{% extends 'dashboard.twig' %} {% set test_piwikUrl='http://demo.piwik.org/' %} {% set isPiwikDemo %}{{ piwikUrl == 'http://demo.piwik.org/' or piwikUrl == 'https://demo.piwik.org/'}}{% endset %} {% set headline %}{{ 'General_AboutPiwikX'|translate(piwikVersion) }}{% endset %} {% block content %}

{{ 'General_PiwikIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease'|translate( "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" )|raw }}

• {{ 'Feedback_ViewUserGuides'|translate("","")|raw }}.

• {{ 'Feedback_ViewAnswersToFAQ'|translate("","")|raw }}.

• {{ 'Feedback_VisitTheForums'|translate("","")|raw }}.

• {{ 'API_LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms'|translate( '' ~ 'General_Metrics'|translate ~ '', '' ~ 'General_Reports'|translate ~ '')|raw }} ({{ 'API_Glossary'|translate }})

{{ 'Feedback_ProfessionalServicesIntro'|translate }}

{{ 'Feedback_ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro'|translate }}

• {{ 'Feedback_ProfessionalServicesReviewPiwikSetup'|translate }}

• {{ 'Feedback_ProfessionalServicesOptimizationMaintenance'|translate }}

• {{ 'Feedback_ProfessionalServicesPhoneEmailSupport'|translate }}

• {{ 'Feedback_ProfessionalServicesTraining'|translate }}

{{ 'Feedback_ProfessionalServicesPremiumFeatures'|translate }}

• {{ 'Feedback_ProfessionalServicesCustomDevelopment'|translate }}

• {{ 'Feedback_ProfessionalServicesAnalystConsulting'|translate }}

Grow your business, understand your audience better and increase your sales and conversions with a premium plugin:

Users Flow: a visual representation of the most popular paths your users take through your website or app.

A/B Testing: compare different versions of your websites or apps and detect the winning variation.

Funnels: identify and understand where your visitors drop off in your conversion funnels.

Form Analytics: increase conversions and get better leads from your website forms.

Video and Audio Analytics: powerful insights into how your audience watches your videos and listens to your audio.

Roll-Up Reporting: aggregate data from multiple websites, apps and shops into a Roll-Up site to gain new insights.

Audit log: better security and problem diagnostic with a detailed audit log of Piwik user activities.

White Label: give your clients access to their analytics reports where all Piwik-branded widgets are removed.

All premium plugins.

{{ 'Feedback_HowToCreateTicket'|translate( "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" )|raw }}

{% endblock %}