{ "Tour": { "PluginDescription": "Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.", "Tour": "Tour", "Engagement": "Engagement", "UploadLogo": "Upload your logo", "AddUser": "Add a user", "AddWebsite": "Add a website", "AddReport": "Add a scheduled report", "AddSegment": "Add a segment", "AddAnnotation": "Add an annotation", "BrowseMarketplace": "Browse the marketplace", "PreviousChallenges": "Previous challenges", "NextChallenges": "Next challenges", "RowEvolution": "Row evolution", "ViewX": "View %s", "SetupX": "Setup %s", "SelectDateRange": "Select a date range", "SelectDateRangeDescription": "Select a time span in the calendar.", "ChangeVisualisation": "Change a visualisation", "ChangeVisualisationDescription": "Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.", "FlattenActions": "Flatten a page report", "FlattenActionsDescription": "Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.", "ViewRowEvolutionDescription": "Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.", "ViewVisitsLogDescription": "Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.", "ViewVisitorProfileDescription": "Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.", "ShareAllChallengesCompleted": "%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.", "ChallengeCompleted": "Congratulations, the challenge is complete.", "BecomeMatomoExpert": "Become a Matomo expert", "YouCanCallYourselfExpert": "You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.", "StatusLevel": "You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.", "ConfigureGeolocationDescription": "Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.", "DisableBrowserArchiving": "Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance", "SkipThisChallenge": "Skip this challenge", "ShareYourAchievementOn": "Share your achievement on %1$s.", "MatomoBeginner": "Matomo beginner", "MatomoIntermediate": "Matomo intermediate", "MatomoTalent": "Matomo Talent", "MatomoProfessional": "Matomo professional", "MatomoExpert": "Matomo expert", "ConfigureGeolocation": "Set up geolocation", "CustomiseDashboard": "Set up your dashboard", "CustomiseDashboardDescription": "Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.", "DefineGoal": "Add a goal", "DefineGoalDescription": "Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.", "EmbedTrackingCode": "Embed a tracking code", "CompletionTitle": "Well done.", "CompletionMessage": "You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.", "Part1Title": "Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.", "Part2Title": "Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.", "Part3Title": "You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.", "Part4Title": "Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.", "OnlyVisibleToSuperUser": "Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.", "ConnectConsentManager": "Connect %1$s consent manager", "ConnectConsentManagerIntro": "%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together." } }