usersManagerAPI = $usersManagerAPI; if (empty($authCookieName)) { $authCookieName = Config::getInstance()->General['login_cookie_name']; } $this->authCookieName = $authCookieName; if (empty($authCookieValidTime)) { $authCookieValidTime = Config::getInstance()->General['login_cookie_expire']; } $this->authCookieValidTime = $authCookieValidTime; if (empty($authCookiePath)) { $authCookiePath = Config::getInstance()->General['login_cookie_path']; } $this->authCookiePath = $authCookiePath; } /** * Authenticates the user and, if successful, initializes an authenticated session. * * @param \Piwik\Auth $auth The Auth implementation to use. * @param bool $rememberMe Whether the authenticated session should be remembered after * the browser is closed or not. * @throws Exception If authentication fails or the user is not allowed to login for some reason. */ public function initSession(AuthInterface $auth, $rememberMe) { $this->regenerateSessionId(); $authResult = $this->doAuthenticateSession($auth); if (!$authResult->wasAuthenticationSuccessful()) { Piwik::postEvent('Login.authenticate.failed', array($auth->getLogin())); $this->processFailedSession($rememberMe); } else { $this->processSuccessfulSession($authResult, $rememberMe); } } /** * Authenticates the user. * * Derived classes can override this method to customize authentication logic or impose * extra requirements on the user trying to login. * * @param AuthInterface $auth The Auth implementation to use when authenticating. * @return AuthResult */ protected function doAuthenticateSession(AuthInterface $auth) { Piwik::postEvent( 'Login.authenticate', array( $auth->getLogin(), ) ); return $auth->authenticate(); } /** * Returns a Cookie instance that manages the browser cookie used to store session * information. * * @param bool $rememberMe Whether the authenticated session should be remembered after * the browser is closed or not. * @return Cookie */ protected function getAuthCookie($rememberMe) { $authCookieExpiry = $rememberMe ? time() + $this->authCookieValidTime : 0; $cookie = new Cookie($this->authCookieName, $authCookieExpiry, $this->authCookiePath); return $cookie; } /** * Executed when the session could not authenticate. * * @param bool $rememberMe Whether the authenticated session should be remembered after * the browser is closed or not. * @throws Exception always. */ protected function processFailedSession($rememberMe) { $cookie = $this->getAuthCookie($rememberMe); $cookie->delete(); throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('Login_LoginPasswordNotCorrect')); } /** * Executed when the session was successfully authenticated. * * @param AuthResult $authResult The successful authentication result. * @param bool $rememberMe Whether the authenticated session should be remembered after * the browser is closed or not. */ protected function processSuccessfulSession(AuthResult $authResult, $rememberMe) { $cookie = $this->getAuthCookie($rememberMe); $cookie->set('login', $authResult->getIdentity()); $cookie->set('token_auth', $this->getHashTokenAuth($authResult->getIdentity(), $authResult->getTokenAuth())); $cookie->setSecure(ProxyHttp::isHttps()); $cookie->setHttpOnly(true); $cookie->save(); } protected function regenerateSessionId() { Session::regenerateId(); } /** * Accessor to compute the hashed authentication token. * * @param string $login user login * @param string $token_auth authentication token * @return string hashed authentication token */ public static function getHashTokenAuth($login, $token_auth) { return md5($login . $token_auth); } }