var Piwik_Overlay_Client = (function () { /** jQuery */ var $; /** Url of the Piwik root */ var piwikRoot; /** Piwik idsite */ var idSite; /** The current period and date */ var period, date; /** Reference to the status bar DOM element */ var statusBar; /** Load the client CSS */ function loadCss() { var css = c('link').attr({ rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', href: piwikRoot + 'plugins/Overlay/client/client.css' }); $('head').append(css); } /** * This method loads jQuery, if it is not there yet. * The callback is triggered after jQuery is loaded. */ function loadJQuery(callback) { if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') { $ = jQuery; callback(); } else { Piwik_Overlay_Client.loadScript('libs/jquery/jquery.js', function () { $ = jQuery; jQuery.noConflict(); callback(); }); } } /** * Notify Piwik of the current iframe location. * This way, we can display additional metrics on the side of the iframe. */ function notifyPiwikOfLocation() { // check whether the session has been opened in a new tab (instead of an iframe) if (window != { var iframe = c('iframe', false, { src: piwikRoot + 'index.php?module=Overlay&action=notifyParentIframe#' + window.location.href }).css({width: 0, height: 0, border: 0}); // in some cases, calling append right away doesn't work in IE8 $(document).ready(function () { $('body').append(iframe); }); } } /** Create a jqueryfied DOM element */ function c(tagName, className, attributes) { var el = $(document.createElement(tagName)); if (className) { if (className.substring(0, 1) == '#') { var id = className.substring(1, className.length); id = 'PIS_' + id; el.attr('id', id); } else { className = 'PIS_' + className; el.addClass(className); } } if (attributes) { el.attr(attributes); } return el; } /** Special treatment for some internet explorers */ var ieStatusBarEventsBound = false; function handleIEStatusBar() { if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 7.") == -1 && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 8.") == -1) { // this is not IE8 or lower return; } // IE7/8 can't handle position:fixed so we need to do it by hand statusBar.css({ position: 'absolute', right: 'auto', bottom: 'auto', left: 0, top: 0 }); var position = function () { var scrollY = document.body.parentElement.scrollTop; var scrollX = document.body.parentElement.scrollLeft; statusBar.css({ top: (scrollY + $(window).height() - statusBar.outerHeight()) + 'px', left: (scrollX + $(window).width() - statusBar.outerWidth()) + 'px' }); }; position(); statusBar.css({width: 'auto'}); if (statusBar.width() < 350) { statusBar.width(350); } else { statusBar.width(statusBar.width()); } if (!ieStatusBarEventsBound) { ieStatusBarEventsBound = true; $(window).resize(position); $(window).scroll(position); } } return { /** Initialize in-site analytics */ initialize: function (pPiwikRoot, pIdSite, pPeriod, pDate) { piwikRoot = pPiwikRoot; idSite = pIdSite; period = pPeriod; date = pDate; var load = this.loadScript; var loading = this.loadingNotification; loadJQuery(function () { notifyPiwikOfLocation(); loadCss(); // translations load('plugins/Overlay/client/translations.js', function () { Piwik_Overlay_Translations.initialize(function () { // following pages var finishPages = loading('Loading following pages'); load('plugins/Overlay/client/followingpages.js', function () { Piwik_Overlay_FollowingPages.initialize(finishPages); }); }); }); }); }, /** Create a jqueryfied DOM element */ createElement: function (tagName, className, attributes) { return c(tagName, className, attributes); }, /** Load a script and wait for it to be loaded */ loadScript: function (relativePath, callback) { var loaded = false; var onLoad = function () { if (!loaded) { loaded = true; callback(); } }; var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == 'loaded' || this.readyState == 'complete') { onLoad(); } }; script.onload = onLoad; script.src = piwikRoot + relativePath + '?v=1'; head.appendChild(script); }, /** Piwik Overlay API Request */ api: function (method, callback, additionalParams) { var url = piwikRoot + 'index.php?module=API&method=Overlay.' + method + '&idSite=' + idSite + '&period=' + period + '&date=' + date + '&format=JSON&filter_limit=-1'; if (additionalParams) { url += '&' + additionalParams; } $.getJSON(url + "&jsoncallback=?", function (data) { if (typeof data.result != 'undefined' && data.result == 'error') { alert('Error: ' + data.message); } else { callback(data); } }); }, /** * Initialize a notification * To hide the notification use the returned callback */ notification: function (message, addClass) { if (!statusBar) { statusBar = c('div', '#StatusBar').css('opacity', .8); $('body').prepend(statusBar); } var item = c('div', 'Item').html(message); if (addClass) { item.addClass('PIS_' + addClass); }; handleIEStatusBar(); window.setTimeout(handleIEStatusBar, 100); return function () { item.remove(); if (statusBar.children().size() == 0) { statusBar.hide(); } else { handleIEStatusBar(); } }; }, /** Hide all notifications with a certain class */ hideNotifications: function (className) { statusBar.find('.PIS_' + className).remove(); if (statusBar.children().size() == 0) { statusBar.hide(); } else { handleIEStatusBar(); } }, /** * Initialize a loading notification * To hide the notification use the returned callback */ loadingNotification: function (message) { return Piwik_Overlay_Client.notification(message, 'Loading'); } }; })();