{ "Goals": { "AbandonedCart": "Abandoned Cart", "AddGoal": "Add Goal", "AddNewGoal": "Add a new Goal", "AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal": "%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals", "AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit": "Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit", "AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit": "Allow multiple conversions per visit", "BestCountries": "Your best converting countries are:", "BestKeywords": "Your top converting keywords are:", "BestReferrers": "Your best converting websites referrers are:", "CaseSensitive": "Case sensitive match", "CancelAndReturnToGoals": "Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s", "CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors": "User location", "CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers": "Referrers", "CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary": "User attribute", "CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection": "Devices", "CategoryTextGeneral_Visit": "engagement", "ClickOutlink": "Click on a Link to an external website", "SendEvent": "Send an event", "ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation": "Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.", "ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation": "The average revenue for this %s.", "ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation": "The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.", "ColumnConversionRateDocumentation": "The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.", "ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation": "The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.", "ColumnConversions": "Conversions", "Conversion": "Conversion", "ColumnConversionsDocumentation": "The number of conversions for %s.", "ColumnOrdersDocumentation": "The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.", "ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation": "The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.", "ColumnQuantityDocumentation": "Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.", "ColumnRevenueDocumentation": "The total revenue generated by %s.", "ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation": "The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.", "ColumnVisits": "The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.", "ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation": "The number of visits on the Product\/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product\/Category pages.", "Contains": "contains %s", "ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation": "This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s", "ConversionRate": "%s conversion rate", "Conversions": "%s conversions", "ConversionsDescription": "conversions", "ConversionsOverview": "Conversions Overview", "ConversionsOverviewBy": "Conversions overview by type of visit", "DaysToConv": "Days to Conversion", "DaysToConvReportDocumentation": "This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.", "Details": "Goal details", "DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit": "(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit", "DefaultRevenueLabel": "Goal default revenue", "DefaultRevenueHelp": "For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.", "DeleteGoalConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?", "DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales": "Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount", "Download": "Download a file", "Ecommerce": "Ecommerce", "EcommerceAndGoalsMenu": "Ecommerce & Goals", "EcommerceLog": "Ecommerce Log", "EcommerceOrder": "Ecommerce order", "EcommerceOverview": "Ecommerce Overview", "EcommerceReports": "Ecommerce Reports", "ExceptionInvalidMatchingString": "If you choose 'exact match', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, '%2$s'.", "ExternalWebsiteUrl": "external website URL", "Filename": "filename", "GoalConversion": "Goal conversion", "GoalConversions": "Goal conversions", "GoalConversionsBy": "Goal %s conversions by type of visit", "GoalIsTriggered": "Goal is triggered", "GoalIsTriggeredWhen": "Goal is triggered when", "GoalName": "Goal Name", "Goals": "Goals", "NGoals": "%s goals", "NRevenue": "%s revenue", "NItems": "%s items", "ManageGoals": "Manage Goals", "GoalsOverview": "Goals Overview", "GoalsOverviewDocumentation": "This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.", "GoalX": "Goal %s", "HelpOneConversionPerVisit": "If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.", "IsExactly": "is exactly %s", "LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation": "Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.", "LeftInCart": "%s left in cart", "Manually": "manually", "ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction": "Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()", "MatchesExpression": "matches the expression %s", "NewGoalIntro": "Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.", "NewVisitorsConversionRateIs": "New visitors conversion rate is %s", "NoGoalsNeedAccess2": "Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website.
Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!", "NoConversionsNoReportsMessage": "Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.", "NeedAccess": "Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.", "Optional": "(optional)", "OverallConversionRate": "overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)", "ColumnOverallRevenue": "Overall revenue", "OverallRevenue": "overall revenue", "PageTitle": "Page Title", "Pattern": "Pattern", "PluginDescription": "Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.", "ProductCategory": "Product Category", "ProductName": "Product Name", "ProductNames": "Product Names", "ProductPrice": "Product Price", "ProductQuantity": "Product Quantity", "Products": "Products", "ProductSKU": "Product SKU", "ProductSKUs": "Product SKUs", "ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs": "Returning visitors conversion rate is %s", "SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation": "This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.", "ThereIsNoGoalToManage": "There is no goal to manage for website %s", "UpdateGoal": "Update Goal", "URL": "URL", "ViewAndEditGoals": "View and Edit Goals", "GoalsBy": "Goals by %s", "GoalsAdjective": "Goals %s", "VisitPageTitle": "Visit a given Page Title", "VisitsUntilConv": "Visits to Conversion", "VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation": "This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.", "VisitUrl": "Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)", "VisitDurationMatchAttr": "Stay for a certain amount of time", "VisitDuration": "visit duration is", "WhenVisitors": "when visitors", "WhereThe": "where the", "WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore": "The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript 'trackGoal' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)", "YouCanEnableEcommerceReports": "You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.", "UseEventValueAsRevenue": "Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.", "GoalRevenue": "Goal Revenue", "EventValueAsRevenueHelp": "If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion's revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.", "EventValueAsRevenueHelp2": "Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).", "AtLeastMinutes": "at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.", "TimeInMinutes": "Time in Minutes", "ClickToViewThisGoal": "Click to view this goal.", "OverviewReportDocumentation": "This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.", "GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1": "The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.", "GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2": "Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.", "ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1": "This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.", "ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2": "Learn more in our Goals guide here." } }