Managing Websites in Matomo. * @method static \Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\API getInstance() */ class API extends \Piwik\Plugin\API { const DEFAULT_SEARCH_KEYWORD_PARAMETERS = 'q,query,s,search,searchword,k,keyword'; const OPTION_EXCLUDED_IPS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_ExcludedIpsGlobal'; const OPTION_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = 'SitesManager_DefaultTimezone'; const OPTION_DEFAULT_CURRENCY = 'SitesManager_DefaultCurrency'; const OPTION_EXCLUDED_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_ExcludedQueryParameters'; const OPTION_SEARCH_KEYWORD_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_SearchKeywordParameters'; const OPTION_SEARCH_CATEGORY_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_SearchCategoryParameters'; const OPTION_EXCLUDED_USER_AGENTS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_ExcludedUserAgentsGlobal'; const OPTION_KEEP_URL_FRAGMENTS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_KeepURLFragmentsGlobal'; /** * @var SettingsProvider */ private $settingsProvider; /** * @var SettingsMetadata */ private $settingsMetadata; /** * @var Type\TypeManager */ private $typeManager; public function __construct(SettingsProvider $provider, SettingsMetadata $settingsMetadata, Type\TypeManager $typeManager) { $this->settingsProvider = $provider; $this->settingsMetadata = $settingsMetadata; $this->typeManager = $typeManager; } /** * Returns the javascript tag for the given idSite. * This tag must be included on every page to be tracked by Matomo * * @param int $idSite * @param string $piwikUrl * @param bool $mergeSubdomains * @param bool $groupPageTitlesByDomain * @param bool $mergeAliasUrls * @param bool $visitorCustomVariables * @param bool $pageCustomVariables * @param bool $customCampaignNameQueryParam * @param bool $customCampaignKeywordParam * @param bool $doNotTrack * @param bool $disableCookies * @param bool $trackNoScript * @param bool $forceMatomoEndpoint Whether the Matomo endpoint should be forced if Matomo was installed prior 3.7.0. * @return string The Javascript tag ready to be included on the HTML pages */ public function getJavascriptTag($idSite, $piwikUrl = '', $mergeSubdomains = false, $groupPageTitlesByDomain = false, $mergeAliasUrls = false, $visitorCustomVariables = false, $pageCustomVariables = false, $customCampaignNameQueryParam = false, $customCampaignKeywordParam = false, $doNotTrack = false, $disableCookies = false, $trackNoScript = false, $crossDomain = false, $forceMatomoEndpoint = false) { Piwik::checkUserHasViewAccess($idSite); if (empty($piwikUrl)) { $piwikUrl = SettingsPiwik::getPiwikUrl(); } // Revert the automatic encoding // TODO remove that when is fixed $piwikUrl = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($piwikUrl); $visitorCustomVariables = Common::unsanitizeInputValues($visitorCustomVariables); $pageCustomVariables = Common::unsanitizeInputValues($pageCustomVariables); $customCampaignNameQueryParam = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($customCampaignNameQueryParam); $customCampaignKeywordParam = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($customCampaignKeywordParam); $generator = new TrackerCodeGenerator(); if ($forceMatomoEndpoint) { $generator->forceMatomoEndpoint(); } $code = $generator->generate($idSite, $piwikUrl, $mergeSubdomains, $groupPageTitlesByDomain, $mergeAliasUrls, $visitorCustomVariables, $pageCustomVariables, $customCampaignNameQueryParam, $customCampaignKeywordParam, $doNotTrack, $disableCookies, $trackNoScript, $crossDomain); $code = str_replace(array('
', '
', '
'), '', $code); return $code; } /** * Returns image link tracking code for a given site with specified options. * * @param int $idSite The ID to generate tracking code for. * @param string $piwikUrl The domain and URL path to the Matomo installation. * @param int $idGoal An ID for a goal to trigger a conversion for. * @param int $revenue The revenue of the goal conversion. Only used if $idGoal is supplied. * @param bool $forceMatomoEndpoint Whether the Matomo endpoint should be forced if Matomo was installed prior 3.7.0. * @return string The HTML tracking code. */ public function getImageTrackingCode($idSite, $piwikUrl = '', $actionName = false, $idGoal = false, $revenue = false, $forceMatomoEndpoint = false) { $urlParams = array('idsite' => $idSite, 'rec' => 1); if ($actionName !== false) { $urlParams['action_name'] = urlencode(Common::unsanitizeInputValue($actionName)); } if ($idGoal !== false) { $urlParams['idgoal'] = $idGoal; if ($revenue !== false) { $urlParams['revenue'] = $revenue; } } /** * Triggered when generating image link tracking code server side. Plugins can use * this event to customise the image tracking code that is displayed to the * user. * * @param string &$piwikHost The domain and URL path to the Matomo installation, eg, * `''`. * @param array &$urlParams The query parameters used in the element's src * URL. See Matomo's image tracking docs for more info. */ Piwik::postEvent('SitesManager.getImageTrackingCode', array(&$piwikUrl, &$urlParams)); $trackerCodeGenerator = new TrackerCodeGenerator(); if ($forceMatomoEndpoint) { $trackerCodeGenerator->forceMatomoEndpoint(); } $matomoPhp = $trackerCodeGenerator->getPhpTrackerEndpoint(); $url = (ProxyHttp::isHttps() ? "https://" : "http://") . rtrim($piwikUrl, '/') . '/'.$matomoPhp.'?' . Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($urlParams); $html = " \"\" "; return htmlspecialchars($html, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } /** * Returns all websites belonging to the specified group * @param string $group Group name * @return array of sites */ public function getSitesFromGroup($group = '') { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); $group = trim($group); $sites = $this->getModel()->getSitesFromGroup($group); foreach ($sites as &$site) { $this->enrichSite($site); } $sites = Site::setSitesFromArray($sites); return $sites; } /** * Returns the list of website groups, including the empty group * if no group were specified for some websites * * @return array of group names strings */ public function getSitesGroups() { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); $groups = $this->getModel()->getSitesGroups(); $cleanedGroups = array_map('trim', $groups); return $cleanedGroups; } /** * Returns the website information : name, main_url * * @throws Exception if the site ID doesn't exist or the user doesn't have access to it * @param int $idSite * @return array */ public function getSiteFromId($idSite) { Piwik::checkUserHasViewAccess($idSite); $site = $this->getModel()->getSiteFromId($idSite); if ($site) { $this->enrichSite($site); } Site::setSiteFromArray($idSite, $site); return $site; } private function getModel() { return new Model(); } /** * Returns the list of all URLs registered for the given idSite (main_url + alias URLs). * * @throws Exception if the website ID doesn't exist or the user doesn't have access to it * @param int $idSite * @return array list of URLs */ public function getSiteUrlsFromId($idSite) { Piwik::checkUserHasViewAccess($idSite); return $this->getModel()->getSiteUrlsFromId($idSite); } private function getSitesId() { return $this->getModel()->getSitesId(); } /** * Returns all websites, requires Super User access * * @return array The list of websites, indexed by idsite */ public function getAllSites() { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); $sites = $this->getModel()->getAllSites(); $return = array(); foreach ($sites as $site) { $this->enrichSite($site); $return[$site['idsite']] = $site; } $return = Site::setSitesFromArray($return); return $return; } /** * Returns the list of all the website IDs registered. * Requires Super User access. * * @return array The list of website IDs */ public function getAllSitesId() { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); try { return $this->getSitesId(); } catch (Exception $e) { // can be called before Matomo tables are created so return empty return array(); } } /** * Returns the list of the website IDs that received some visits since the specified timestamp. * Requires Super User access. * * @param bool|int $timestamp * @return array The list of website IDs * @deprecated since 2.15 This method will be removed in Matomo 3.0, there is no replacement. */ public function getSitesIdWithVisits($timestamp = false) { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); if (empty($timestamp)) $timestamp = time(); $time = Date::factory((int)$timestamp)->getDatetime(); $now = Date::now()->addHour(1)->getDatetime(); $result = $this->getModel()->getSitesWithVisits($time, $now); $idSites = array(); foreach ($result as $idSite) { $idSites[] = $idSite['idsite']; } return $idSites; } /** * Returns the list of websites with the 'admin' access for the current user. * For the superUser it returns all the websites in the database. * * @param bool $fetchAliasUrls * @param false|string $pattern * @param false|int $limit * @return array for each site, an array of information (idsite, name, main_url, etc.) */ public function getSitesWithAdminAccess($fetchAliasUrls = false, $pattern = false, $limit = false) { $sitesId = $this->getSitesIdWithAdminAccess(); if ($pattern === false) { $sites = $this->getSitesFromIds($sitesId, $limit); } else { $sites = $this->getModel()->getPatternMatchSites($sitesId, $pattern, $limit); foreach ($sites as &$site) { $this->enrichSite($site); } $sites = Site::setSitesFromArray($sites); } if ($fetchAliasUrls) { foreach ($sites as &$site) { $site['alias_urls'] = $this->getSiteUrlsFromId($site['idsite']); } } return $sites; } /** * Returns the list of websites with the 'view' access for the current user. * For the superUser it doesn't return any result because the superUser has admin access on all the websites (use getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess() instead). * * @return array for each site, an array of information (idsite, name, main_url, etc.) */ public function getSitesWithViewAccess() { $sitesId = $this->getSitesIdWithViewAccess(); return $this->getSitesFromIds($sitesId); } /** * Returns the list of websites with the 'view' or 'admin' access for the current user. * For the superUser it returns all the websites in the database. * * @param bool|int $limit Specify max number of sites to return * @param bool $_restrictSitesToLogin Hack necessary when running scheduled tasks, where "Super User" is forced, but sometimes not desired, see #3017 * @return array array for each site, an array of information (idsite, name, main_url, etc.) */ public function getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess($limit = false, $_restrictSitesToLogin = false) { $sitesId = $this->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess($_restrictSitesToLogin); return $this->getSitesFromIds($sitesId, $limit); } /** * Returns the list of websites ID with the 'admin' access for the current user. * For the superUser it returns all the websites in the database. * * @return array list of websites ID */ public function getSitesIdWithAdminAccess() { $sitesId = Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAdminAccess(); return $sitesId; } /** * Returns the list of websites ID with the 'view' access for the current user. * For the superUser it doesn't return any result because the superUser has admin access on all the websites (use getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess() instead). * * @return array list of websites ID */ public function getSitesIdWithViewAccess() { return Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithViewAccess(); } /** * Returns the list of websites ID with the 'write' access for the current user. * For the superUser it doesn't return any result because the superUser has write access on all the websites (use getSitesIdWithAtLeastWriteAccess() instead). * * @return array list of websites ID */ public function getSitesIdWithWriteAccess() { return Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithWriteAccess(); } /** * Returns the list of websites ID with the 'view' or 'admin' access for the current user. * For the superUser it returns all the websites in the database. * * @param bool $_restrictSitesToLogin * @return array list of websites ID */ public function getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess($_restrictSitesToLogin = false) { /** @var Scheduler $scheduler */ $scheduler = StaticContainer::getContainer()->get('Piwik\Scheduler\Scheduler'); if (Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess() && !$scheduler->isRunningTask()) { return Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess(); } if (!empty($_restrictSitesToLogin) // Only Super User or logged in user can see viewable sites for a specific login, // but during scheduled task execution, we sometimes want to restrict sites to // a different login than the superuser. && (Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser($_restrictSitesToLogin) || $scheduler->isRunningTask()) ) { if (Piwik::hasTheUserSuperUserAccess($_restrictSitesToLogin)) { return Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess(); } $accessRaw = Access::getInstance()->getRawSitesWithSomeViewAccess($_restrictSitesToLogin); $sitesId = array(); foreach ($accessRaw as $access) { $sitesId[] = $access['idsite']; } return $sitesId; } else { return Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess(); } } /** * Returns the list of websites from the ID array in parameters. * The user access is not checked in this method so the ID have to be accessible by the user! * * @param array $idSites list of website ID * @param bool $limit * @return array */ private function getSitesFromIds($idSites, $limit = false) { $sites = $this->getModel()->getSitesFromIds($idSites, $limit); foreach ($sites as &$site) { $this->enrichSite($site); } $sites = Site::setSitesFromArray($sites); return $sites; } protected function getNormalizedUrls($url) { // if found, remove scheme and www. from URL $hostname = str_replace('www.', '', $url); $hostname = str_replace('http://', '', $hostname); $hostname = str_replace('https://', '', $hostname); // return all variations of the URL return array( $url, "http://" . $hostname, "http://www." . $hostname, "https://" . $hostname, "https://www." . $hostname ); } /** * Returns the list of websites ID associated with a URL. * * @param string $url * @return array list of websites ID */ public function getSitesIdFromSiteUrl($url) { $url = $this->removeTrailingSlash($url); $normalisedUrls = $this->getNormalizedUrls($url); if (Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess()) { $ids = $this->getModel()->getAllSitesIdFromSiteUrl($normalisedUrls); } else { $login = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin(); $ids = $this->getModel()->getSitesIdFromSiteUrlHavingAccess($login, $normalisedUrls); } return $ids; } /** * Returns all websites with a timezone matching one the specified timezones * * @param array $timezones * @return array * @ignore */ public function getSitesIdFromTimezones($timezones) { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); $timezones = Piwik::getArrayFromApiParameter($timezones); $timezones = array_unique($timezones); $ids = $this->getModel()->getSitesFromTimezones($timezones); $return = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { $return[] = $id['idsite']; } return $return; } private function enrichSite(&$site) { $site['timezone_name'] = $this->getTimezoneName($site['timezone']); $key = 'Intl_Currency_' . $site['currency']; $name = Piwik::translate($key); $site['currency_name'] = ($key === $name) ? $site['currency'] : $name; // don't want to expose other user logins here if (!Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess()) { unset($site['creator_login']); } } /** * Add a website. * Requires Super User access. * * The website is defined by a name and an array of URLs. * @param string $siteName Site name * @param array|string $urls The URLs array must contain at least one URL called the 'main_url' ; * if several URLs are provided in the array, they will be recorded * as Alias URLs for this website. * When calling API via HTTP specify multiple URLs via `&urls[]=http...&urls[]=http...`. * @param int $ecommerce Is Ecommerce Reporting enabled for this website? * @param null $siteSearch * @param string $searchKeywordParameters Comma separated list of search keyword parameter names * @param string $searchCategoryParameters Comma separated list of search category parameter names * @param string $excludedIps Comma separated list of IPs to exclude from the reports (allows wildcards) * @param null $excludedQueryParameters * @param string $timezone Timezone string, eg. 'Europe/London' * @param string $currency Currency, eg. 'EUR' * @param string $group Website group identifier * @param string $startDate Date at which the statistics for this website will start. Defaults to today's date in YYYY-MM-DD format * @param null|string $excludedUserAgents * @param int $keepURLFragments If 1, URL fragments will be kept when tracking. If 2, they * will be removed. If 0, the default global behavior will be used. * @param array|null $settingValues JSON serialized settings eg {settingName: settingValue, ...} * @see getKeepURLFragmentsGlobal. * @param string $type The website type, defaults to "website" if not set. * @param bool|null $excludeUnknownUrls Track only URL matching one of website URLs * * @return int the website ID created */ public function addSite($siteName, $urls = null, $ecommerce = null, $siteSearch = null, $searchKeywordParameters = null, $searchCategoryParameters = null, $excludedIps = null, $excludedQueryParameters = null, $timezone = null, $currency = null, $group = null, $startDate = null, $excludedUserAgents = null, $keepURLFragments = null, $type = null, $settingValues = null, $excludeUnknownUrls = null) { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); SitesManager::dieIfSitesAdminIsDisabled(); $this->checkName($siteName); if (!isset($settingValues)) { $settingValues = array(); } $coreProperties = array(); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('urls', $urls, $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('ecommerce', $ecommerce, $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('group', $group, $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('sitesearch', $siteSearch, $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('sitesearch_keyword_parameters', explode(',', $searchKeywordParameters), $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('sitesearch_category_parameters', explode(',', $searchCategoryParameters), $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('keep_url_fragment', $keepURLFragments, $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('exclude_unknown_urls', $excludeUnknownUrls, $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('excluded_ips', explode(',', $excludedIps), $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('excluded_parameters', explode(',', $excludedQueryParameters), $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('excluded_user_agents', explode(',', $excludedUserAgents), $coreProperties, $settingValues); $timezone = trim($timezone); if (empty($timezone)) { $timezone = $this->getDefaultTimezone(); } $this->checkValidTimezone($timezone); if (empty($currency)) { $currency = $this->getDefaultCurrency(); } $this->checkValidCurrency($currency); $bind = array('name' => $siteName); $bind['timezone'] = $timezone; $bind['currency'] = $currency; $bind['main_url'] = ''; if (is_null($startDate)) { $bind['ts_created'] = Date::now()->getDatetime(); } else { $bind['ts_created'] = Date::factory($startDate)->getDatetime(); } $bind['type'] = $this->checkAndReturnType($type); if (!empty($group) && Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess()) { $bind['group'] = trim($group); } else { $bind['group'] = ""; } $bind['creator_login'] = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin(); $allSettings = $this->setAndValidateMeasurableSettings(0, 'website', $coreProperties); // any setting specified in setting values will overwrite other setting if (!empty($settingValues)) { $this->setAndValidateMeasurableSettings(0, $bind['type'], $settingValues); } foreach ($allSettings as $settings) { foreach ($settings->getSettingsWritableByCurrentUser() as $setting) { $name = $setting->getName(); if ($setting instanceof MeasurableProperty && $name !== 'urls') { $default = $setting->getDefaultValue(); if (is_bool($default)) { $default = (int) $default; } elseif (is_array($default)) { $default = implode(',', $default); } $bind[$name] = $default; } } } $idSite = $this->getModel()->createSite($bind); if (!empty($coreProperties)) { $this->saveMeasurableSettings($idSite, 'website', $coreProperties); } if (!empty($settingValues)) { $this->saveMeasurableSettings($idSite, $bind['type'], $settingValues); } // we reload the access list which doesn't yet take in consideration this new website Access::getInstance()->reloadAccess(); $this->postUpdateWebsite($idSite); /** * Triggered after a site has been added. * * @param int $idSite The ID of the site that was added. */ Piwik::postEvent('SitesManager.addSite.end', array($idSite)); return (int) $idSite; } private function setSettingValue($fieldName, $value, $coreProperties, $settingValues) { $pluginName = 'WebsiteMeasurable'; if (isset($value)) { if (empty($coreProperties[$pluginName])) { $coreProperties[$pluginName] = array(); } $coreProperties[$pluginName][] = array('name' => $fieldName, 'value' => $value); } elseif (!empty($settingValues[$pluginName])) { // we check if the value is defined in the setting values instead foreach ($settingValues[$pluginName] as $key => $setting) { if ($setting['name'] === $fieldName) { if (empty($coreProperties[$pluginName])) { $coreProperties[$pluginName] = array(); } $coreProperties[$pluginName][] = array('name' => $fieldName, 'value' => $setting['value']); return $coreProperties; } } } return $coreProperties; } public function getSiteSettings($idSite) { Piwik::checkUserHasAdminAccess($idSite); $measurableSettings = $this->settingsProvider->getAllMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idMeasurableType = false); return $this->settingsMetadata->formatSettings($measurableSettings); } private function setAndValidateMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType, $settingValues) { $measurableSettings = $this->settingsProvider->getAllMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType); $this->settingsMetadata->setPluginSettings($measurableSettings, $settingValues); return $measurableSettings; } /** * @param MeasurableSettings[] $measurableSettings */ private function saveMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType, $settingValues) { $measurableSettings = $this->setAndValidateMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType, $settingValues); foreach ($measurableSettings as $measurableSetting) { $measurableSetting->save(); } } private function postUpdateWebsite($idSite) { Site::clearCache(); Cache::regenerateCacheWebsiteAttributes($idSite); Cache::clearCacheGeneral(); SiteUrls::clearSitesCache(); } /** * Delete a website from the database, given its Id. The method deletes the actual site as well as some associated * data. However, it does not delete any logs or archives that belong to this website. You can delete logs and * archives for a site manually as described in this FAQ: . * * Requires Super User access. * * @param int $idSite * @throws Exception */ public function deleteSite($idSite) { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); SitesManager::dieIfSitesAdminIsDisabled(); $idSites = $this->getSitesId(); if (!in_array($idSite, $idSites)) { throw new Exception("website id = $idSite not found"); } $nbSites = count($idSites); if ($nbSites == 1) { throw new Exception(Piwik::translate("SitesManager_ExceptionDeleteSite")); } $this->getModel()->deleteSite($idSite); /** * Triggered after a site has been deleted. * * Plugins can use this event to remove site specific values or settings, such as removing all * goals that belong to a specific website. If you store any data related to a website you * should clean up that information here. * * @param int $idSite The ID of the site being deleted. */ Piwik::postEvent('SitesManager.deleteSite.end', array($idSite)); } private function checkValidTimezone($timezone) { $timezones = $this->getTimezonesList(); foreach (array_values($timezones) as $cities) { foreach ($cities as $timezoneId => $city) { if ($timezoneId == $timezone) { return true; } } } throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('SitesManager_ExceptionInvalidTimezone', array($timezone))); } private function checkValidCurrency($currency) { if (!in_array($currency, array_keys($this->getCurrencyList()))) { throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('SitesManager_ExceptionInvalidCurrency', array($currency, "USD, EUR, etc."))); } } private function checkAndReturnType($type) { if (empty($type)) { $type = Site::DEFAULT_SITE_TYPE; } if (!is_string($type)) { throw new Exception("Invalid website type $type"); } return $type; } /** * Checks that the submitted IPs (comma separated list) are valid * Returns the cleaned up IPs * * @param string $excludedIps Comma separated list of IP addresses * @throws Exception * @return array of IPs */ private function checkAndReturnExcludedIps($excludedIps) { if (empty($excludedIps)) { return ''; } $ips = explode(',', $excludedIps); $ips = array_map('trim', $ips); $ips = array_filter($ips, 'strlen'); foreach ($ips as $ip) { if (!$this->isValidIp($ip)) { throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('SitesManager_ExceptionInvalidIPFormat', array($ip, ", 1.2.3.*, or"))); } } $ips = implode(',', $ips); return $ips; } /** * Add a list of alias Urls to the given idSite * * If some URLs given in parameter are already recorded as alias URLs for this website, * they won't be duplicated. The 'main_url' of the website won't be affected by this method. * * @param int $idSite * @param array|string $urls When calling API via HTTP specify multiple URLs via `&urls[]=http...&urls[]=http...`. * @return int the number of inserted URLs */ public function addSiteAliasUrls($idSite, $urls) { Piwik::checkUserHasAdminAccess($idSite); if (empty($urls)) { return 0; } if (!is_array($urls)) { $urls = array($urls); } $urlsInit = $this->getSiteUrlsFromId($idSite); $toInsert = array_merge($urlsInit, $urls); $urlsProperty = new Urls($idSite); $urlsProperty->setValue($toInsert); $urlsProperty->save(); $inserted = array_diff($urlsProperty->getValue(), $urlsInit); $this->postUpdateWebsite($idSite); return count($inserted); } /** * Set the list of alias Urls for the given idSite * * Completely overwrites the current list of URLs with the provided list. * The 'main_url' of the website won't be affected by this method. * * @return int the number of inserted URLs */ public function setSiteAliasUrls($idSite, $urls = array()) { Piwik::checkUserHasAdminAccess($idSite); $mainUrl = Site::getMainUrlFor($idSite); array_unshift($urls, $mainUrl); $urlsProperty = new Urls($idSite); $urlsProperty->setValue($urls); $urlsProperty->save(); $inserted = array_diff($urlsProperty->getValue(), $urls); $this->postUpdateWebsite($idSite); return count($inserted); } /** * Get the start and end IP addresses for an IP address range * * @param string $ipRange IP address range in presentation format * @return array|false Array( low, high ) IP addresses in presentation format; or false if error */ public function getIpsForRange($ipRange) { $range = IPUtils::getIPRangeBounds($ipRange); if ($range === null) { return false; } return array(IPUtils::binaryToStringIP($range[0]), IPUtils::binaryToStringIP($range[1])); } /** * Sets IPs to be excluded from all websites. IPs can contain wildcards. * Will also apply to websites created in the future. * * @param string $excludedIps Comma separated list of IPs to exclude from being tracked (allows wildcards) * @return bool */ public function setGlobalExcludedIps($excludedIps) { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); $excludedIps = $this->checkAndReturnExcludedIps($excludedIps); Option::set(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_IPS_GLOBAL, $excludedIps); Cache::deleteTrackerCache(); return true; } /** * Sets Site Search keyword/category parameter names, to be used on websites which have not specified these values * Expects Comma separated list of query params names * * @param string * @param string * @return bool */ public function setGlobalSearchParameters($searchKeywordParameters, $searchCategoryParameters) { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); Option::set(self::OPTION_SEARCH_KEYWORD_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL, $searchKeywordParameters); Option::set(self::OPTION_SEARCH_CATEGORY_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL, $searchCategoryParameters); Cache::deleteTrackerCache(); return true; } /** * @return string Comma separated list of URL parameters */ public function getSearchKeywordParametersGlobal() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess(); $names = Option::get(self::OPTION_SEARCH_KEYWORD_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL); if ($names === false) { $names = self::DEFAULT_SEARCH_KEYWORD_PARAMETERS; } if (empty($names)) { $names = ''; } return $names; } /** * @return string Comma separated list of URL parameters */ public function getSearchCategoryParametersGlobal() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess(); return Option::get(self::OPTION_SEARCH_CATEGORY_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL); } /** * Returns the list of URL query parameters that are excluded from all websites * * @return string Comma separated list of URL parameters */ public function getExcludedQueryParametersGlobal() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess(); return Option::get(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL); } /** * Returns the list of user agent substrings to look for when excluding visits for * all websites. If a visitor's user agent string contains one of these substrings, * their visits will not be included. * * @return string Comma separated list of strings. */ public function getExcludedUserAgentsGlobal() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess(); return Option::get(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_USER_AGENTS_GLOBAL); } /** * Sets list of user agent substrings to look for when excluding visits. For more info, * @see getExcludedUserAgentsGlobal. * * @param string $excludedUserAgents Comma separated list of strings. Each element is trimmed, * and empty strings are removed. */ public function setGlobalExcludedUserAgents($excludedUserAgents) { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); // update option $excludedUserAgents = $this->checkAndReturnCommaSeparatedStringList($excludedUserAgents); Option::set(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_USER_AGENTS_GLOBAL, $excludedUserAgents); // make sure tracker cache will reflect change Cache::deleteTrackerCache(); } /** * Returns true if site-specific user agent exclusion has been enabled. If it hasn't, * only the global user agent substrings (see @setGlobalExcludedUserAgents) will be used. * * @return bool * @deprecated Will be removed in Matomo 4.0 */ public function isSiteSpecificUserAgentExcludeEnabled() { return true; } /** * Sets whether it should be allowed to exclude different user agents for different * websites. * * @param bool $enabled * @deprecated Will be removed in Matomo 4.0 */ public function setSiteSpecificUserAgentExcludeEnabled($enabled) { } /** * Returns true if the default behavior is to keep URL fragments when tracking, * false if otherwise. * * @return bool */ public function getKeepURLFragmentsGlobal() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess(); return (bool)Option::get(self::OPTION_KEEP_URL_FRAGMENTS_GLOBAL); } /** * Sets whether the default behavior should be to keep URL fragments when * tracking or not. * * @param $enabled bool If true, the default behavior will be to keep URL * fragments when tracking. If false, the default * behavior will be to remove them. */ public function setKeepURLFragmentsGlobal($enabled) { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); // update option Option::set(self::OPTION_KEEP_URL_FRAGMENTS_GLOBAL, $enabled); // make sure tracker cache will reflect change Cache::deleteTrackerCache(); } /** * Sets list of URL query parameters to be excluded on all websites. * Will also apply to websites created in the future. * * @param string $excludedQueryParameters Comma separated list of URL query parameters to exclude from URLs * @return bool */ public function setGlobalExcludedQueryParameters($excludedQueryParameters) { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); $excludedQueryParameters = $this->checkAndReturnCommaSeparatedStringList($excludedQueryParameters); Option::set(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL, $excludedQueryParameters); Cache::deleteTrackerCache(); return true; } /** * Returns the list of IPs that are excluded from all websites * * @return string Comma separated list of IPs */ public function getExcludedIpsGlobal() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess(); return Option::get(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_IPS_GLOBAL); } /** * Returns the default currency that will be set when creating a website through the API. * * @return string Currency ID eg. 'USD' */ public function getDefaultCurrency() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess(); $defaultCurrency = Option::get(self::OPTION_DEFAULT_CURRENCY); if ($defaultCurrency) { return $defaultCurrency; } return 'USD'; } /** * Sets the default currency that will be used when creating websites * * @param string $defaultCurrency Currency code, eg. 'USD' * @return bool */ public function setDefaultCurrency($defaultCurrency) { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); $this->checkValidCurrency($defaultCurrency); Option::set(self::OPTION_DEFAULT_CURRENCY, $defaultCurrency); return true; } /** * Returns the default timezone that will be set when creating a website through the API. * Via the UI, if the default timezone is not UTC, it will be pre-selected in the drop down * * @return string Timezone eg. UTC+7 or Europe/Paris */ public function getDefaultTimezone() { $defaultTimezone = Option::get(self::OPTION_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE); if ($defaultTimezone) { return $defaultTimezone; } return 'UTC'; } /** * Sets the default timezone that will be used when creating websites * * @param string $defaultTimezone Timezone string eg. Europe/Paris or UTC+8 * @return bool */ public function setDefaultTimezone($defaultTimezone) { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); $this->checkValidTimezone($defaultTimezone); Option::set(self::OPTION_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, $defaultTimezone); return true; } /** * Update an existing website. * If only one URL is specified then only the main url will be updated. * If several URLs are specified, both the main URL and the alias URLs will be updated. * * @param int $idSite website ID defining the website to edit * @param string $siteName website name * @param string|array $urls the website URLs * When calling API via HTTP specify multiple URLs via `&urls[]=http...&urls[]=http...`. * @param int $ecommerce Whether Ecommerce is enabled, 0 or 1 * @param null|int $siteSearch Whether site search is enabled, 0 or 1 * @param string $searchKeywordParameters Comma separated list of search keyword parameter names * @param string $searchCategoryParameters Comma separated list of search category parameter names * @param string $excludedIps Comma separated list of IPs to exclude from being tracked (allows wildcards) * @param null|string $excludedQueryParameters * @param string $timezone Timezone * @param string $currency Currency code * @param string $group Group name where this website belongs * @param string $startDate Date at which the statistics for this website will start. Defaults to today's date in YYYY-MM-DD format * @param null|string $excludedUserAgents * @param int|null $keepURLFragments If 1, URL fragments will be kept when tracking. If 2, they * will be removed. If 0, the default global behavior will be used. * @param string $type The Website type, default value is "website" * @param array|null $settingValues JSON serialized settings eg {settingName: settingValue, ...} * @param bool|null $excludeUnknownUrls Track only URL matching one of website URLs * @throws Exception * @see getKeepURLFragmentsGlobal. If null, the existing value will * not be modified. * * @return bool true on success */ public function updateSite($idSite, $siteName = null, $urls = null, $ecommerce = null, $siteSearch = null, $searchKeywordParameters = null, $searchCategoryParameters = null, $excludedIps = null, $excludedQueryParameters = null, $timezone = null, $currency = null, $group = null, $startDate = null, $excludedUserAgents = null, $keepURLFragments = null, $type = null, $settingValues = null, $excludeUnknownUrls = null) { Piwik::checkUserHasAdminAccess($idSite); SitesManager::dieIfSitesAdminIsDisabled(); $idSites = $this->getSitesId(); if (!in_array($idSite, $idSites)) { throw new Exception("website id = $idSite not found"); } // Build the SQL UPDATE based on specified updates to perform $bind = array(); if (!is_null($siteName)) { $this->checkName($siteName); $bind['name'] = $siteName; } if (!isset($settingValues)) { $settingValues = array(); } if (empty($coreProperties)) { $coreProperties = array(); } $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('urls', $urls, $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('group', $group, $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('ecommerce', $ecommerce, $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('sitesearch', $siteSearch, $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('sitesearch_keyword_parameters', explode(',', $searchKeywordParameters), $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('sitesearch_category_parameters', explode(',', $searchCategoryParameters), $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('keep_url_fragment', $keepURLFragments, $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('exclude_unknown_urls', $excludeUnknownUrls, $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('excluded_ips', explode(',', $excludedIps), $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('excluded_parameters', explode(',', $excludedQueryParameters), $coreProperties, $settingValues); $coreProperties = $this->setSettingValue('excluded_user_agents', explode(',', $excludedUserAgents), $coreProperties, $settingValues); if (isset($currency)) { $currency = trim($currency); $this->checkValidCurrency($currency); $bind['currency'] = $currency; } if (isset($timezone)) { $timezone = trim($timezone); $this->checkValidTimezone($timezone); $bind['timezone'] = $timezone; } if (isset($group) && Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess() ) { $bind['group'] = trim($group); } if (isset($startDate)) { $bind['ts_created'] = Date::factory($startDate)->getDatetime(); } if (isset($type)) { $bind['type'] = $this->checkAndReturnType($type); } if (!empty($coreProperties)) { $this->setAndValidateMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType = 'website', $coreProperties); } if (!empty($settingValues)) { $this->setAndValidateMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType = null, $settingValues); } if (!empty($bind)) { $this->getModel()->updateSite($bind, $idSite); } if (!empty($coreProperties)) { $this->saveMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType = 'website', $coreProperties); } if (!empty($settingValues)) { $this->saveMeasurableSettings($idSite, $idType = null, $settingValues); } $this->postUpdateWebsite($idSite); } /** * Updates the field ts_created for the specified websites. * * @param $idSites int Id Site to update ts_created * @param $minDate Date to set as creation date. To play it safe it will subtract one more day. * * @ignore */ public function updateSiteCreatedTime($idSites, Date $minDate) { $idSites = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSites); Piwik::checkUserHasAdminAccess($idSites); $minDateSql = $minDate->subDay(1)->getDatetime(); $this->getModel()->updateSiteCreatedTime($idSites, $minDateSql); } private function checkAndReturnCommaSeparatedStringList($parameters) { $parameters = trim($parameters); if (empty($parameters)) { return ''; } $parameters = explode(',', $parameters); $parameters = array_map('trim', $parameters); $parameters = array_filter($parameters, 'strlen'); $parameters = array_unique($parameters); return implode(',', $parameters); } /** * Returns the list of supported currencies * @see getCurrencySymbols() * @return array ( currencyId => currencyName) */ public function getCurrencyList() { $currency = Site::getCurrencyList(); $return = array(); foreach (array_keys(Site::getCurrencyList()) as $currencyCode) { $return[$currencyCode] = Piwik::translate('Intl_Currency_' . $currencyCode) . ' (' . Piwik::translate('Intl_CurrencySymbol_' . $currencyCode) . ')'; } asort($return); return $return; } /** * Returns the list of currency symbols * @see getCurrencyList() * @return array( currencyId => currencySymbol ) */ public function getCurrencySymbols() { $currencies = Site::getCurrencyList(); return array_map(function ($a) { return $a[0]; }, $currencies); } /** * Return true if Timezone support is enabled on server * * @return bool */ public function isTimezoneSupportEnabled() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess(); return SettingsServer::isTimezoneSupportEnabled(); } /** * Returns the list of timezones supported. * Used for addSite and updateSite * * @return array of timezone strings */ public function getTimezonesList() { if (!SettingsServer::isTimezoneSupportEnabled()) { return array('UTC' => $this->getTimezonesListUTCOffsets()); } $countries = StaticContainer::get('Piwik\Intl\Data\Provider\RegionDataProvider')->getCountryList(); $return = array(); $continents = array(); foreach ($countries as $countryCode => $continentCode) { $countryCode = strtoupper($countryCode); $timezones = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::PER_COUNTRY, $countryCode); foreach ($timezones as $timezone) { if (!isset($continents[$continentCode])) { $continents[$continentCode] = Piwik::translate('Intl_Continent_' . $continentCode); } $continent = $continents[$continentCode]; $return[$continent][$timezone] = $this->getTimezoneName($timezone, $countryCode, count($timezones) > 1); } } // Sort by continent name and then by country name. ksort($return); foreach ($return as $continent => $countries) { asort($return[$continent]); } $return['UTC'] = $this->getTimezonesListUTCOffsets(); return $return; } /** * Returns a user-friendly label for a timezone. * This is usually the country name of the timezone. For countries spanning multiple timezones, * a city/location name is added to avoid ambiguity. * * @param string $timezone a timezone, e.g. "Asia/Tokyo" or "America/Los_Angeles" * @param string $countryCode an upper-case country code (if not supplied, it will be looked up) * @param bool $multipleTimezonesInCountry whether there are multiple timezones in the country (if not supplied, it will be looked up) * @return string a timezone label, e.g. "Japan" or "United States - Los Angeles" */ public function getTimezoneName($timezone, $countryCode = null, $multipleTimezonesInCountry = null) { if (substr($timezone, 0, 3) === 'UTC') { return Piwik::translate('SitesManager_Format_Utc', str_replace(array('.25', '.5', '.75'), array(':15', ':30', ':45'), substr($timezone, 3))); } if (!isset($countryCode)) { try { $zone = new DateTimeZone($timezone); $location = $zone->getLocation(); if (isset($location['country_code']) && $location['country_code'] !== '??') { $countryCode = $location['country_code']; } } catch (Exception $e) { } } if (!$countryCode) { $timezoneExploded = explode('/', $timezone); return str_replace('_', ' ', end($timezoneExploded)); } if (!isset($multipleTimezonesInCountry)) { $timezonesInCountry = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::PER_COUNTRY, $countryCode); $multipleTimezonesInCountry = (count($timezonesInCountry) > 1); } $return = Piwik::translate('Intl_Country_' . $countryCode); if ($multipleTimezonesInCountry) { $translationId = 'Intl_Timezone_' . str_replace(array('_', '/'), array('', '_'), $timezone); $city = Piwik::translate($translationId); // Fall back to English identifier, if translation is missing due to differences in tzdata in different PHP versions. if ($city === $translationId) { $timezoneExploded = explode('/', $timezone); $city = str_replace('_', ' ', end($timezoneExploded)); } $return .= ' - ' . $city; } return $return; } private function getTimezonesListUTCOffsets() { // manually add the UTC offsets $GmtOffsets = array(-12, -11.5, -11, -10.5, -10, -9.5, -9, -8.5, -8, -7.5, -7, -6.5, -6, -5.5, -5, -4.5, -4, -3.5, -3, -2.5, -2, -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 5.75, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 8.75, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 12.75, 13, 13.75, 14); $return = array(); foreach ($GmtOffsets as $offset) { $offset = Common::forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($offset); if ($offset > 0) { $offset = '+' . $offset; } elseif ($offset == 0) { $offset = ''; } $timezone = 'UTC' . $offset; $return[$timezone] = $this->getTimezoneName($timezone); } return $return; } /** * Returns the list of unique timezones from all configured sites. * * @return array ( string ) */ public function getUniqueSiteTimezones() { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); return $this->getModel()->getUniqueSiteTimezones(); } /** * Remove the final slash in the URLs if found * * @param string $url * @return string the URL without the trailing slash */ private function removeTrailingSlash($url) { // if there is a final slash, we take the URL without this slash (expected URL format) if (strlen($url) > 5 && $url[strlen($url) - 1] == '/' ) { $url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 1); } return $url; } /** * Tests if the URL is a valid URL * * @param string $url * @return bool */ private function isValidUrl($url) { return UrlHelper::isLookLikeUrl($url); } /** * Tests if the IP is a valid IP, allowing wildcards, except in the first octet. * Wildcards can only be used from right to left, ie. 1.1.*.* is allowed, but 1.1.*.1 is not. * * @param string $ip IP address * @return bool */ private function isValidIp($ip) { return IPUtils::getIPRangeBounds($ip) !== null; } /** * Check that the website name has a correct format. * * @param $siteName * @throws Exception */ private function checkName($siteName) { if (empty($siteName)) { throw new Exception(Piwik::translate("SitesManager_ExceptionEmptyName")); } } public function renameGroup($oldGroupName, $newGroupName) { Piwik::checkUserHasSuperUserAccess(); if ($oldGroupName == $newGroupName) { return true; } $sitesHavingOldGroup = $this->getSitesFromGroup($oldGroupName); foreach ($sitesHavingOldGroup as $site) { $this->updateSite($site['idsite'], $siteName = null, $urls = null, $ecommerce = null, $siteSearch = null, $searchKeywordParameters = null, $searchCategoryParameters = null, $excludedIps = null, $excludedQueryParameters = null, $timezone = null, $currency = null, $newGroupName); } return true; } /** * Find websites matching the given pattern. * * Any website will be returned that matches the pattern in the name, URL or group. * To limit the number of returned sites you can either specify `filter_limit` as usual or `limit` which is * faster. * * @param string $pattern * @param int|false $limit * @return array */ public function getPatternMatchSites($pattern, $limit = false) { $ids = $this->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess(); if (empty($ids)) { return array(); } $sites = $this->getModel()->getPatternMatchSites($ids, $pattern, $limit); foreach ($sites as &$site) { $this->enrichSite($site); } $sites = Site::setSitesFromArray($sites); return $sites; } /** * Returns the number of websites to display per page. * * For example this is used in the All Websites Dashboard, in the Website Selector etc. If multiple websites are * shown somewhere, one should request this method to detect how many websites should be shown per page when * using paging. To use paging is always recommended since some installations have thousands of websites. * * @return int */ public function getNumWebsitesToDisplayPerPage() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess(); return SettingsPiwik::getWebsitesCountToDisplay(); } }