{ "PagePerformance": { "ColumnAveragePageLoadTime": "Avg. page load time", "ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation": "Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser", "ColumnAverageTimeNetwork": "Avg. network time", "ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation": "Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.", "ColumnAverageTimeServer": "Avg. server time", "ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation": "Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.", "ColumnAverageTimeTransfer": "Avg. transfer time", "ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation": "Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.", "ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing": "Avg. DOM processing time", "ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation": "Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.", "ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion": "Avg. DOM completion time", "ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation": "Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.", "ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad": "Avg. on load time", "ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation": "Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.", "ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork": "Pageviews with network time", "ColumnViewsWithTimeServer": "Pageviews with server time", "ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer": "Pageviews with transfer time", "ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing": "Pageviews with DOM processing time", "ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion": "Pageviews with DOM completion time", "ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad": "Pageviews with on load time", "ColumnTimeNetwork": "Network time", "ColumnTimeServer": "Server time", "ColumnTimeTransfer": "Transfer time", "ColumnTimeDomProcessing": "DOM processing time", "ColumnTimeDomCompletion": "DOM completion time", "ColumnTimeOnLoad": "On load time", "PageLoadTime": "Page load time", "EvolutionOverPeriod": "Evolution of page performance metrics", "PluginDescription": "Adds some page performance reports", "PerformanceTable": "Table with performance metrics", "Overview": "Performance overview", "Performance": "Performance", "HelpNote": "Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.", "RowActionTitle": "Open page performance report", "RowActionDescription": "Show page performance report for this row", "PagePerformanceTitle": "Page performance for page with %1$s \"%2$s\"" } }