.style] Optional style/css dictionary. For instance {'display': 'inline-block'} */ Notification.prototype.toast = function (message, options) { checkMessage(message); options = checkOptions(options); var $placeat = $(options.placeat); if (!$placeat.length) { throw new Error("A valid selector is required for the placeat option when using Notification.toast()."); } var $template = $(generateNotificationHtmlMarkup(options, message)).hide(); $('body').append($template); compileNotification($template); $template.css({ position: 'absolute', left: $placeat.offset().left, top: $placeat.offset().top }); setTimeout(function () { $template.animate( { top: $placeat.offset().top - $template.height() }, { duration: 300, start: function () { $template.show(); } } ); }); }; exports.Notification = Notification; function generateNotificationHtmlMarkup(options, message) { var attributeMapping = { id: 'notification-id', title: 'notification-title', context: 'context', type: 'type', noclear: 'noclear', class: 'class', toastLength: 'toast-length' }, html = '
'; return html; } function compileNotification($node) { angular.element(document).injector().invoke(function ($compile, $rootScope) { $compile($node)($rootScope.$new(true)); }); } function placeNotification(template, options) { var $notificationNode = $(template); // compile the template in angular compileNotification($notificationNode); if (options.style) { $notificationNode.css(options.style); } var notificationPosition = '#notificationContainer'; var method = 'append'; if (options.placeat) { notificationPosition = options.placeat; } else { // If a modal is open, we want to make sure the error message is visible and therefore show it within the opened modal var modalSelector = '.modal.open .modal-content'; var modalOpen = $(modalSelector); if (modalOpen.length) { notificationPosition = modalSelector; method = 'prepend'; } } $notificationNode = $notificationNode.hide(); $(notificationPosition)[method]($notificationNode); if (false === options.animate) { $notificationNode.show(); } else { $notificationNode.fadeIn(1000); } return $notificationNode; } function checkMessage(message) { if (!message) { throw new Error('No message given, cannot display notification'); } } function checkOptions(options) { if (options && !$.isPlainObject(options)) { throw new Error('Options has the wrong format, cannot display notification'); } else if (!options) { options = {}; } return options; } })(jQuery, require);