{ "CoreUpdater": { "ClickHereToViewSqlQueries": "Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries that will get executed", "CreatingBackupOfConfigurationFile": "Creating a backup of the configuration file in %s", "CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess": "Critical Error during the update process:", "DatabaseUpgradeRequired": "Database Upgrade Required", "DisablingIncompatiblePlugins": "Disabling incompatible plugins: %s", "DownloadingUpdateFromX": "Downloading update from %s", "DownloadX": "Download %s", "EmptyDatabaseError": "Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Piwik configuration file.", "ErrorDIYHelp": "If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:", "ErrorDIYHelp_1": "identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)", "ErrorDIYHelp_2": "execute the remaining queries in the update that failed", "ErrorDIYHelp_3": "manually update the `option` table in your Piwik database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update", "ErrorDIYHelp_4": "re-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates", "ErrorDIYHelp_5": "report the problem (and solution) so that Piwik can be improved", "ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates": "Error during plugin updates:", "ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion": "Your Piwik version %s is up to date.", "ExceptionArchiveEmpty": "Empty archive.", "ExceptionArchiveIncompatible": "Incompatible archive: %s", "ExceptionArchiveIncomplete": "Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).", "FeedbackRequest": "Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Piwik Team here:", "HelpMessageContent": "Check the %1$s Piwik FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.", "HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError": "The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:", "HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning": "The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:", "HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance": "If you manage a high traffic Piwik server, we recommend to %smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Piwik User Interface in maintenance mode%s.", "IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo": "Note: some plugins are not compatible with Piwik %s. They will be disabled when you upgrade:", "InstallingTheLatestVersion": "Installing the latest version", "MajorUpdateWarning1": "This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.", "MajorUpdateWarning2": "The following advice is especially important for large installations.", "NoteForLargePiwikInstances": "Important notes for large Piwik installations", "NoteItIsExpectedThatQueriesFail": "Note: if you manually execute these queries, it is expected that some of them fail. In this case, simply ignore the errors, and run the next ones in the list.", "NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins": "Click here to update your plugins now:", "NotificationClickToUpdateThemes": "Click here to update your themes now:", "NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate": "New Piwik %s is available", "NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate": "Updates available for your Piwik plugins", "PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded": "Piwik has been successfully updated!", "PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully": "Piwik updated successfully!", "PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY": "Piwik database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.", "PluginDescription": "Piwik updating mechanism", "ReadyToGo": "Ready to go?", "TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX": "The following plugins will be updated: %s.", "TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX": "The following dimensions will be updated: %s.", "ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate": "Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:", "ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate": "There is a new version of Piwik available for update", "TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand": "If you have a large Piwik database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s", "TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient": "The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.", "UnpackingTheUpdate": "Unpacking the update", "UpdateAutomatically": "Update Automatically", "UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation": "Piwik One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can't fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Piwik. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!", "UpdateTitle": "Update", "UpgradeComplete": "Upgrade complete!", "UpgradePiwik": "Upgrade Piwik", "VerifyingUnpackedFiles": "Verifying the unpacked files", "WarningMessages": "Warning messages:", "WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins": "We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s", "YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage": "You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:", "YouCouldManuallyExecuteSqlQueries": "If you are not able to use the command line updater and if Piwik fails to upgrade (due to a timeout of the database, a browser timeout, or any other issue), you could manually execute the SQL queries to update Piwik.", "YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions": "Piwik is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory\/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:", "YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate": "Your Piwik database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue." } }