{ "Feedback": { "DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest": "Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?", "HowToCreateTicket": "Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.", "IWantTo": "I want to:", "LearnWaysToParticipate": "Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s", "ManuallySendEmailTo": "Please manually send your message to", "PluginDescription": "Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!", "PrivacyClaim": "Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.", "RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike": "We are sorry to hear you don't like it! Please let us know how we can improve.", "RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike": "We are glad you like it! Please let us know what you like the most or if you have a feature request.", "RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation": "Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.", "RateFeatureThankYouTitle": "Thank you for rating '%s'!", "RateFeatureTitle": "Do you like the '%s' feature? Please rate and leave a comment", "SendFeedback": "Send Feedback", "ThankYou": "Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!", "ThankYouForSpreading": "Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web", "TopLinkTooltip": "Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.", "ViewAnswersToFAQ": "View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s", "FAQs": "FAQs", "ViewUserGuides": "Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s", "UserGuides": "User guides", "CommunityHelp": "Community Help", "ProfessionalHelp": "Professional Help", "ProfessionalServicesIntro": "With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.", "ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro": "What services can you benefit from?", "ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport": "Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way", "ProfessionalServicesOnboarding": "Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member", "ProfessionalServicesSupport": "24/7 online request service", "ProfessionalServicesTraining": "Exclusive access to Matomo training videos", "ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts": "Email alerts for security releases for Matomo", "ContactUs": "Contact us", "VisitTheForums": "Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users", "Forums": "Forums", "ReviewMatomoTitle": "Like Matomo?", "PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo": "Share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.", "RemindMeLater": "Remind me later", "NeverAskMeAgain": "Never ask me again", "HowCanWeHelp": "How can we help?", "NotTrackingVisits": "Matomo isn't tracking any visits", "TrackMultipleSites": "I need to track multiple sites or subdomains", "RemoveOtherLabel": "I want to see my 'Others' data", "PurgeOldData": "I want to remove some old data", "SearchHelpResources": "Search matomo.org help resources", "PopularHelpTopics": "Popular help topics", "ReferMatomo": "Refer Matomo", "ReferBannerTitle": "Believe in Matomo?", "ReferBannerLonger": "Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.", "ReferBannerEmailShareSubject": "Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!", "ReferBannerEmailShareBody": "I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors.\r\nI’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data.\r\n\r\nCheck out Matomo at https://matomo.org", "ReferBannerSocialShareText": "If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!", "WontShowAgain": "We won't show this message again." } }