{ "Installation": { "CollaborativeProject": "Matomo is a collaborative project, built with love by people from all over the world.", "ConfigurationHelp": "Your Matomo configuration file appears to be misconfigured. You can either remove config\/config.ini.php and resume installation, or correct the database connection settings.", "ConfirmDeleteExistingTables": "Are you sure you want to delete the tables: %s from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!", "Congratulations": "Congratulations", "CongratulationsHelp": "

Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.<\/p>

Make sure your JavaScript code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors!<\/p>", "DatabaseAbilities": "Database abilities", "DatabaseCreation": "Database creation", "DatabaseErrorConnect": "Error while trying to connect to the database server", "DatabaseServerVersion": "Database server version", "DatabaseSetup": "Database Setup", "DatabaseSetupAdapter": "Adapter", "DatabaseSetupDatabaseName": "Database Name", "DatabaseSetupLogin": "Login", "DatabaseSetupServer": "Database Server", "DatabaseSetupTablePrefix": "Table Prefix", "Email": "Email", "Extension": "extension", "Filesystem": "Filesystem", "GetInvolved": "If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.", "GoBackAndDefinePrefix": "Go back and define a Prefix for the Matomo Tables", "HappyAnalysing": "Happy analysing!", "Installation": "Installation", "InformationalResults": "Informational results", "CopyBelowInfoForSupport": "Copy or download the below info in case our support team asks you for this information.", "CopySystemCheck": "Copy system check", "DownloadSystemCheck": "Download system check", "InstallationStatus": "Installation status", "InsufficientPrivilegesHelp": "You can add these privileges by using a tool such as phpMyAdmin or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don't know how to do these things, please ask your sysadmin to grant these privileges for you.", "InsufficientPrivilegesMain": "Either the Database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified User has insufficient privileges. Database user must have the following privileges: %s", "InvalidStateError": "Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.", "JsTagArchivingHelp1": "For medium and high traffic websites there are certain optimizations that should be made to help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).", "JSTracking_EndNote": "Note: After the installation process, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.", "JSTracking_Intro": "To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.", "LargePiwikInstances": "Help for users with high traffic websites", "Legend": "Legend", "LoadDataInfileRecommended": "If your Matomo server tracks high traffic websites (eg. > 100,000 pages per month), we recommend trying to fix this problem.", "LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp": "Using %1$s will greatly speed Matomo's archiving process up. To make it available to Matomo, try updating your PHP & MySQL software and make sure your database user has the %2$s privilege.", "NfsFilesystemWarning": "Your server is using an NFS filesystem.", "NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin": "This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file based sessions.", "NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall": "Using file based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.", "NoConfigFileFound": "The Matomo configuration file couldn't be found and you are trying to access a Matomo page.", "YouMayInstallPiwikNow": "You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s", "IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept": "If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your DB, don't worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data!", "Optional": "Optional", "Password": "Password", "PasswordDoNotMatch": "password do not match", "PasswordRepeat": "Password (repeat)", "PercentDone": "%s %% Done", "ProfessionalServicesAdTitle": "Advanced Analytics & Services", "ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText": "Our network of experts can help your organization unlock the full power of Matomo analytics. ", "ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow": "Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.", "PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors": "Please fix the following errors", "DefaultSettings": "Default Matomo settings", "DefaultSettingsHelp": "Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.", "Requirements": "Matomo Requirements", "RestartWebServer": "After making this change, restart your web server.", "ReusingTables": "Reusing the Tables", "PiwikOrgNewsletter": "email me with major Matomo community updates", "ProfessionalServicesNewsletter": "send me information on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo", "SeeBelowForMoreInfo": "See below for more information.", "SetupWebsite": "Setup a Website", "SetupWebsiteError": "There was an error when adding the website", "SetupWebSiteName": "Website name", "SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess": "Website %s created successfully!", "SetupWebSiteURL": "Website URL", "SiteSetup": "Please setup the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:", "SiteSetupFootnote": "Note: once the Matomo Install is finished, you will be able to add more Websites to track!", "SuperUser": "Super User", "SuperUserLogin": "Super user login", "SuperUserSetupError": "There was an error when adding the Super User", "SuperUserSetupSuccess": "Super User created successfully!", "SystemCheck": "System Check", "SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp": "Note: Matomo's One Click update requires write-permissions to the Matomo folder and its contents.", "SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions": "MySQL extensions", "SystemCheckDatabaseHelp": "Matomo requires either the mysqli extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.", "SystemCheckDatabaseSSL": "Database SSL Connection", "SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher": "SSL cipher being used", "SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled": "SSL support in your database server is disabled", "SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo": "Database server is not compiled with SSL support", "SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking": "%s is set to '1' but SSL connection is not working", "SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn": "Your database supports SSL connections but SSL connection is not used. Check your database SSL settings in your Matomo config file", "SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp": "View::factory won't be able to create views for the calling module.", "SystemCheckError": "An error occured - must be fixed before you proceed", "SystemCheckEvalHelp": "Required by HTML QuickForm and Smarty templating system.", "SystemCheckExtensions": "Other required extensions", "SystemCheckFileIntegrity": "File integrity", "SystemCheckFunctions": "Required functions", "SystemCheckFunctionHelp": "You need to enable this built-in function.", "SystemCheckGDFreeType": "GD > 2.x + Freetype (graphics)", "SystemCheckGDHelp": "The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in Matomo Mobile app and Email reports) will not work.", "SystemCheckGlobHelp": "This built-in function has been disabled on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate this function but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.", "SystemCheckGzcompressHelp": "You need to enable the zlib extension and gzcompress function.", "SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp": "You need to enable the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.", "SystemCheckHashHelp": "You need to configure and rebuild PHP with hash() support enabled by excluding the option --disable-hash.", "SystemCheckIconvHelp": "You need to configure and rebuild PHP with \"iconv\" support enabled, --with-iconv.", "SystemCheckJsonHelp": "The php-json extension is required for Matomo to read and write JSON data.", "SystemCheckMailHelp": "Feedback and Lost Password messages will not be sent without mail().", "SystemCheckMbstring": "mbstring", "SystemCheckMbstringHelp": "The mbstring extension is required to handle multibyte characters in the User interface and API responses. Also, please check that mbstring.func_overload is set to \"0\" in php.ini.", "SystemCheckMemoryLimit": "Memory limit", "SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp": "On a high traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.", "SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings": "There are no errors or warnings", "SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck": "View the full system check report", "SystemCheckOpenURL": "Open URL", "SystemCheckOpenURLHelp": "Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the \"curl\" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.", "SystemCheckOtherExtensions": "Other extensions", "SystemCheckOtherFunctions": "Other functions", "SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled": "PageSpeed disabled", "SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning": "We recommend disabling the PageSpeed Module in your web server %s: PageSpeed was reported to cause several issues with Matomo, such as: broken Pages reports, broken Row Evolution, and other issues which are hard to troubleshoot. Please disable mod_pagespeed on this server.", "SystemCheckPackHelp": "The pack() function is required to track visitors in Matomo.", "SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp": "This built-in function has been disabled on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate this function but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will also be impacted.", "SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp": "On a GNU\/Linux server you can compile php with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s", "SystemCheckPhp": "PHP version", "SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli": "More information on: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.", "SystemCheckSplHelp": "You need to configure and rebuild PHP with the Standard PHP Library (SPL) enabled (by default).", "SystemCheckSettings": "Required PHP configuration (php.ini)", "SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems": "Huzzah! There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.", "SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors": "Uh-oh! Matomo has detected some %1$scritical issues%2$s with your Matomo setup. %3$sThese issues should be fixed immediately.%4$s", "SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings": "There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience some minor problems.", "SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp": "On a high traffic website, executing the archiving process may require more time than currently allowed. If necessary, change the max_execution_time directive in your php.ini file.", "SystemCheckTracker": "Tracker status", "SystemCheckTrackerHelp": "GET request to matomo.php failed. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP Authentication and disable mod_security (you may have to ask your webhost). For more information about the error, check your web server error log file.", "SystemCheckWarnDomHelp": "You should enable the \"dom\" extension (e.g., install the \"php-dom\" and\/or \"php-xml\" package).", "SystemCheckWarning": "Matomo will work normally but some features may be missing", "SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp": "You should enable \"json\" extension (e.g., install the \"php-json\" package) for better performance.", "SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp": "You should enable the \"libxml\" extension (e.g., \"install the php-libxml\" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.", "SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp": "You should enable the \"SimpleXML\" extension (e.g., install the \"php-simplexml\" and\/or \"php-xml\" package).", "SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp": "On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s", "SystemCheckWriteDirs": "Directories with write access", "SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp": "To fix this error on your GNU\/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)", "SystemCheckZlibHelp": "You need to configure and rebuild PHP with \"zlib\" support enabled, --with-zlib.", "SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess": "Setup Cron", "FasterReportLoading": "faster report loading", "SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI": "Managing processes via CLI", "SystemCheckPhpSetting": "To prevent some critical issue, you must set the following in your php.ini file: %s", "SystemCheckUpdateHttps": "Update over HTTPS", "SystemCheckUpdateHttpsNotSupported": "Matomo cannot use HTTPS to update, it will fall back to the insecure HTTP update. Check that CURL or allow_url_fopen is supported and that the openssl PHP extension is installed: https:\/\/matomo.org\/faq\/troubleshooting\/faq_177\/.", "NotSupported": "not supported", "Tables": "Creating the Tables", "TablesCreatedSuccess": "Tables created with success!", "TablesDelete": "Delete the detected tables", "TablesDeletedSuccess": "Existing Matomo tables deleted with success", "TablesFound": "The following tables have been found in the database", "TablesReuse": "Reuse the existing tables", "TablesUpdatedSuccess": "The database was successfully updated from %1$s to %2$s!", "TablesWarningHelp": "Either choose to reuse the existing database tables or select a clean install to erase all existing data in the database.", "TablesWithSameNamesFound": "Some %1$s tables in your database %2$s have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create", "Timezone": "Website time zone", "WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik": "We hope you will enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.", "Welcome": "Welcome!", "WelcomeHelp": "

Matomo is a free\/libre web analytics software that makes it easy to get the information you want from your visitors.<\/p>

This process is split up into %s easy steps and will take around 5 minutes.<\/p>", "WelcomeToCommunity": "Welcome to the Matomo community!", "CannotConnectToDb": "Cannot connect to the database", "CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation": "This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. If the problem persists please contact your Matomo administrator.", "EmailPrivacyNotice": "Your email address will be only used to send you the newsletter. For this we have to share your email with a third party provider. This provider is currently Mad Mimi, but this may change in the future. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your email for any other purpose than sending you the newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time. Please consult our %1$sprivacy policy%2$s for more information.", "PerformanceSettingsDesc1": "One final note regarding performance: your Matomo is setup and ready to track and report on your website's traffic, but if you find Matomo slow, you will want to take the extra step of setting up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s. This will generate your reports in the background periodically, rather than on demand.", "PerformanceSettingsDesc2": "This requires adding a Matomo command to cron which can't be done automatically by the installer, but you can %1$sread our FAQ to learn how you can set it up yourself.%2$s" } }