{ "Feedback": { "DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest": "Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?", "HowToCreateTicket": "Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.", "IWantTo": "I want to:", "LearnWaysToParticipate": "Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s", "ManuallySendEmailTo": "Please manually send your message to", "PluginDescription": "Send your Feedback to the Piwik Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Piwik the best analytics platform in the world!", "PrivacyClaim": "Piwik respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.", "RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike": "We are sorry to hear you don't like it! Please let us know how we can improve.", "RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike": "We are glad you like it! Please let us know what you like the most or if you have a feature request.", "RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation": "Your Piwik platform will send us (the Piwik team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.", "RateFeatureThankYouTitle": "Thank you for rating '%s'!", "RateFeatureTitle": "Do you like the '%s' feature? Please rate and leave a comment", "SendFeedback": "Send Feedback", "ThankYou": "Thank you for helping us to make Piwik better!", "TopLinkTooltip": "Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.", "ViewAnswersToFAQ": "View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s", "ViewUserGuides": "Learn how to configure Piwik and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s", "CommunityHelp": "Community Help", "ProfessionalHelp": "Professional Help", "ProfessionalServicesIntro": "Our worldwide network of professional consultants for Piwik support clients who host Piwik on their own infrastructure.", "ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro": "What services can you benefit from?", "ProfessionalServicesReviewPiwikSetup": "A review of your Piwik setup", "ProfessionalServicesOptimizationMaintenance": "Piwik optimization & maintenance services", "ProfessionalServicesPhoneEmailSupport": "Phone and Email support", "ProfessionalServicesTraining": "User, Technical and Developer training", "ProfessionalServicesPremiumFeatures": "Premium features", "ProfessionalServicesCustomDevelopment": "Custom Development services", "ProfessionalServicesAnalystConsulting": "Analyst consulting services", "ContactUs": "Contact us", "VisitTheForums": "Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Piwik users" } }