{ "DevicesDetection": { "BotDetected": "This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.", "BrowserEngine": "Browser engine", "BrowserEngineDocumentation": "This report shows your visitors' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.", "BrowserEngines": "Browser engines", "BrowserFamily": "Browser family", "Browsers": "Browsers", "BrowserVersion": "Browser version", "BrowserVersions": "Browser versions", "Camera": "Camera", "CarBrowser": "Car browser", "Software": "Software", "ColumnBrowser": "Browser", "BrowserCode": "Browser code", "ColumnOperatingSystem": "Operating system", "ColumnOperatingSystemVersion": "Operating system version", "Console": "Console", "dataTableLabelBrands": "Brand", "dataTableLabelModels": "Model", "dataTableLabelSystemVersion": "Operating System version", "dataTableLabelTypes": "Type", "ClientType": "Client type", "ClientTypes": "Client types", "Device": "Device", "DeviceBrand": "Device brand", "DeviceBrands": "Device brands", "DeviceBrandReportDocumentation": "This report shows the brands \/ manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.", "DeviceDetection": "Device detection", "DeviceModel": "Device model", "DeviceModels": "Device models", "DeviceModelReportDocumentation": "This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.", "DevicesDetection": "Visitor Devices", "DeviceType": "Device type", "DeviceTypes": "Device types", "DeviceTypeReportDocumentation": "This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.", "FeaturePhone": "Feature phone", "OperatingSystemFamilies": "Operating System families", "OperatingSystemFamily": "Operating system family", "OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation": "This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.", "OperatingSystemCode": "Operating system code", "OperatingSystems": "Operating systems", "OperatingSystemVersions": "Operating System versions", "OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation": "This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.", "PluginDescription": "Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.", "SmartDisplay": "Smart display", "Smartphone": "Smartphone", "SmartSpeaker": "Smart speaker", "PortableMediaPlayer": "Portable media player", "Devices": "Devices", "GenericDevice": "Generic %s", "MobileDevice": "Mobile device", "Tablet": "Tablet", "Peripheral": "Peripheral", "Phablet": "Phablet", "TV": "Tv", "UserAgent": "User-Agent", "Library": "Library", "FeedReader": "Feed Reader", "MobileApp": "Mobile App", "Pim": "PIM", "MediaPlayer": "Media Player", "XVisitsFromDevices": "%1$s visits from %2$s devices", "Wearable": "Wearable", "WidgetBrowsers": "Visitor Browser", "WidgetBrowsersDocumentation": "This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.", "WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation": "This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately." } }