/** * Piwik - free/libre analytics platform * * Visitor profile popup control. * * @link http://piwik.org * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later */ (function ($, require) { var piwik = require('piwik'), exports = require('piwik/UI'), UIControl = exports.UIControl; /** * Sets up and handles events for the visitor profile popup. * * @param {Element} element The HTML element returned by the Live.getVisitorLog controller * action. Should have the CSS class 'visitor-profile'. * @constructor */ var VisitorProfileControl = function (element) { UIControl.call(this, element); this._setupControl(); this._bindEventCallbacks(); }; /** * Initializes all elements w/ the .visitor-profile CSS class as visitor profile popups, * if the element has not already been initialized. */ VisitorProfileControl.initElements = function () { UIControl.initElements(this, '.visitor-profile'); }; /** * Shows the visitor profile popover for a visitor ID. This should not be called directly. * Instead broadcast.propagateNewPopoverParameter('visitorProfile', visitorId) should be * called. This would make sure the popover would be opened if the URL is copied and pasted * in a new tab/window. * * @param {String} visitorId The string visitor ID. */ VisitorProfileControl.showPopover = function (visitorId, idSite) { var url = 'module=Live&action=getVisitorProfilePopup&visitorId=' + encodeURIComponent(visitorId); if (idSite) { url += '&idSite=' + idSite; } // if there is already a map shown on the screen, do not show the map in the popup. kartograph seems // to only support showing one map at a time. if ($('.RealTimeMap').length > 0) { url += '&showMap=0'; } var ajaxRequest = new ajaxHelper(); ajaxRequest.removeDefaultParameter('segment'); Piwik_Popover.createPopupAndLoadUrl(url, _pk_translate('Live_VisitorProfile'), 'visitor-profile-popup', ajaxRequest); }; $.extend(VisitorProfileControl.prototype, UIControl.prototype, { _setupControl: function () { // focus the popup so it will accept key events this.$element.focus(); }, _bindEventCallbacks: function () { var self = this, $element = this.$element; // if there are no popover params in stack, simply close the popover if (!broadcast.popoverParamStack.length) { $element.on('click', '.visitor-profile-close', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); try { $element.tooltip('destroy'); } catch (e) { } Piwik_Popover.close(); }); } else { $element.on('click', '.visitor-profile-close', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); try { $element.tooltip('destroy'); } catch (e) { } broadcast.propagateNewPopoverParameter(false); return false; }); } $element.on('click', '.visitor-profile-toggle-actions', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).toggleClass('minimized'); if ($(this).hasClass('minimized')) { $('.visitor-profile-actions', $element).slideUp(); } else { $('.visitor-profile-actions', $element).slideDown(); } return false; }); $element.on('click', '.visitor-profile-more-info>a', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); self._loadMoreVisits(); return false; }); $element.on('click', '.visitor-profile-visit-title', function () { $('.visitor-profile-visit-details-extended', $(this).parents('li')).slideToggle(); }); $element.on('click', '.visitor-profile-show-actions', function () { $('.visitor-profile-actions', $(this).parents('li')).slideToggle(); return false; }); $element.on('click', '.visitor-profile-prev-visitor', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); self._loadPreviousVisitor(); return false; }); $element.on('click', '.visitor-profile-next-visitor', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); self._loadNextVisitor(); return false; }); $element.on('keydown', function (e) { if (e.which == 37 && !e.altKey) { // on <- key press, load previous visitor self._loadPreviousVisitor(); } else if (e.which == 39 && !e.altKey) { // on -> key press, load next visitor self._loadNextVisitor(); } }); $element.on('click', '.visitor-profile-show-map', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); self.toggleMap(); return false; }); // append token_auth dynamically to export link $element.on('mousedown', '.visitor-profile-export', function (e) { var url = $(this).attr('href'); if (url.indexOf('&token_auth=') == -1) { $(this).attr('href', url + '&token_auth=' + piwik.token_auth); } }); initializeVisitorActions($element); }, toggleMap: function () { var $element = this.$element, $map = $('.visitor-profile-map', $element); if (!$map.children().length) { // if the map hasn't been loaded, load it this._loadMap($map); return; } if ($map.is(':hidden')) { // show the map if it is hidden if ($map.height() < 1) { $map.resize(); } $map.slideDown('slow'); var newLabel = 'Live_HideMap'; piwikHelper.lazyScrollTo($('.visitor-profile-location', $element)[0], 400); } else { // hide the map if it is shown $map.slideUp('slow'); var newLabel = 'Live_ShowMap'; } newLabel = _pk_translate(newLabel).replace(' ', '\xA0'); $('.visitor-profile-show-map', $element).text('(' + newLabel + ')'); }, _loadMap: function ($map) { var self = this; var ajax = new ajaxHelper(); ajax.setUrl($map.attr('data-href')); ajax.setCallback(function (response) { $map.html(response); self.toggleMap(); }); ajax.setFormat('html'); ajax.setLoadingElement($('.visitor-profile-location > p > .loadingPiwik', self.$element)); ajax.send(); }, _loadMoreVisits: function () { var self = this, $element = this.$element; var loading = $('.visitor-profile-more-info > .loadingPiwik', $element); loading.show(); var ajax = new ajaxHelper(); ajax.removeDefaultParameter('segment'); ajax.addParams({ module: 'Live', action: 'getVisitList', period: '', date: '', visitorId: $element.attr('data-visitor-id'), filter_offset: $('.visitor-profile-visits>li', $element).length, start_number: $('.visitor-profile-visits>li:last', $element).data('number') - 1 }, 'GET'); ajax.setCallback(function (response) { if (response == "") { // no more visits left self._showNoMoreVisitsSpan(); } else { response = $(response); loading.hide(); $('.visitor-profile-visits', $element).append(response); if (response.filter('li').length < 10) { self._showNoMoreVisitsSpan(); } piwikHelper.lazyScrollTo($(response)[0], 400, true); } }); ajax.setFormat('html'); ajax.send(); }, _showNoMoreVisitsSpan: function () { var noMoreSpan = $('').text(_pk_translate('Live_NoMoreVisits')).addClass('visitor-profile-no-visits'); $('.visitor-profile-more-info', this.$element).html(noMoreSpan); }, _loadPreviousVisitor: function () { this._gotoAdjacentVisitor(this.$element.attr('data-prev-visitor')); }, _loadNextVisitor: function () { this._gotoAdjacentVisitor(this.$element.attr('data-next-visitor')); }, _gotoAdjacentVisitor: function (idVisitor) { if (!idVisitor) { return; } if (this._inPopover()) { broadcast.propagateNewPopoverParameter('visitorProfile', idVisitor); } else if (this._inWidget()) { this.$element.closest('[widgetid]').dashboardWidget('reload', false, true, {visitorId: idVisitor}); } }, _getFirstVisitId: function () { return $('.visitor-profile-visits>li:first-child>h2', this.$element).attr('data-idvisit'); }, _inPopover: function () { return !! this.$element.closest('#Piwik_Popover').length; }, _inWidget: function () { return !! this.$element.closest('.widget').length; } }); exports.VisitorProfileControl = VisitorProfileControl; // add the popup handler that creates a visitor profile broadcast.addPopoverHandler('visitorProfile', VisitorProfileControl.showPopover); })(jQuery, require);