{ "Overlay": { "Clicks": "%s clicks", "ClicksFromXLinks": "%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links", "Domain": "Domain", "ErrorNotLoading": "The Page Overlay session couldn't be launched yet.", "ErrorNotLoadingDetails": "Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn't have the Piwik tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.", "ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL": "Since you're using Piwik over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn't support SSL. Try using Piwik over http.", "ErrorNotLoadingLink": "Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting", "Link": "Link", "Location": "Location", "NoData": "There is no data for this page during the selected period.", "OneClick": "1 click", "OpenFullScreen": "Go full screen (no sidebar)", "Overlay": "Page Overlay", "PluginDescription": "See analytics data as an overlay on your actual website.", "RedirectUrlError": "You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL \"%s\". %s None of the domains from the Piwik settings matches the link.", "RedirectUrlErrorAdmin": "You can add the domain as an additional URL %sin the settings%s.", "RedirectUrlErrorUser": "Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL." } }