'archiveDay', 'ArchiveProcessing_Period.compute' => 'archivePeriod', 'Tracker.newVisitorInformation' => 'logProviderInfo', 'WidgetsList.add' => 'addWidget', 'Menu.add' => 'addMenu', 'API.getReportMetadata' => 'getReportMetadata', 'API.getSegmentsMetadata' => 'getSegmentsMetadata', ); return $hooks; } public function getReportMetadata(&$reports) { $reports[] = array( 'category' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visitors'), 'name' => Piwik_Translate('Provider_ColumnProvider'), 'module' => 'Provider', 'action' => 'getProvider', 'dimension' => Piwik_Translate('Provider_ColumnProvider'), 'documentation' => Piwik_Translate('Provider_ProviderReportDocumentation', '
'), 'order' => 50 ); } public function getSegmentsMetadata(&$segments) { $segments[] = array( 'type' => 'dimension', 'category' => 'Visit Location', 'name' => Piwik_Translate('Provider_ColumnProvider'), 'segment' => 'provider', 'acceptedValues' => 'comcast.net, proxad.net, etc.', 'sqlSegment' => 'log_visit.location_provider' ); } function install() { // add column hostname / hostname ext in the visit table $query = "ALTER IGNORE TABLE `" . Common::prefixTable('log_visit') . "` ADD `location_provider` VARCHAR( 100 ) NULL"; // if the column already exist do not throw error. Could be installed twice... try { Piwik_Exec($query); } catch (Exception $e) { if (!Zend_Registry::get('db')->isErrNo($e, '1060')) { throw $e; } } } function uninstall() { // add column hostname / hostname ext in the visit table $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . Common::prefixTable('log_visit') . "` DROP `location_provider`"; Piwik_Exec($query); } function addWidget() { Piwik_AddWidget('General_Visitors', 'Provider_WidgetProviders', 'Provider', 'getProvider'); } function addMenu() { Piwik_RenameMenuEntry('General_Visitors', 'UserCountry_SubmenuLocations', 'General_Visitors', 'Provider_SubmenuLocationsProvider'); } function postLoad() { Piwik_AddAction('template_footerUserCountry', array('Piwik_Provider', 'footerUserCountry')); } /** * Logs the provider in the log_visit table */ public function logProviderInfo(&$visitorInfo) { // if provider info has already been set, abort if (!empty($visitorInfo['location_provider'])) { return; } $ip = Piwik_IP::N2P($visitorInfo['location_ip']); // In case the IP was anonymized, we should not continue since the DNS reverse lookup will fail and this will slow down tracking if (substr($ip, -2, 2) == '.0') { Common::printDebug("IP Was anonymized so we skip the Provider DNS reverse lookup..."); return; } $hostname = $this->getHost($ip); $hostnameExtension = $this->getCleanHostname($hostname); // add the provider value in the table log_visit $visitorInfo['location_provider'] = $hostnameExtension; $visitorInfo['location_provider'] = substr($visitorInfo['location_provider'], 0, 100); // improve the country using the provider extension if valid $hostnameDomain = substr($hostnameExtension, 1 + strrpos($hostnameExtension, '.')); if ($hostnameDomain == 'uk') { $hostnameDomain = 'gb'; } if (array_key_exists($hostnameDomain, Common::getCountriesList())) { $visitorInfo['location_country'] = $hostnameDomain; } } /** * Returns the hostname extension (site.co.jp in fvae.VARG.ceaga.site.co.jp) * given the full hostname looked up from the IP * * @param string $hostname * * @return string */ private function getCleanHostname($hostname) { $extToExclude = array( 'com', 'net', 'org', 'co' ); $off = strrpos($hostname, '.'); $ext = substr($hostname, $off); if (empty($off) || is_numeric($ext) || strlen($hostname) < 5) { return 'Ip'; } else { $cleanHostname = null; Piwik_PostEvent('Provider.getCleanHostname', array(&$cleanHostname, $hostname)); if ($cleanHostname !== null) { return $cleanHostname; } $e = explode('.', $hostname); $s = sizeof($e); // if extension not correct if (isset($e[$s - 2]) && in_array($e[$s - 2], $extToExclude)) { return $e[$s - 3] . "." . $e[$s - 2] . "." . $e[$s - 1]; } else { return $e[$s - 2] . "." . $e[$s - 1]; } } } /** * Returns the hostname given the IP address string * * @param string $ip IP Address * @return string hostname (or human-readable IP address) */ private function getHost($ip) { return trim(strtolower(@Piwik_IP::getHostByAddr($ip))); } static public function footerUserCountry(&$out) { $out = '

' . Piwik_Translate('Provider_WidgetProviders') . '

'; $out .= Piwik_FrontController::getInstance()->fetchDispatch('Provider', 'getProvider'); $out .= '
'; } /** * Daily archive: processes the report Visits by Provider */ public function archiveDay(ArchiveProcessor\Day $archiveProcessor) { $archiving = new Piwik_Provider_Archiver($archiveProcessor); if($archiving->shouldArchive()) { $archiving->archiveDay(); } } public function archivePeriod(ArchiveProcessor\Period $archiveProcessor) { $archiving = new Piwik_Provider_Archiver($archiveProcessor); if($archiving->shouldArchive()) { $archiving->archivePeriod(); } } }