{ "CoreUpdater": { "CheckingForPluginUpdates": "Checking for new plugin updates", "ClickHereToViewSqlQueries": "Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed", "CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess": "Critical Error during the update process:", "DatabaseUpgradeRequired": "Database Upgrade Required", "DisablingIncompatiblePlugins": "Disabling incompatible plugins: %s", "DownloadingUpdateFromX": "Downloading update from %s", "DownloadX": "Download %s", "UpdateLog": "Update log", "EmptyDatabaseError": "Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.", "ErrorDIYHelp": "If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:", "ErrorDIYHelp_1": "identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)", "ErrorDIYHelp_2": "execute the remaining queries in the update that failed", "ErrorDIYHelp_3": "manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update", "ErrorDIYHelp_4": "re-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates", "ErrorDIYHelp_5": "report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved", "ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates": "Error during plugin updates:", "ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion": "Your Matomo version %s is up to date.", "ExceptionArchiveEmpty": "Empty archive.", "ExceptionArchiveIncompatible": "Incompatible archive: %s", "ExceptionArchiveIncomplete": "Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).", "FeedbackRequest": "Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:", "HelpMessageContent": "Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.", "HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError": "The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:", "HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning": "The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:", "HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance": "If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.", "IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo": "Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:", "InstallingTheLatestVersion": "Installing the latest version", "LatestBetaRelease": "Latest beta release", "LatestStableRelease": "Latest stable release", "LatestXStableRelease": "Latest stable %s", "LatestXBetaRelease": "Latest beta %s", "LtsSupportVersion": "Long Term Support version", "ListOfSqlQueriesFYI": "FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s", "TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted": "These SQL queries will be executed:", "TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted": "These console commands will be run:", "MajorUpdateWarning1": "This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.", "MajorUpdateWarning2": "The following advice is especially important for large installations.", "NeedHelpUpgrading": "Need help upgrading Matomo?", "NeedHelpUpgradingText": "If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s", "NoteForLargePiwikInstances": "Important notes for large Matomo installations", "NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins": "Click here to update your plugins now:", "NotificationClickToUpdateThemes": "Click here to update your themes now:", "NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate": "New Matomo %s is available", "NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate": "Updates available for your Matomo plugins", "PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded": "Matomo has been successfully updated!", "PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully": "Matomo updated successfully!", "PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY": "Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.", "ReadyToGo": "Ready to go?", "TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX": "The following plugins will be updated: %s.", "TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX": "The following dimensions will be updated: %s.", "ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate": "Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:", "ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate": "There is a new version of Matomo available for update", "TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand": "If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s", "TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient": "The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.", "UnpackingTheUpdate": "Unpacking the update", "UpdateAutomatically": "Update Automatically", "UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation": "Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can't fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!", "UpdateTitle": "Update", "UpdatingPluginXToVersionY": "Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s", "UpdateSuccessTitle": "Matomo has been successfully updated!", "UpdateErrorTitle": "Update error", "ThankYouUpdatePiwik": "Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!", "PostUpdateMessage": "Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.", "PostUpdateSupport": "If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:", "ServicesSupport": "Services & Support", "CloudHosting": "Cloud hosting", "Updating": "Updating", "UpdateUsingHttpsFailed": "Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:", "UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp": "Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.", "UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo": "It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.", "UsingHttps": "using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)", "UsingHttp": "using the non-secure HTTP connection", "UpgradeComplete": "Upgrade complete!", "UpgradePiwik": "Upgrade Matomo", "ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade": "Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.", "DbUpgradeNotExecuted": "Database upgrade not executed.", "ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning": "It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. \n\nTo ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration):\n\n$ %3$s", "ConsoleUpdateFailure": "Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.", "ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries": "Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.", "AlreadyUpToDate": "Everything is already up to date.", "ExecuteDbUpgrade": "A database upgrade is required. Execute update?", "DryRun": "Note: this is a Dry Run", "DryRunEnd": "End of Dry Run", "ConsoleCommandDescription": "Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.", "ConsoleParameterDescription": "Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation", "VerifyingUnpackedFiles": "Verifying the unpacked files", "WarningMessages": "Warning messages:", "WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins": "We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s", "YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage": "You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:", "YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions": "Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory\/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:", "YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate": "Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.", "ViewVersionChangelog": "View the changelog for this version:", "ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser": "You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s", "ConvertToUtf8mb4": "Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset", "TriggerDatabaseConversion": "Trigger database conversion in background", "Utf8mb4ConversionHelp": "Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.

Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.

If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s

Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.

Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.

You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s." } }