{ "SegmentEditor": { "PluginDescription": "A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.", "AddANDorORCondition": "Add %s condition", "AddNewSegment": "Add new segment", "AreYouSureDeleteSegment": "Are you sure you want to delete this segment?", "AutoArchivePreProcessed": "segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)", "AutoArchiveRealTime": "segmented reports are processed in real time", "ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest": "You're about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won't be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?", "ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest": "You're about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?", "ChooseASegment": "Choose a segment", "CurrentlySelectedSegment": "Currently selected segment: %s", "DataAvailableAtLaterDate": "Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.", "DefaultAllVisits": "All visits", "DragDropCondition": "Drag & Drop condition", "HideMessageInFuture": "Hide this message in the future", "LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime": "Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...", "OperatorAND": "AND", "OperatorOR": "OR", "SaveAndApply": "Save & Apply", "SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites": "all websites", "SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly": "this website only", "SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite": "and processed for", "SegmentNotApplied": "Segment '%s' not applied", "SegmentNotAppliedMessage": "You are requesting data for the Custom Segment '%s', this Matomo's configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.", "SelectSegmentOfVisits": "Select a segment of visits:", "ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo": "This segment is visible to:", "VisibleToAllUsers": "all users", "VisibleToMe": "me", "YouMayChangeSetting": "Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose '%2$s'.", "VisibleToSuperUser": "Visible to you because you have Super User access", "SharedWithYou": "Shared with you", "YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments": "You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.", "YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments": "You don't have the required access level to create and edit segments.", "AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled": "Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.", "SegmentXIsAUnionOf": "%s is a union of these segments:", "CustomSegment": "Custom Segment", "SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty": "is null or empty", "SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty": "is not null nor empty", "UnprocessedSegmentNoData1": "These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.", "UnprocessedSegmentNoData2": "Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)", "UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1": "%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.", "UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2": "When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.", "UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3": "This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.", "UnprocessedSegmentApiError1": "The Segment '%1$s' is set to '%2$s' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.", "UnprocessedSegmentApiError2": "To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled '%s'.", "UnprocessedSegmentApiError3": "Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)", "CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1": "The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.", "CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2": "To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.", "CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3": "(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).", "CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4": "Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)", "CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5": "Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.", "CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6": "When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.", "CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData": "To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.", "AddThisToMatomo": "Add this segment to Matomo", "ThisSegmentIsCompared": "This segment is currently compared.", "ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared": "This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.", "CompareThisSegment": "Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.", "Test": "Test" } }