{% import '@Marketplace/macros.twig' as marketplaceMacro %} {% if pluginsToShow|length > 0 %}
{% for plugin in pluginsToShow %}
{% embed 'contentBlock.twig' with {'title': ''} %} {% block content %}

{{ plugin.displayName }}

{{ plugin.description }} › {{ 'General_MoreLowerCase'|translate }}

{% if showThemes %} {# Screenshot for themes #} {% endif %} {% macro moreDetailsLink(plugin) %} {% set canBePurchased = not plugin.isDownloadable and plugin.shop is defined and plugin.shop and plugin.shop.url %} {% if canBePurchased and plugin.shop.variations %} {% set foundCheapest = 0 %} {% for variation in plugin.shop.variations %} {% if not foundCheapest and variation.cheapest is defined and variation.cheapest %} {% set foundCheapest = 1 %} {{ 'Marketplace_PriceFromPerPeriod'|translate(variation.prettyPrice, variation.period) }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if not foundCheapest %} {{ 'Marketplace_PriceFromPerPeriod'|translate(plugin.shop.variations.0.prettyPrice, plugin.shop.variations.0.period) }} {% endif %} {% else %} {{ 'General_MoreDetails'|translate }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% if isSuperUser %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% endembed %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if pluginsToShow|length == 0 %}
{% if showThemes %} {{ 'Marketplace_NoThemesFound'|translate }} {% else %} {{ 'Marketplace_NoPluginsFound'|translate }} {% endif %}
{% endif %}