delete(self::$cacheId); } /** * Groups all URLs by host, path and idsite. * * @param array $urls An array containing URLs by idsite, * eg array(array($idSite = 1 => array('apache.piwik', 'apache2.piwik'), 2 => array(), ...)) * as returned by {@link getAllCachedSiteUrls()} and {@link getAllSiteUrls} * @return array All urls grouped by host => path => idSites. Path having the most '/' will be listed first * array( 'apache.piwik' => array( '/test/two' => $idsite = array(3), '/test' => $idsite = array(1), '/' => $idsite = array(2), ), 'test.apache.piwik' => array( '/test/two' => $idsite = array(3), '/test' => $idsite = array(1), '/' => $idsite = array(2, 3), ), ); */ public function groupUrlsByHost($siteUrls) { if (empty($siteUrls)) { return []; } $allUrls = []; foreach ($siteUrls as $idSite => $urls) { $idSite = (int) $idSite; foreach ($urls as $url) { $this->addUrlByHost($allUrls, $idSite, $url); } } $this->sortUrlsByHost($allUrls); return $allUrls; } public function addUrlByHost(&$allUrls, $idSite, $url, $addPath = true) { $urlParsed = @parse_url($url); if ($urlParsed === false || !isset($urlParsed['host'])) { return; } $host = $this->toCanonicalHost($urlParsed['host']); $path = $this->getCanonicalPathFromParsedUrl($urlParsed); if (!isset($allUrls[$host])) { $allUrls[$host] = []; } if (!$addPath) { $path = '/'; } if (!isset($allUrls[$host][$path])) { $allUrls[$host][$path] = []; } if (!in_array($idSite, $allUrls[$host][$path])) { $allUrls[$host][$path][] = $idSite; } } private function sortUrlsByHost(&$allUrls) { foreach ($allUrls as $host => $paths) { uksort($paths, [$this, 'sortByPathDepth']); $allUrls[$host] = $paths; } } public function getIdSitesMatchingUrl($parsedUrl, $urlsGroupedByHost) { if (empty($parsedUrl['host'])) { return null; } $urlHost = $this->toCanonicalHost($parsedUrl['host']); $urlPath = $this->getCanonicalPathFromParsedUrl($parsedUrl); // As wildcard subdomain might be allowed, for e.g. we need to check e.g. // - // - // - // - $hostsToCheck = [ $urlHost, '.' . $urlHost, ]; while (substr_count($urlHost, '.') >= 2) { $urlHost = substr($urlHost, strpos($urlHost, '.') + 1); $hostsToCheck[] = '.' . $urlHost; } foreach ($hostsToCheck as $host) { if (isset($urlsGroupedByHost[$host])) { $paths = $urlsGroupedByHost[$host]; foreach ($paths as $path => $idSites) { if (0 === strpos($urlPath, $path)) { return $idSites; } } if (isset($paths['/'])) { return $paths['/']; } } } return null; } public function getPathMatchingUrl($parsedUrl, $urlsGroupedByHost) { if (empty($parsedUrl['host'])) { return null; } $urlHost = $this->toCanonicalHost($parsedUrl['host']); $urlPath = $this->getCanonicalPathFromParsedUrl($parsedUrl); if (isset($urlsGroupedByHost[$urlHost])) { $paths = $urlsGroupedByHost[$urlHost]; foreach ($paths as $path => $idSites) { if (0 === strpos($urlPath, $path)) { return $path; } } } } public function getAllCachedSiteUrls() { $cache = $this->getCache(); $siteUrls = $cache->fetch(self::$cacheId); if (empty($siteUrls)) { $siteUrls = $this->getAllSiteUrls(); $cache->save(self::$cacheId, $siteUrls, 1800); } return $siteUrls; } public function getAllSiteUrls() { $model = new Model(); $siteUrls = $model->getAllKnownUrlsForAllSites(); if (empty($siteUrls)) { return []; } $urls = []; foreach ($siteUrls as $siteUrl) { $siteId = (int) $siteUrl['idsite']; if (!isset($urls[$siteId])) { $urls[$siteId] = []; } $urls[$siteId][] = $siteUrl['url']; } return $urls; } private static function getCache() { return Cache::getLazyCache(); } public function addRequestUrlToSiteUrls(&$allUrls, Request $request) { $idSite = $request->getIdSite(); $url = $request->getParam('url'); $this->addUrlByHost($allUrls, $idSite, $url, $addPath = false); } private function sortByPathDepth($pathA, $pathB) { // list first the paths with most '/' , and list path = '/' last $numSlashA = substr_count($pathA, '/'); $numSlashB = substr_count($pathB, '/'); if ($numSlashA === $numSlashB) { return -1 * strcmp($pathA, $pathB); } return $numSlashA > $numSlashB ? -1 : 1; } private function toCanonicalHost($host) { $host = mb_strtolower($host); if (strpos($host, 'www.') === 0) { $host = substr($host, 4); } return $host; } private function getCanonicalPathFromParsedUrl($urlParsed) { $path = '/'; if (isset($urlParsed['path'])) { $path = mb_strtolower($urlParsed['path']); if (!Common::stringEndsWith($path, '/')) { $path .= '/'; } } return $path; } }