dimension = $dimension; $this->pattern = $pattern; } public function toArray() { return array('dimension' => $this->dimension, 'pattern' => $this->pattern); } public function check() { $dimensions = $this->getSupportedDimensions(); if (!array_key_exists($this->dimension, $dimensions)) { $dimensions = implode(', ', array_keys($dimensions)); throw new Exception("Invald dimension '$this->dimension' used in an extraction. Available dimensions are: " . $dimensions); } if (!empty($this->pattern) && $this->dimension !== 'urlparam') { // make sure there is exactly one ( followed by one ) if (1 !== substr_count($this->pattern, '(') || 1 !== substr_count($this->pattern, ')') || 1 !== substr_count($this->pattern, ')', strpos($this->pattern, '('))) { throw new Exception("You need to group exactly one part of the regular expression inside round brackets, eg 'index_(.+).html'"); } } } public static function getSupportedDimensions() { return array( 'url' => Piwik::translate('Actions_ColumnPageURL'), 'urlparam' => Piwik::translate('CustomDimensions_PageUrlParam'), 'action_name' => Piwik::translate('Goals_PageTitle') ); } public function setCaseSensitive($caseSensitive) { $this->caseSensitive = (bool) $caseSensitive; } public function extract(Request $request) { $value = $this->getValueForDimension($request); $value = $this->extractValue($value); return $value; } private function getValueForDimension(Request $request) { /** @var Action $action */ $action = $request->getMetadata('Actions', 'action'); if (in_array($this->dimension, array('url', 'urlparam'))) { if (!empty($action)) { $dimension = $action->getActionUrlRaw(); } else { $dimension = $request->getParam('url'); } } elseif ($this->dimension === 'action_name' && !empty($action)) { $dimension = $action->getActionName(); } else { $dimension = $request->getParam($this->dimension); } if (!empty($dimension)) { $dimension = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($dimension); } return $dimension; } private function extractValue($value) { if (!isset($value) || '' === $value) { return null; } $pattern = $this->pattern; if ($this->dimension === 'urlparam') { $pattern = '\?.*' . $pattern . '=([^&]*)'; } $regex = '/' . str_replace('/', '\/', $pattern) . '/'; if (!$this->caseSensitive) { $regex .= 'i'; } if (preg_match($regex, (string) $value, $matches)) { // we could improve performance here I reckon by combining all patterns of all configs see eg http://nikic.github.io/2014/02/18/Fast-request-routing-using-regular-expressions.html if (array_key_exists(1, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } } } }