40+ translations!). * This is mostly useful to developers who integrate Matomo API results in their own application. * * You can also request the default language to load for a user via "getLanguageForUser", * or update it via "setLanguageForUser". * * @method static \Piwik\Plugins\LanguagesManager\API getInstance() */ class API extends \Piwik\Plugin\API { protected $availableLanguageNames = null; protected $languageNames = null; /** * Returns true if specified language is available * * @param string $languageCode * @return bool true if language available; false otherwise */ public function isLanguageAvailable($languageCode) { return $languageCode !== false && Filesystem::isValidFilename($languageCode) && in_array($languageCode, $this->getAvailableLanguages()); } /** * Return array of available languages * * @return array Array of strings, each containing its ISO language code */ public function getAvailableLanguages() { if (!is_null($this->languageNames)) { return $this->languageNames; } $path = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/lang/"; $languagesPath = _glob($path . "*.json"); $pathLength = strlen($path); $languages = array(); if ($languagesPath) { foreach ($languagesPath as $language) { $languages[] = substr($language, $pathLength, -strlen('.json')); } } $this->enableDevelopmentLanguageInDevEnvironment($languages); /** * Hook called after loading available language files. * * Use this hook to customise the list of languagesPath available in Matomo. * * @param array */ Piwik::postEvent('LanguagesManager.getAvailableLanguages', array(&$languages)); $this->languageNames = $languages; return $languages; } /** * Return information on translations (code, language, % translated, etc) * * @param boolean $excludeNonCorePlugins excludes non core plugin from percentage calculation * * @return array Array of arrays */ public function getAvailableLanguagesInfo($excludeNonCorePlugins=true) { $data = file_get_contents(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/lang/en.json'); $englishTranslation = json_decode($data, true); $pluginDirectories = Manager::getPluginsDirectories(); // merge with plugin translations if any $pluginFiles = array(); foreach ($pluginDirectories as $pluginsDir) { $pluginFiles = array_merge($pluginFiles, glob(sprintf('%s*/lang/en.json', $pluginsDir))); } foreach ($pluginFiles as $file) { $fileWithoutPluginDir = str_replace($pluginDirectories, '', $file); preg_match('/([^\/]+)\/lang/i', $fileWithoutPluginDir, $matches); $plugin = $matches[1]; if (!$excludeNonCorePlugins || Manager::getInstance()->isPluginBundledWithCore($plugin)) { $data = file_get_contents($file); $pluginTranslations = json_decode($data, true); $englishTranslation = array_merge_recursive($englishTranslation, $pluginTranslations); } } $filenames = $this->getAvailableLanguages(); $languagesInfo = array(); foreach ($filenames as $filename) { $data = file_get_contents(sprintf('%s/lang/%s.json', PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH, $filename)); $translations = json_decode($data, true); // merge with plugin translations if any $pluginFiles = array(); foreach ($pluginDirectories as $pluginsDir) { $pluginFiles = array_merge($pluginFiles, glob(sprintf('%s*/lang/%s.json', $pluginsDir, $filename))); } foreach ($pluginFiles as $file) { $fileWithoutPluginDir = str_replace($pluginDirectories, '', $file); preg_match('/([^\/]+)\/lang/i', $fileWithoutPluginDir, $matches); $plugin = $matches[1]; if (!$excludeNonCorePlugins || Manager::getInstance()->isPluginBundledWithCore($plugin)) { $data = file_get_contents($file); $pluginTranslations = json_decode($data, true); $translations = array_merge_recursive($translations, $pluginTranslations); } } $intersect = function ($array, $array2) { $res = $array; foreach ($array as $module => $keys) { if (!isset($array2[$module])) { unset($res[$module]); } else { $res[$module] = array_intersect_key($res[$module], array_filter($array2[$module], 'strlen')); } } return $res; }; // Skip languages not having Intl translations if (empty($translations['Intl'])) { continue; } $translationStringsDone = $intersect($englishTranslation, $translations); $percentageComplete = count($translationStringsDone, COUNT_RECURSIVE) / count($englishTranslation, COUNT_RECURSIVE); $percentageComplete = round(100 * $percentageComplete, 0); $languageInfo = array('code' => $filename, 'name' => $translations['Intl']['OriginalLanguageName'], 'english_name' => $translations['Intl']['EnglishLanguageName'], 'translators' => $translations['General']['TranslatorName'], 'percentage_complete' => $percentageComplete . '%', ); $languagesInfo[] = $languageInfo; } return $languagesInfo; } /** * Return array of available languages * * @return array Array of array, each containing its ISO language code and name of the language */ public function getAvailableLanguageNames() { $this->loadAvailableLanguages(); return $this->availableLanguageNames; } /** * Returns translation strings by language * * @param string $languageCode ISO language code * @return array|false Array of arrays, each containing 'label' (translation index) and 'value' (translated string); false if language unavailable */ public function getTranslationsForLanguage($languageCode) { if (!$this->isLanguageAvailable($languageCode)) { return false; } $data = file_get_contents(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/lang/$languageCode.json"); $translations = json_decode($data, true); $languageInfo = array(); foreach ($translations as $module => $keys) { foreach ($keys as $key => $value) { $languageInfo[] = array( 'label' => sprintf("%s_%s", $module, $key), 'value' => $value ); } } foreach (PluginManager::getInstance()->getLoadedPluginsName() as $pluginName) { $translations = $this->getPluginTranslationsForLanguage($pluginName, $languageCode); if (!empty($translations)) { foreach ($translations as $keys) { $languageInfo[] = $keys; } } } return $languageInfo; } /** * Returns translation strings by language for given plugin * * @param string $pluginName name of plugin * @param string $languageCode ISO language code * @return array|false Array of arrays, each containing 'label' (translation index) and 'value' (translated string); false if language unavailable * * @ignore */ public function getPluginTranslationsForLanguage($pluginName, $languageCode) { if (!$this->isLanguageAvailable($languageCode)) { return false; } $languageFile = Manager::getPluginDirectory($pluginName) . "/lang/$languageCode.json"; if (!file_exists($languageFile)) { return false; } $data = file_get_contents($languageFile); $translations = json_decode($data, true); $languageInfo = array(); foreach ($translations as $module => $keys) { foreach ($keys as $key => $value) { $languageInfo[] = array( 'label' => sprintf("%s_%s", $module, $key), 'value' => $value ); } } return $languageInfo; } /** * Returns the language for the user * * @param string $login * @return string */ public function getLanguageForUser($login) { if ($login == 'anonymous') { return false; } Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser($login); $lang = $this->getModel()->getLanguageForUser($login); return $lang; } private function getModel() { return new Model(); } /** * Sets the language for the user * * @param string $login * @param string $languageCode * @return bool */ public function setLanguageForUser($login, $languageCode) { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser($login); Piwik::checkUserIsNotAnonymous(); if (!$this->isLanguageAvailable($languageCode)) { return false; } $this->getModel()->setLanguageForUser($login, $languageCode); return true; } /** * Returns whether the user uses 12 hour clock * * @param string $login * @return string */ public function uses12HourClockForUser($login) { if ($login == 'anonymous') { return false; } Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser($login); $lang = $this->getModel()->uses12HourClock($login); return $lang; } /** * Returns whether the user uses 12 hour clock * * @param string $login * @param bool $use12HourClock * @return string */ public function set12HourClockForUser($login, $use12HourClock) { if ($login == 'anonymous') { return false; } Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser($login); $lang = $this->getModel()->set12HourClock($login, $use12HourClock); return $lang; } private function loadAvailableLanguages() { if (!is_null($this->availableLanguageNames)) { return; } $cacheId = 'availableLanguages'; $cache = PiwikCache::getEagerCache(); if ($cache->contains($cacheId)) { $languagesInfo = $cache->fetch($cacheId); } else { $languages = $this->getAvailableLanguages(); $languagesInfo = array(); foreach ($languages as $languageCode) { $data = @file_get_contents(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/plugins/Intl/lang/$languageCode.json"); // Skip languages not having Intl translations if (empty($data)) { continue; } $translations = json_decode($data, true); $languagesInfo[] = array( 'code' => $languageCode, 'name' => $translations['Intl']['OriginalLanguageName'], 'english_name' => $translations['Intl']['EnglishLanguageName'] ); } $cache->save($cacheId, $languagesInfo); } $this->availableLanguageNames = $languagesInfo; } private function enableDevelopmentLanguageInDevEnvironment(&$languages) { if (!Development::isEnabled()) { $key = array_search(DevelopmentLoader::LANGUAGE_ID, $languages); if ($key) { unset($languages[$key]); } } } }