{ "Goals": { "AbandonedCart": "Abandoned Cart", "AddGoal": "Add Goal", "AddNewGoal": "Add a new Goal", "AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal": "%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals", "AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit": "Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit", "AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit": "Allow multiple conversions per visit", "BestCountries": "Your best converting countries are:", "BestKeywords": "Your top converting keywords are:", "BestReferrers": "Your best converting websites referrers are:", "CaseSensitive": "Case sensitive match", "CancelAndReturnToGoals": "Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s", "CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors": "User location", "CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers": "Referrers", "CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary": "User attribute", "CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection": "Devices", "CategoryTextGeneral_Visit": "engagement", "ClickOutlink": "Click on a Link to an external website", "SendEvent": "Send an event", "ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation": "Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.", "ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation": "The average revenue for this %s.", "ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation": "The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.", "ColumnConversionRateDocumentation": "The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.", "ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation": "The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.", "ColumnConversions": "Conversions", "Conversion": "Conversion", "ColumnConversionsDocumentation": "The number of conversions for %s.", "ColumnOrdersDocumentation": "The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.", "ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation": "The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.", "ColumnQuantityDocumentation": "Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.", "ColumnRevenueDocumentation": "The total revenue generated by %s.", "ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation": "The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.", "ColumnVisits": "The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.", "ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation": "The number of visits on the Product\/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product\/Category pages.", "Contains": "contains %s", "ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation": "This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s", "ConversionRate": "%s conversion rate", "Conversions": "%s conversions", "ConversionsDescription": "conversions", "ConversionsOverview": "Conversions Overview", "ConversionsOverviewBy": "Conversions overview by type of visit", "DaysToConv": "Days to Conversion", "Details": "Goal details", "DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit": "(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit", "DefaultRevenue": "Goal default revenue is", "DefaultRevenueHelp": "For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.", "DeleteGoalConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?", "DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales": "Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount", "Download": "Download a file", "Ecommerce": "Ecommerce", "EcommerceAndGoalsMenu": "Ecommerce & Goals", "EcommerceLog": "Ecommerce Log", "EcommerceOrder": "Ecommerce order", "EcommerceOverview": "Ecommerce Overview", "EcommerceReports": "Ecommerce Reports", "ExceptionInvalidMatchingString": "If you choose 'exact match', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, '%2$s'.", "ExternalWebsiteUrl": "external website URL", "Filename": "filename", "GoalConversion": "Goal conversion", "GoalConversions": "Goal conversions", "GoalConversionsBy": "Goal %s conversions by type of visit", "GoalIsTriggered": "Goal is triggered", "GoalIsTriggeredWhen": "Goal is triggered when", "GoalName": "Goal Name", "Goals": "Goals", "ManageGoals": "Manage Goals", "GoalsOverview": "Goals Overview", "GoalsOverviewDocumentation": "This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.", "GoalX": "Goal %s", "HelpOneConversionPerVisit": "If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.", "IsExactly": "is exactly %s", "LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation": "Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.", "LeftInCart": "%s left in cart", "Manually": "manually", "ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction": "Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()", "MatchesExpression": "matches the expression %s", "NewGoalIntro": "Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.", "NewVisitorsConversionRateIs": "New visitors conversion rate is %s", "NoGoalsNeedAccess": "Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website.
Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!", "NoConversionsNoReportsMessage": "Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.", "NeedAccess": "Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.", "Optional": "(optional)", "OverallConversionRate": "overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)", "ColumnOverallRevenue": "Overall revenue", "OverallRevenue": "overall revenue", "PageTitle": "Page Title", "Pattern": "Pattern", "PluginDescription": "Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.", "ProductCategory": "Product Category", "ProductName": "Product Name", "ProductNames": "Product Names", "ProductPrice": "Product Price", "ProductQuantity": "Product Quantity", "Products": "Products", "ProductSKU": "Product SKU", "ProductSKUs": "Product SKUs", "ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs": "Returning visitors conversion rate is %s", "SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation": "This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.", "ThereIsNoGoalToManage": "There is no goal to manage for website %s", "UpdateGoal": "Update Goal", "URL": "URL", "ViewAndEditGoals": "View and Edit Goals", "GoalsBy": "Goals by %s", "GoalsAdjective": "Goals %s", "VisitPageTitle": "Visit a given Page Title", "VisitsUntilConv": "Visits to Conversion", "VisitUrl": "Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)", "WhenVisitors": "when visitors", "WhereThe": "where the", "WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore": "The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript 'trackGoal' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)", "YouCanEnableEcommerceReports": "You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page." } }