{ "CorePluginsAdmin": { "ActionUninstall": "Uninstall", "Activate": "Activate", "Activated": "Activated", "Active": "Active", "Activity": "Activity", "AlwaysActivatedPluginsList": "The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s", "AuthorHomepage": "Author Homepage", "Changelog": "Changelog", "ChangeSettingsPossible": "You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.", "CorePluginTooltip": "Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Piwik.", "Deactivate": "Deactivate", "DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins": "To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Piwik admins.", "ChangeLookByManageThemes": "You can change the appearance of Piwik by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.", "History": "History", "Inactive": "Inactive", "InstalledPlugins": "Installed plugins", "InstalledThemes": "Installed themes", "InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended": "Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.", "InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell": "Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Piwik are also using the theme %2$s.", "InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended": "Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.", "InstallNewPlugins": "Install new plugins", "InstallNewThemes": "Install new themes", "LicenseHomepage": "License Homepage", "LikeThisPlugin": "Like this plugin?", "ConsiderDonating": "Consider donating", "CommunityContributedPlugin": "This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.", "ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf": "Please consider donating to the creator of %s", "PluginsExtendPiwik": "Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Piwik.", "OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere": "Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.", "MenuPlatform": "Platform", "MissingRequirementsNotice": "Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.", "MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice": "Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.", "NoZipFileSelected": "Please select a ZIP file.", "NumUpdatesAvailable": "%s Update(s) available", "NoPluginSettings": "No plugin settings that can be configured", "Origin": "Origin", "OriginCore": "Core", "OriginOfficial": "Official", "OriginThirdParty": "Third-party", "PluginHomepage": "Plugin Homepage", "PluginNotCompatibleWith": "%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.", "PluginNotFound": "Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.", "PluginNotFoundAlternative": "If you've been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.", "PluginNotWorkingAlternative": "If you've been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.", "PluginRequirement": "%1$s requires %2$s.", "PluginsManagement": "Manage Plugins", "NotDownloadable": "Not downloadable", "PluginNotDownloadable": "The plugin is not downloadable.", "PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason": "Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.", "PluginActivated": "Plugin activated", "Status": "Status", "SuccessfullyActicated": "You have successfully activated %s<\/strong>.", "TeaserExtendPiwik": "Extend Piwik with Plugins and Themes", "TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin": "Extend Piwik by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.", "TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme": "Enjoy another look & feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.", "InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload": "You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.", "Theme": "Theme", "Themes": "Themes", "ThemesDescription": "Themes can change the appearance of Piwik user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.", "ThemesManagement": "Manage Themes", "UninstallConfirm": "You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won't be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?", "Version": "Version", "ViewAllMarketplacePlugins": "View all Marketplace plugins", "WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies": "The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s", "Websites": "Websites" } }