{% if not isDataTableEmpty and (properties.show_offset_information or properties.show_pagination_control) %}
{% if properties.show_pagination_control %} ‹ {% if clientSideParameters.dataTablePreviousIsFirst is defined %}{{ 'General_First'|translate }}{% else %}{{ 'General_Previous'|translate }}{% endif %}   {% endif %} {% if properties.show_offset_information %} {% endif %} {% if properties.show_pagination_control %}  {{ 'General_Next'|translate }} › {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% include "@CoreHome/_dataTableActions.twig" %}
{% if properties.show_footer_icons and properties.show_pagination_control or properties.show_limit_control %}
{% endif %}
{% if (properties.related_reports is not empty) and properties.show_related_reports %}
{{ properties.related_reports_title|raw }}
  • {{ properties.title }}
  • {% for reportUrl,reportTitle in properties.related_reports %}
  • {{ reportTitle }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if properties.show_footer_message is defined and properties.show_footer_message is not empty %}
{{ properties.show_footer_message | raw }}
{% endif %}