{ "Transitions": { "BouncesInline": "%s bounces", "DirectEntries": "Direct Entries", "Transitions": "Transitions", "ErrorBack": "Go back to the previous action", "ExitsInline": "%s exits", "NumPageviews": "%s pageviews", "NumDownloads": "%s downloads", "NumOutlinks": "%s outlinks", "TopX": "Top %s labels", "FeatureDescription": "Transitions gives you a report that shows the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a certain page. This page will explain how to access, understand, and use the powerful Transitions report.", "AvailableInOtherReports": "Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:", "AvailableInOtherReports2": "Simply hover a row in any of these reports and click on the transition icon %s to launch it.", "FromCampaigns": "From Campaigns", "FromPreviousPages": "From Internal Pages", "FromPreviousPagesInline": "%s from internal pages", "FromPreviousSiteSearches": "From Internal Search", "FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline": "%s from internal searches", "FromSearchEngines": "From Search Engines", "FromSocialNetworks": "From Social Networks", "FromWebsites": "From Websites", "IncomingTraffic": "Incoming traffic", "LoopsInline": "%s page reloads", "NoDataForAction": "There's no data for %s", "NoDataForActionDetails": "Either the action had no pageviews during the period %s or it is invalid.", "OutgoingTraffic": "Outgoing traffic", "PluginDescription": "Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new Transitions report, available in the Actions reports via a new icon.", "ShareOfAllPageviews": "This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)", "ToFollowingPages": "To Internal Pages", "ToFollowingPagesInline": "%s to internal pages", "ToFollowingSiteSearches": "Internal Searches", "ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline": "%s internal searches", "XOfAllPageviews": "%s of all views of this page", "XOutOfYVisits": "%1$s (out of %2$s)", "PageURLTransitions": "Page URL Transitions" } }