{ "Events": { "PluginDescription": "Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.", "AvgEventValue": "Average Event value is: %s", "AvgValue": "Average value", "AvgValueDocumentation": "The average of all values for this event", "Category": "Category", "Event": "Event", "EventAction": "Event Action", "EventActions": "Event Actions", "EventActionsReportDocumentation": "This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row's subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.", "EventCategories": "Event Categories", "EventCategoriesReportDocumentation": "This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row's subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.", "EventCategory": "Event Category", "EventName": "Event Name", "EventNames": "Event Names", "EventNamesReportDocumentation": "This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row's subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.", "EventUrl": "Event URL", "EventUrls": "Event URLs", "Events": "Events", "EventsWithValue": "Events with a value", "EventsWithValueDocumentation": "Number of events where an Event value was set", "EventValue": "Event value", "EventValueTooltip": "Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.", "MaxValue": "Maximum Event value", "MaxValueDocumentation": "The maximum value for this event", "MinValue": "Minimum Event value", "MinValueDocumentation": "The minimum value for this event", "SecondaryDimension": "Secondary dimension is %s.", "SwitchToSecondaryDimension": "Switch to %s", "TopEvents": "Top Events", "TotalEvents": "Total events", "TotalEventsDocumentation": "Total number of events", "TotalValue": "Event value", "TotalValueDocumentation": "The sum of event values", "ViewEvents": "View Events", "EventsSubcategoryHelp1": "The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.", "EventsSubcategoryHelp2": "Learn more about event tracking here." } }