{ "CoreHome": { "CategoryNoData": "No data in this category. Try to \"Include all population\".", "ChangeVisualization": "Change visualization", "CheckForUpdates": "Check for updates", "CheckPiwikOut": "Check Matomo out!", "ClickToEditX": "Click to edit %s", "ClickToSeeFullInformation": "Click to see the full information", "CloseSearch": "Close search", "CloseWidgetDirections": "You can close this widget by clicking on the 'X' icon at the top of the widget.", "ChooseX": "Choose %1$s", "DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged": "The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.", "DataTableExcludeAggregateRows": "Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them", "DataTableIncludeAggregateRows": "Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them", "DataTableHowToSearch": "Press enter or click the search icon to search", "Default": "default", "DonateCall1": "Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn't mean it costs us nothing to make.", "DonateCall2": "Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.", "DonateCall3": "If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.", "DonateFormInstructions": "Click on the slider to select an amount, then click subscribe to donate.", "ExceptionNotWhitelistedIP": "You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not whitelisted", "ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation": "All rows are shown %s Exclude low population", "ExternalHelp": "Help (opens in new tab)", "FlattenDataTable": "The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat", "HowMuchIsPiwikWorth": "How much is Matomo worth to you?", "IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation": "Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows", "InjectedHostEmailBody": "Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.", "InjectedHostEmailSubject": "Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s", "InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning": "%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).", "InjectedHostSuperUserWarning": "Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.", "InjectedHostWarningIntro": "You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.", "JavascriptDisabled": "JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.
However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.
To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.
", "VisitStatusOrdered": "Ordered", "VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned": "Ordered then Abandoned Cart", "VisitTypeReturning": "Returning", "VisitTypeReturningCustomer": "Returning Customer", "MainNavigation": "Main navigation", "MakeOneTimeDonation": "Make a one time donation, instead.", "Menu": "Menu", "NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin": "You are logged in as '%1$s' but it seems you don't have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you 'view' access to a website.", "OnlyForSuperUserAccess": "This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.", "PageOf": "%1$s of %2$s", "PeriodRange": "Range", "ReportGeneratedOn": "Report generated on %s", "ReportGeneratedXAgo": "Report generated %s ago", "SharePiwikLong": "Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo!\n\nMatomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!", "SharePiwikShort": "Piwik! Free\/libre web analytics. Own your data.", "ShareThis": "Share this", "ShortcutsAvailable": "Available shortcuts", "ShortcutZenMode": "for Zen mode", "ShortcutSegmentSelector": "to open Segment selector", "ShortcutWebsiteSelector": "to open Website selector", "ShortcutCalendar": "to open calendar (d stands for Date)", "ShortcutSearch": "to open the search (f stands for Find)", "ShortcutHelp": "to show this help", "ShowJSCode": "Show the JavaScript code to insert", "SkipToContent": "Skip to content", "SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter": "Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!", "SupportPiwik": "Support Matomo!", "TableNoData": "No data for this table.", "ThereIsNoDataForThisReport": "There is no data for this report.", "UnFlattenDataTable": "The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical", "ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials": "View all Matomo Video Tutorials", "WebAnalyticsReports": "Web Analytics Reports", "YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion": "You are using the latest version of Matomo!", "ClickRowToExpandOrContract": "Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.", "UndoPivotBySubtable": "This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot", "NoSuchPage": "This page does not exist", "PivotBySubtable": "This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s", "SystemSummaryWidget": "System Summary", "SystemSummaryNWebsites": "%d websites", "SystemSummaryNSegments": "%d segments", "SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins": "%d activated plugins", "SystemSummaryPiwikVersion": "Matomo version", "SystemSummaryMysqlVersion": "MySQL version", "SystemSummaryPhpVersion": "PHP version", "QuickAccessTitle": "Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press 'f' to search.", "MenuEntries": "Menu entries", "Segments": "Segments", "OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment": "The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.", "AdblockIsMaybeUsed": "In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.", "ChangeCurrentWebsite": "Choose a website, currently selected website: %s", "LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy": "The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy." } }