General['minimum_memory_limit']; $infos = array(); $directoriesToCheck = array( '/tmp/', '/tmp/assets/', '/tmp/cache/', '/tmp/climulti/', '/tmp/latest/', '/tmp/logs/', '/tmp/sessions/', '/tmp/tcpdf/', '/tmp/templates_c/', ); if (!DbHelper::isInstalled()) { // at install, need /config to be writable (so we can create config.ini.php) $directoriesToCheck[] = '/config/'; } $infos['directories'] = Filechecks::checkDirectoriesWritable($directoriesToCheck); $infos['can_auto_update'] = Filechecks::canAutoUpdate(); self::initServerFilesForSecurity(); $infos['phpVersion_minimum'] = $piwik_minimumPHPVersion; $infos['phpVersion'] = PHP_VERSION; $infos['phpVersion_ok'] = version_compare($piwik_minimumPHPVersion, $infos['phpVersion']) === -1; // critical errors $extensions = @get_loaded_extensions(); $needed_extensions = array( 'zlib', 'SPL', 'iconv', 'json', 'mbstring', ); // HHVM provides the required subset of Reflection but lists Reflections as missing if (!defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { $needed_extensions[] = 'Reflection'; } $infos['needed_extensions'] = $needed_extensions; $infos['missing_extensions'] = array(); foreach ($needed_extensions as $needed_extension) { if (!in_array($needed_extension, $extensions)) { $infos['missing_extensions'][] = $needed_extension; } } // Special case for mbstring if (!function_exists('mb_get_info') || ((int)ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')) != 0) { $infos['missing_extensions'][] = 'mbstring'; } $infos['pdo_ok'] = false; if (in_array('PDO', $extensions)) { $infos['pdo_ok'] = true; } $infos['adapters'] = Adapter::getAdapters(); $needed_functions = array( 'debug_backtrace', 'create_function', 'eval', 'gzcompress', 'gzuncompress', 'pack', ); $infos['needed_functions'] = $needed_functions; $infos['missing_functions'] = array(); foreach ($needed_functions as $needed_function) { if (!self::functionExists($needed_function)) { $infos['missing_functions'][] = $needed_function; } } // warnings $desired_extensions = array( 'json', 'libxml', 'dom', 'SimpleXML', ); $infos['desired_extensions'] = $desired_extensions; $infos['missing_desired_extensions'] = array(); foreach ($desired_extensions as $desired_extension) { if (!in_array($desired_extension, $extensions)) { $infos['missing_desired_extensions'][] = $desired_extension; } } $desired_functions = array( 'set_time_limit', 'mail', 'parse_ini_file', 'glob', ); $infos['desired_functions'] = $desired_functions; $infos['missing_desired_functions'] = array(); foreach ($desired_functions as $desired_function) { if (!self::functionExists($desired_function)) { $infos['missing_desired_functions'][] = $desired_function; } } $infos['openurl'] = Http::getTransportMethod(); $infos['gd_ok'] = SettingsServer::isGdExtensionEnabled(); $serverSoftware = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] : ''; $infos['serverVersion'] = addslashes($serverSoftware); $infos['serverOs'] = @php_uname(); $infos['serverTime'] = date('H:i:s'); $infos['memoryMinimum'] = $minimumMemoryLimit; $infos['memory_ok'] = true; $infos['memoryCurrent'] = ''; $raised = SettingsServer::raiseMemoryLimitIfNecessary(); if (($memoryValue = SettingsServer::getMemoryLimitValue()) > 0) { $infos['memoryCurrent'] = $memoryValue . 'M'; $infos['memory_ok'] = $memoryValue >= $minimumMemoryLimit; } $infos['isWindows'] = SettingsServer::isWindows(); $integrityInfo = Filechecks::getFileIntegrityInformation(); $infos['integrity'] = $integrityInfo[0]; $infos['integrityErrorMessages'] = array(); if (isset($integrityInfo[1])) { if ($infos['integrity'] == false) { $infos['integrityErrorMessages'][] = Piwik::translate('General_FileIntegrityWarningExplanation'); } $infos['integrityErrorMessages'] = array_merge($infos['integrityErrorMessages'], array_slice($integrityInfo, 1)); } $infos['timezone'] = SettingsServer::isTimezoneSupportEnabled(); $infos['tracker_status'] = Common::getRequestVar('trackerStatus', 0, 'int'); // check if filesystem is NFS, if it is file based sessions won't work properly $infos['is_nfs'] = Filesystem::checkIfFileSystemIsNFS(); $infos = self::enrichSystemChecks($infos); return $infos; } /** * @param $infos * @return mixed */ public static function enrichSystemChecks($infos) { // determine whether there are any errors/warnings from the checks done above $infos['has_errors'] = false; $infos['has_warnings'] = false; if (in_array(0, $infos['directories']) // if a directory is not writable || !$infos['phpVersion_ok'] || !empty($infos['missing_extensions']) || empty($infos['adapters']) || !empty($infos['missing_functions']) ) { $infos['has_errors'] = true; } if ( !empty($infos['missing_desired_extensions']) || !$infos['gd_ok'] || !$infos['memory_ok'] || !empty($infos['integrityErrorMessages']) || !$infos['timezone'] // if timezone support isn't available || $infos['tracker_status'] != 0 || $infos['is_nfs'] ) { $infos['has_warnings'] = true; } return $infos; } /** * Test if function exists. Also handles case where function is disabled via Suhosin. * * @param string $functionName Function name * @return bool True if function exists (not disabled); False otherwise. */ public static function functionExists($functionName) { // eval() is a language construct if ($functionName == 'eval') { // does not check suhosin.executor.eval.whitelist (or blacklist) if (extension_loaded('suhosin')) { return @ini_get("suhosin.executor.disable_eval") != "1"; } return true; } $exists = function_exists($functionName); if (extension_loaded('suhosin')) { $blacklist = @ini_get("suhosin.executor.func.blacklist"); if (!empty($blacklist)) { $blacklistFunctions = array_map('strtolower', array_map('trim', explode(',', $blacklist))); return $exists && !in_array($functionName, $blacklistFunctions); } } return $exists; } /** * Performs extra system checks for the 'System Check' admin page. These * checks are not performed during Installation. * * The following checks are performed: * - Check for whether LOAD DATA INFILE can be used. The result of the check * is stored in $result['load_data_infile_available']. The error message is * stored in $result['load_data_infile_error']. * * - Check whether geo location is setup correctly * * @return array */ public static function performAdminPageOnlySystemCheck() { $result = array(); self::checkLoadDataInfile($result); self::checkGeolocation($result); return $result; } private static function checkGeolocation(&$result) { $currentProviderId = LocationProvider::getCurrentProviderId(); $allProviders = LocationProvider::getAllProviderInfo(); $isRecommendedProvider = in_array($currentProviderId, array( LocationProvider\GeoIp\Php::ID, $currentProviderId == LocationProvider\GeoIp\Pecl::ID)); $isProviderInstalled = ($allProviders[$currentProviderId]['status'] == LocationProvider::INSTALLED); $result['geolocation_using_non_recommended'] = $result['geolocation_ok'] = false; if ($isRecommendedProvider && $isProviderInstalled) { $result['geolocation_ok'] = true; } elseif ($isProviderInstalled) { $result['geolocation_using_non_recommended'] = true; } } private static function checkLoadDataInfile(&$result) { // check if LOAD DATA INFILE works $optionTable = Common::prefixTable('option'); $testOptionNames = array('test_system_check1', 'test_system_check2'); $result['load_data_infile_available'] = false; try { $result['load_data_infile_available'] = \Piwik\Db\BatchInsert::tableInsertBatch( $optionTable, array('option_name', 'option_value'), array( array($testOptionNames[0], '1'), array($testOptionNames[1], '2'), ), $throwException = true ); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $result['load_data_infile_error'] = str_replace("\n", "
", $ex->getMessage()); } // delete the temporary rows that were created Db::exec("DELETE FROM `$optionTable` WHERE option_name IN ('" . implode("','", $testOptionNames) . "')"); } protected static function initServerFilesForSecurity() { if (SettingsServer::isIIS()) { ServerFilesGenerator::createWebConfigFiles(); } else { ServerFilesGenerator::createHtAccessFiles(); } ServerFilesGenerator::createWebRootFiles(); } }