'ImageGraph', 'action' => 'index')) . '">All images'; $info = parent::getInformation(); $info['description'] .= ' ' . $suffix; return $info; } static private $CONSTANT_ROW_COUNT_REPORT_EXCEPTIONS = array( 'Referrers_getReferrerType', ); // row evolution support not yet implemented for these APIs static private $REPORTS_DISABLED_EVOLUTION_GRAPH = array( 'Referrers_getAll', ); /** * @see Piwik\Plugin::getListHooksRegistered */ public function getListHooksRegistered() { $hooks = array( 'API.getReportMetadata.end' => array('function' => 'getReportMetadata', 'after' => true), ); return $hooks; } // Number of periods to plot on an evolution graph const GRAPH_EVOLUTION_LAST_PERIODS = 30; /** * @param array $reports * @param array $info * @return mixed */ public function getReportMetadata(&$reports, $info) { $idSites = $info['idSites']; // If only one website is selected, we add the Graph URL if (count($idSites) != 1) { return; } $idSite = reset($idSites); // in case API.getReportMetadata was not called with date/period we use sane defaults if (empty($info['period'])) { $info['period'] = 'day'; } if (empty($info['date'])) { $info['date'] = 'today'; } // need two sets of period & date, one for single period graphs, one for multiple periods graphs if (Period::isMultiplePeriod($info['date'], $info['period'])) { $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph = $info['period']; $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph = $info['date']; $periodForSinglePeriodGraph = 'range'; $dateForSinglePeriodGraph = $info['date']; } else { $periodForSinglePeriodGraph = $info['period']; $dateForSinglePeriodGraph = $info['date']; $piwikSite = new Site($idSite); if ($periodForSinglePeriodGraph == 'range') { $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph = Config::getInstance()->General['graphs_default_period_to_plot_when_period_range']; $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph = $dateForSinglePeriodGraph; } else { $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph = $periodForSinglePeriodGraph; $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph = Range::getRelativeToEndDate( $periodForSinglePeriodGraph, 'last' . self::GRAPH_EVOLUTION_LAST_PERIODS, $dateForSinglePeriodGraph, $piwikSite ); } } $token_auth = Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', false); $urlPrefix = "index.php?"; foreach ($reports as &$report) { $reportModule = $report['module']; $reportAction = $report['action']; $reportUniqueId = $reportModule . '_' . $reportAction; $parameters = array(); $parameters['module'] = 'API'; $parameters['method'] = 'ImageGraph.get'; $parameters['idSite'] = $idSite; $parameters['apiModule'] = $reportModule; $parameters['apiAction'] = $reportAction; if (!empty($token_auth)) { $parameters['token_auth'] = $token_auth; } // Forward custom Report parameters to the graph URL if (!empty($report['parameters'])) { $parameters = array_merge($parameters, $report['parameters']); } if (empty($report['dimension'])) { $parameters['period'] = $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph; $parameters['date'] = $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph; } else { $parameters['period'] = $periodForSinglePeriodGraph; $parameters['date'] = $dateForSinglePeriodGraph; } // add the idSubtable if it exists $idSubtable = Common::getRequestVar('idSubtable', false); if ($idSubtable !== false) { $parameters['idSubtable'] = $idSubtable; } if (!empty($_GET['_restrictSitesToLogin']) && TaskScheduler::isTaskBeingExecuted()) { $parameters['_restrictSitesToLogin'] = $_GET['_restrictSitesToLogin']; } $report['imageGraphUrl'] = $urlPrefix . Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($parameters); // thanks to API.getRowEvolution, reports with dimensions can now be plotted using an evolution graph // however, most reports with a fixed set of dimension values are excluded // this is done so Piwik Mobile and Scheduled Reports do not display them $reportWithDimensionsSupportsEvolution = empty($report['constantRowsCount']) || in_array($reportUniqueId, self::$CONSTANT_ROW_COUNT_REPORT_EXCEPTIONS); $reportSupportsEvolution = !in_array($reportUniqueId, self::$REPORTS_DISABLED_EVOLUTION_GRAPH); if ($reportSupportsEvolution && $reportWithDimensionsSupportsEvolution ) { $parameters['period'] = $periodForMultiplePeriodGraph; $parameters['date'] = $dateForMultiplePeriodGraph; $report['imageGraphEvolutionUrl'] = $urlPrefix . Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($parameters); } } } }