{% import '@Marketplace/macros.twig' as marketplaceMacro %} {% block content %}
{% if errorMessage %} {{ errorMessage }} {% elseif plugin %} {% set isBundle = plugin.isBundle is defined and plugin.isBundle %} {% if plugin.versions is not empty and plugin.versions[plugin.versions|length - 1] %} {% set latestVersion = plugin.versions[plugin.versions|length - 1] %} {% else %} {% set latestVersion = '' %} {% endif %}

{{ plugin.displayName }}

{% if plugin.featured %} {{ marketplaceMacro.featuredIcon('left') }} {% endif %} {{ plugin.description }}

{% if isSuperUser and (plugin.isDownloadable or plugin.isInstalled) %} {{ marketplaceMacro.missingRequirementsPleaseUpdateNotice(plugin) }} {% if isMultiServerEnvironment %}
{{ 'Marketplace_MultiServerEnvironmentWarning'|translate }}
{% elseif not isAutoUpdateEnabled %}
{{ 'Marketplace_AutoUpdateDisabledWarning'|translate("'[General]enable_auto_update=1'", "'config/config.ini.php'") }}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if hasSomeAdminAccess and plugin.isMissingLicense is defined and plugin.isMissingLicense %}
{{ 'Marketplace_PluginLicenseMissingDescription'|translate }}
{% elseif hasSomeAdminAccess and plugin.hasExceededLicense is defined and plugin.hasExceededLicense %}
{{ 'Marketplace_PluginLicenseExceededDescription'|translate }}
{% endif %} {{ latestVersion.readmeHtml.description|raw }}
{% if latestVersion.readmeHtml.faq %}
{{ latestVersion.readmeHtml.faq|raw }}
{% endif %} {% if latestVersion.readmeHtml.documentation %}
{{ latestVersion.readmeHtml.documentation|raw }}
{% endif %} {% if plugin.screenshots|length %}
{% for screenshot in plugin.screenshots %}

{{ screenshot|split('/')|last|replace({'_': ' ', '.png': '', '.jpg': '', '.jpeg': ''}) }}

{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if plugin.shop is defined and plugin.shop and plugin.shop.reviews and plugin.shop.reviews.embedUrl is defined and plugin.shop.reviews.embedUrl %}
{% endif %}
{% if plugin.shop is defined and plugin.shop and plugin.shop.reviews and plugin.shop.reviews.embedUrl is defined and plugin.shop.reviews.embedUrl %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}