/*! * Piwik - free/libre analytics platform * * Visitors Map with zoom in continents / countries. Cities + Region view. * Using Kartograph.js http://kartograph.org/ * * @link http://piwik.org * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later */ (function () { // create a global namespace for UserCountryMap plugin // this is used both by visitor map and realtime map window.UserCountryMap = window.UserCountryMap || {}; // the main class for this widget, provides the interface for the template var VisitorMap = window.UserCountryMap.VisitorMap = function (config, theWidget) { this.config = config; this.theWidget = theWidget || false; this.run(); }; $.extend(VisitorMap.prototype, { /* * initializes the map after widget creation */ run: function () { var self = this, config = self.config, colorManager = piwik.ColorManager, colorNames = ['no-data-color', 'one-country-color', 'color-range-start-choropleth', 'color-range-start-normal', 'color-range-end-choropleth', 'color-range-end-normal', 'country-highlight-color', 'unknown-region-fill-color', 'unknown-region-stroke-color', 'region-stroke-color', 'invisible-region-background', 'city-label-color', 'city-stroke-color', 'city-highlight-stroke-color', 'city-highlight-fill-color', 'city-highlight-label-color', 'city-label-fill-color', 'city-selected-color', 'city-selected-label-color', 'region-layer-stroke-color', 'country-selected-color', 'region-selected-color', 'region-highlight-color'], colors = colorManager.getColors('visitor-map', colorNames), noDataColor = colors['no-data-color'], oneCountryColor = colors['one-country-color'], colorRangeStartChoropleth = colors['color-range-start-choropleth'], colorRangeStartNormal = colors['color-range-start-normal'], colorRangeEndChoropleth = colors['color-range-end-choropleth'], colorRangeEndNormal = colors['color-range-end-normal'], specialMetricsColorScale = colorManager.getColors( 'visitor-map', ['special-metrics-color-scale-1', 'special-metrics-color-scale-2', 'special-metrics-color-scale-3', 'special-metrics-color-scale-4'] ), countryHighlightColor = colors['country-highlight-color'], countrySelectedColor = colors['country-selected-color'], unknownRegionFillColor = colors['unknown-region-fill-color'], unknownRegionStrokeColor = colors['unknown-region-stroke-color'], regionStrokeColor = colors['region-stroke-color'], regionSelectedColor = colors['region-selected-color'], regionHighlightColor = colors['region-highlight-color'], invisibleRegionBackgroundColor = colors['invisible-region-background'], cityLabelColor = colors['city-label-color'], cityLabelFillColor = colors['city-label-fill-color'], cityStrokeColor = colors['city-stroke-color'], cityHighlightStrokeColor = colors['city-highlight-stroke-color'], cityHighlightFillColor = colors['city-highlight-fill-color'], cityHighlightLabelColor = colors['city-highlight-label-color'], citySelectedColor = colors['city-selected-color'], citySelectedLabelColor = colors['city-selected-label-color'], regionLayerStrokeColor = colors['region-layer-stroke-color'] ; /* * our own custom selector to only select stuff of this widget */ function $$(selector) { return $(selector, self.theWidget ? self.theWidget.element : undefined); } var mapContainer = $$('.UserCountryMap_map').get(0), map = self.map = Kartograph.map(mapContainer), main = $$('.UserCountryMap_container'), worldTotalVisits = 0, width = main.width(), _ = config._; config.noDataColor = noDataColor; self.widget = $$('.widgetUserCountryMapvisitorMap').parent(); //window.__mapInstances = window.__mapInstances || []; //window.__mapInstances.push(map); function _reportParams(module, action, countryFilter) { var params = $.extend(config.reqParams, { module: 'API', method: 'API.getProcessedReport', apiModule: module, apiAction: action, filter_limit: -1, limit: -1 }); if (countryFilter) { $.extend(params, { filter_column: 'country', filter_sort_column: 'nb_visits', filter_pattern: countryFilter }); } return params; } /* * wrapper around jQuery.ajax, moves token_auth parameter * to POST data while keeping other parameters as GET */ function ajax(params, dataType) { dataType = dataType || 'json'; params = $.extend({}, params); var token_auth = '' + params.token_auth; delete params['token_auth']; return $.ajax({ url: 'index.php?' + $.param(params), dataType: dataType, data: { token_auth: token_auth }, type: 'POST' }); } function minmax(values) { values = values.sort(function (a, b) { return Number(a) - Number(b); }); return { min: values[0], max: values[values.length - 1], median: values[Math.floor(values.length * 0.5)], p33: values[Math.floor(values.length * 0.33)], p66: values[Math.floor(values.length * 0.66)], p90: values[Math.floor(values.length * 0.9)] }; } function formatNumber(v) { v = Number(v); return v > 1000000 ? (v / 1000000).toFixed(1) + 'm' : v > 1000 ? (v / 1000).toFixed(1) + 'k' : v; } // // Since some metrics are transmitted in an non-numeric format like // "61.45%", we need to parse the numbers to make sure they can be // used for color scales etc. The parsed metrics will be stored as // METRIC_raw // function formatValueForTooltips(data, metric, id) { var val = data[metric] % 1 === 0 || Number(data[metric]) != data[metric] ? data[metric] : data[metric].toFixed(1), v = _[metric].replace('%s', '' + val + ''); if (val == 1 && metric == 'nb_visits') v = _.one_visit; function avgTime(d) { return d['sum_visit_length'] / d['nb_visits']; } if (metric.substr(0, 3) == 'nb_' && metric != 'nb_actions_per_visit') { var total; if (id.length == 3) total = UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[id][metric]; else if (id == 'world') total = _worldTotal; else { total = 0; $.each(UserCountryMap.countriesByIso, function (iso, country) { if (UserCountryMap.ISO3toCONT[iso] == id) { total += country[metric]; } }); } if (total) { v += ' (' + formatPercentage(data[metric] / total) + ')'; } } else if (metric == 'avg_time_on_site') { v += '
(' + _.nb_visits.replace('%s', data.nb_visits) + ')'; } return v; } function getColorScale(rows, metric, filter, choropleth) { var colscale; function addLegendItem(val, first) { var d = $('
'), r = $('
'), l = $('
'), metric = $$('.userCountryMapSelectMetrics').val(), v = formatNumber(Math.round(val)) + (metric == 'avg_time_on_site' ? first ? ' sec' : 's' : ''); d.css({ width: 17, height: 17, float: 'left', background: colscale(val) }); l.css({ 'margin-left': 20, 'line-height': '20px', 'text-align': 'right' }).html(v); r.css({ clear: 'both', height: 19 }); r.append(d).append(l); $('.UserCountryMap-legend .content').append(r); } var stats, values = [], id = self.lastSelected, c; $.each(rows, function (i, r) { if (!$.isFunction(filter) || filter(r)) { var v = quantify(r, metric); if (!isNaN(v)) values.push(v); } }); stats = minmax(values); if (stats.min == stats.max) { colscale = function () { return chroma.hex(oneCountryColor); }; if (choropleth) { $('.UserCountryMap-legend .content').html('').show(); addLegendItem(stats.min, true); } return colscale; } colscale = chroma.scale() .range([choropleth ? colorRangeStartChoropleth : colorRangeStartNormal, choropleth ? colorRangeEndChoropleth : colorRangeEndNormal]) .domain(values, 4, 'c') .mode('lch'); if (metric == 'avg_time_on_site' || metric == 'nb_actions_per_visit' || metric == 'bounce_rate') { if (id.length == 3) { c = (stats.p90 - stats.min) / (stats.max - stats.min); colscale = chroma.scale(specialMetricsColorScale, [0, c, c + 0.001, 1]) .domain(chroma.limits(rows, 'c', 5, 'curMetric', filter)) .mode('hsl'); } } // a good place to update the legend, isn't it? if (choropleth) { $('.UserCountryMap-legend .content').html('').show(); var itemExists = {}; $.each(chroma.limits(values, 'k', 3), function (i, v) { if (itemExists[v]) return; addLegendItem(v, i === 0); itemExists[v] = true; }); } else { $('.UserCountryMap-legend .content').hide(); } return colscale; } function formatPercentage(val) { if (val < 0.001) return '< 0.1%'; return Math.round(1000 * val) / 10 + '%'; } /* * to ensure that onResize is not called a hundred times * while resizing the browser window, this functions * makes sure to only call onResize at the end */ function onResizeLazy() { clearTimeout(self._resizeTimer); self._resizeTimer = setTimeout(self.resize.bind(self), 300); } function activateButton(btn) { $$('.UserCountryMap-view-mode-buttons a').removeClass('activeIcon'); btn.addClass('activeIcon'); $$('.UserCountryMap-activeItem').offset({ left: btn.offset().left }); } function initUserInterface() { // react to changes of country select $$('.userCountryMapSelectCountry').off('change').change(function () { updateState($$('.userCountryMapSelectCountry').val()); }); function zoomOut() { var t = self.lastSelected, tgt = 'world'; // zoom out to world per default.. if (t.length == 3 && UserCountryMap.ISO3toCONT[t] !== undefined) { tgt = UserCountryMap.ISO3toCONT[t]; // ..but zoom to continent if we know it } updateState(tgt); } // enable zoom-out $$('.UserCountryMap-btn-zoom').off('click').click(zoomOut); $$('.UserCountryMap_map').off('click').click(zoomOut); // handle window resizes $(window).off('resize').resize(onResizeLazy); // enable metric changes $$('.userCountryMapSelectMetrics').off('change').change(function () { updateState(self.lastSelected); }); // handle city button (function (btn) { btn.off('click').click(function () { if (self.lastSelected.length == 3) { if (self.mode != "city") { self.mode = "city"; updateState(self.lastSelected); } } }); })($$('.UserCountryMap-btn-city')); // handle region button (function (btn) { btn.off('click').click(function () { if (self.mode != "region") { $$('.UserCountryMap-view-mode-buttons a').removeClass('activeIcon'); self.mode = "region"; updateState(self.lastSelected); } }); })($$('.UserCountryMap-btn-region')); // add loading indicator overlay var bl = $('
'); bl.hide(); $$('.UserCountryMap_map').append(bl); var infobtn = $('.UserCountryMap-info-btn'); infobtn.off('mouseenter').on('mouseenter',function (e) { $(infobtn.data('tooltip-target')).show(); }).off('mouseleave').on('mouseleave', function (e) { $(infobtn.data('tooltip-target')).hide(); }); $('.UserCountryMap-tooltip').hide(); } /* * updateState, called whenever the view changes */ function updateState(id) { // double check view mode if (self.mode == "city" && id.length != 3) { // city mode is reserved for country views self.mode = "region"; } var metric = $$('.userCountryMapSelectMetrics').val(); // store current map state self.widget.dashboardWidget('setParameters', { lastMap: id, viewMode: self.mode, lastMetric: metric }); $('.UserCountryMap-info-btn').hide(); try { // check which map to render if (id.length == 3) { // country map renderCountryMap(id, metric); } else { // world or continent map renderWorldMap(id, metric); } } catch (e) { // console.error(e); $('.UserCountryMap-info .content').html(e); $('.UserCountryMap-info').show(); } _updateUI(id, metric); self.lastSelected = id; } /* * update the widgets ui according to the currently selected view */ function _updateUI(id, metric) { // update UI if (self.mode == "city") { activateButton($$('.UserCountryMap-btn-city')); } else { activateButton($$('.UserCountryMap-btn-region')); } var countrySelect = $$('.userCountryMapSelectCountry'); countrySelect.val(id); var zoom = $$('.UserCountryMap-btn-zoom'); if (id == 'world') zoom.addClass('inactiveIcon'); else zoom.removeClass('inactiveIcon'); // show flag icon in select box var flag = $$('.userCountryMapFlag'), regionBtn = $$('.UserCountryMap-btn-region'); if (id.length == 3) { if (UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[id]) { // we have visits in this country flag.css({ 'background-image': 'url(' + UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[id].flag + ')', 'background-repeat': 'no-repeat', 'background-position': '5px 5px' }); $$('.UserCountryMap-btn-city').removeClass('inactiveIcon').show(); $('span', regionBtn).html(regionBtn.data('region')); } else { // not a single visit in this country $$('.UserCountryMap-btn-city').addClass('inactiveIcon'); $('.map-stats').html(_.no_data); $('.map-title').html(''); return; } } else { flag.css({ 'background': 'none' }); $$('.UserCountryMap-btn-city').addClass('inactiveIcon').hide(); $('span', regionBtn).html(regionBtn.data('country')); } var mapTitle = id.length == 3 ? UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[id].name : $$('.userCountryMapSelectCountry option[value=' + id + ']').html(), totalVisits = 0; // update map title $('.map-title').html(mapTitle); $$('.widgetUserCountryMapvisitorMap .widgetName .map-title').html(' – ' + mapTitle); // update total visits for that region if (id.length == 3) { totalVisits = UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[id]['nb_visits']; } else if (id.length == 2) { $.each(UserCountryMap.countriesByIso, function (iso, country) { if (UserCountryMap.ISO3toCONT[iso] == id) { totalVisits += country['nb_visits']; } }); } else { totalVisits = self.config.visitsSummary['nb_visits']; } if (id.length == 3) { $('.map-stats').html(formatValueForTooltips(UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[id], metric, 'world')); } else { $('.map-stats').html( _.nb_visits.replace('%s', '' + formatNumber(totalVisits) + '') + (id != 'world' ? ' (' + formatPercentage(totalVisits / worldTotalVisits) + ')' : '') ); } } /* * called by updateState if either the world or a continent is selected */ function renderWorldMap(target, metric) { /** * update the colors of the countrys */ function updateColorsAndTooltips(metric) { // Create a chroma ColorScale for the selected metric that regards only the // countries that are visible in the map. colscale = getColorScale(UserCountryMap.countryData, metric, function (r) { if (target.length == 2) { return UserCountryMap.ISO3toCONT[r.iso] == target; } else { return true; } }, true); function countryFill(data) { var d = UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[data.iso]; if (d === null) { return self.config.noDataColor; } else { return colscale(d[metric]); } } // Apply the color scale to the map. map.getLayer('countries') .style('fill', countryFill) .on('mouseenter', function (d, path, evt) { if (evt.shiftKey) { // highlight on mouseover with shift pressed path.attr('fill', countryHighlightColor); } }) .on('mouseleave', function (d, path, evt) { if ($.inArray(UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[d.iso].name, _rowEvolution.labels) == -1) { path.attr('fill', countryFill(d)); // reset color } }); // Update the map tooltips. map.getLayer('countries').tooltips(function (data) { var metric = $$('.userCountryMapSelectMetrics').val(), country = UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[data.iso]; return '

' + country.name + '

' + formatValueForTooltips(country, metric, target); }); } // if the view hasn't changed (but probably the selected metric), // all we need to do is to recolor the current map. if (target == self.lastSelected) { updateColorsAndTooltips(metric); return; } // otherwise we need to load another map svg _updateMap(target + '.svg', function () { // add a layer for non-selectable countries = for which no data is // defined in the current report map.addLayer('countries', { name: 'context', filter: function (pd) { return UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[pd.iso] === undefined; }, tooltips: function (pd) { return '

' + pd.name + '

' + _.no_visit; } }); // add a layer for selectable countries = for which we have data // available in the current report map.addLayer('countries', { name: 'countryBG', filter: function (pd) { return UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[pd.iso] !== undefined; }}); map.addLayer('countries', { key: 'iso', filter: function (pd) { return UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[pd.iso] !== undefined; }, click: function (data, path, evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); if (evt.shiftKey || _rowEvolution.labels.length) { if (evt.altKey) { path.attr('fill', countrySelectedColor); addMultipleRowEvolution('getCountry', UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[data.iso].name); } else { showRowEvolution('getCountry', UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[data.iso].name); updateColorsAndTooltips(metric); } return; } var tgt; if (self.lastSelected != 'world' || UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[data.iso] === undefined) { tgt = data.iso; } else { tgt = UserCountryMap.ISO3toCONT[data.iso]; } updateState(tgt); } }); updateColorsAndTooltips(metric); }); } /* * updateMap is called by renderCountryMap() and renderWorldMap() */ function _updateMap(svgUrl, callback) { map.loadMap(config.svgBasePath + svgUrl, function () { map.clear(); self.resize(); callback(); $('.ui-tooltip').remove(); // remove all existing tooltips }, { padding: -3}); } function indicateLoading() { $$('.UserCountryMap-black').show(); $$('.UserCountryMap-black').css('opacity', 0); $$('.UserCountryMap-black').animate({ opacity: 0.5 }, 400); $$('.UserCountryMap .loadingPiwik').show(); } function loadingComplete() { $$('.UserCountryMap-black').hide(); $$('.UserCountryMap .loadingPiwik').hide(); } /* * returns a quantifiable value for a given metric */ function quantify(d, metric) { if (!metric) metric = $$('.userCountryMapSelectMetrics').val(); switch (metric) { case 'avg_time_on_site': return d.sum_visit_length / d.nb_visits; case 'bounce_rate': return d.bounce_count / d.nb_visits; default: return d[metric]; } } /* * Aggregates a list of report rows by a given grouping function * * the groupBy function gets a row as argument add should return a * group-id or false, if the row should be ignored. * * all rows for which groupBy returns the same group-id are * aggregated according to the given metric. */ function aggregate(rows, groupBy) { var groups = {}; $.each(rows, function (i, row) { var g_id = groupBy ? groupBy(row) : 'X'; g_id = g_id === true ? $.isNumeric(i) && i === Number(i) ? false : i : g_id; if (g_id) { if (!groups[g_id]) { groups[g_id] = { nb_visits: 0, nb_actions: 0, sum_visit_length: 0, bounce_count: 0 }; } $.each(groups[g_id], function (metric) { groups[g_id][metric] += row[metric]; }); } }); $.each(groups, function (g_id, group) { var apv = group.nb_actions / group.nb_visits, ats = group.sum_visit_length / group.nb_visits, br = (group.bounce_count * 100 / group.bounce_count); group['nb_actions_per_visit'] = apv; group['avg_time_on_site'] = new Date(0, 0, 0, ats / 3600, ats % 3600 / 60, ats % 60).toLocaleTimeString(); group['bounce_rate'] = (br % 1 !== 0 ? br.toFixed(1) : br) + "%"; }); return groupBy ? groups : groups.X; } function displayUnlocatableCount(unlocated, total) { $('.unlocated-stats').html( $('.unlocated-stats').data('tpl') .replace('%s', unlocated) .replace('%p', '(' + formatPercentage(unlocated / total) + ')') .replace('%c', UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[self.lastSelected].name) ); $('.UserCountryMap-info-btn').show(); } /* * renders a country map (either region or city view) */ function renderCountryMap(iso) { var countryMap = { zoomed: false, lastRequest: false, lastResponse: false }; /* * updates the colors in the current region map * this happens once a new country is loaded and * whenever the metric changes */ function updateRegionColors() { indicateLoading(); // load data from Piwik API ajax(_reportParams('UserCountry', 'getRegion', UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[iso].iso2)) .done(function (data) { loadingComplete(); var regionDict = {}, totalCountryVisits = UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[iso].nb_visits, unlocated = totalCountryVisits; // self.lastReportMetricStats = {}; function regionCode(region) { var key = UserCountryMap.keys[iso] || 'fips'; return key.substr(0, 4) == "fips" ? (region[key] || "").substr(2) : region[key]; // cut first two letters from fips code (=country code) } function regionExistsInMap(code) { var key = UserCountryMap.keys[iso] || 'fips', q = {}; q[key] = key.substr(0, 4) == 'fips' ? UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[iso].fips + code : code; if (map.getLayer('regions').getPaths(q).length === 0) { return false; } return true; } $.each(data.reportData, function (i, row) { regionDict[data.reportMetadata[i].region] = $.extend(row, data.reportMetadata[i], { curMetric: quantify(row, metric) }); }); var metric = $$('.userCountryMapSelectMetrics').val(); if (UserCountryMap.aggregate[iso]) { var aggregated = aggregate(regionDict, function (row) { var id = row.region, res = false; $.each(UserCountryMap.aggregate[iso].groups, function (group, codes) { if ($.inArray(id, codes) > -1) { res = group; } }); return res; }); //if (!UserCountryMap.aggregate.partial) regionDict = {}; $.each(aggregated, function (id, group) { group.curMetric = quantify(group, metric); regionDict[id] = group; }); } $.each(regionDict, function (key, region) { if (regionExistsInMap(key)) unlocated -= region.nb_visits; }); displayUnlocatableCount(unlocated, totalCountryVisits); // create color scale colscale = getColorScale(regionDict, 'curMetric', null, true); function regionFill(data) { var code = regionCode(data); return regionDict[code] === undefined ? unknownRegionFillColor : colscale(regionDict[code].curMetric); } // apply colors to map map.getLayer('regions') .style('fill', regionFill) .style('stroke',function (data) { return regionDict[regionCode(data)] === undefined ? unknownRegionStrokeColor : regionStrokeColor; }).sort(function (data) { var code = regionCode(data); return regionDict[code] === undefined ? -1 : regionDict[code].curMetric; }).tooltips(function (data) { var metric = $$('.userCountryMapSelectMetrics').val(), region = regionDict[regionCode(data)]; if (region === undefined) { return '

' + data.name + '

' + _.nb_visits.replace('%s', '0') + '

'; } return '

' + data.name + '

' + formatValueForTooltips(region, metric, iso); }).on('click',function (d, path, evt) { var region = regionDict[regionCode(d)]; if (region && region.label) { if (evt.shiftKey) { path.attr('fill', regionSelectedColor); addMultipleRowEvolution('getRegion', region.label); } else { map.getLayer('regions').style('fill', regionFill); showRowEvolution('getRegion', region.label); } } }).on('mouseenter',function (d, path, evt) { var region = regionDict[regionCode(d)]; if (region && region.label) { if (evt.shiftKey) { path.attr('fill', regionHighlightColor); } } }).on('mouseleave',function (d, path, evt) { var region = regionDict[regionCode(d)]; if (region && region.label) { if ($.inArray(region.label, _rowEvolution.labels) == -1) { // reset color path.attr('fill', regionFill(d)); } } }).style('cursor', function (d) { return regionDict[regionCode(d)] && regionDict[regionCode(d)].label ? 'pointer' : 'default'; }); // check for regions missing in the map $.each(regionDict, function (code, region) { if (!regionExistsInMap(code)) { console.warn('possible region mismatch!', code, region.nb_visits); } }); }); } /* * updates the city symbols in the current map * this happens once a new country is loaded and * whenever the metric changes */ function updateCitySymbols() { // color regions in white as background for symbols if (map.getLayer('regions')) map.getLayer('regions').style('fill', invisibleRegionBackgroundColor); indicateLoading(); // get visits per city from API ajax(_reportParams('UserCountry', 'getCity', UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[iso].iso2)) .done(function (data) { loadingComplete(); var metric = $$('.userCountryMapSelectMetrics').val(), colscale, totalCountryVisits = UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[iso].nb_visits, unlocated = totalCountryVisits, cities = []; // merge reportData and reportMetadata to cities array $.each(data.reportData, function (i, row) { unlocated -= row.nb_visits; cities.push($.extend(row, data.reportMetadata[i], { curMetric: quantify(row, metric) })); }); displayUnlocatableCount(unlocated, totalCountryVisits); // sort by current metric cities.sort(function (a, b) { return b.curMetric - a.curMetric; }); colscale = getColorScale(cities, metric); // construct scale var radscale = $K.scale.linear(cities.concat({ curMetric: 0 }), 'curMetric'); var area = map.container.width() * map.container.height(), sumArea = 0, f = { nb_visits: 0.002, nb_actions: 0.002, avg_time_on_site: 0.02, nb_actions_per_visit: 0.02, bounce_rate: 0.02 }, maxRad; $.each(cities, function (i, city) { sumArea += isNaN(city.curMetric) ? 0 : Math.pow(radscale(city.curMetric), 2); }); maxRad = Math.sqrt(area * f[metric] / sumArea); radscale = $K.scale.sqrt(cities.concat({ curMetric: 0 }), 'curMetric').range([2, maxRad + 2]); var is_rate = metric.substr(0, 3) != 'nb_' || metric == 'nb_actions_per_visit'; var citySymbols = map.addSymbols({ type: Kartograph.LabeledBubble, data: cities, clustering: 'noverlap', clusteringOpts: { size: 128, tolerance: 0 }, title: function (d) { return radscale(d.curMetric) > 10 ? formatNumber(d.curMetric) : ''; }, labelattrs: { fill: cityLabelColor, 'font-size': 11, stroke: false, cursor: 'pointer' }, filter: function (d) { if (isNaN(d.lat) || isNaN(d.long)) return false; return is_rate ? d.nb_visits > 5 && d.curMetric : d.curMetric; }, aggregate: function (rows) { var row = aggregate(rows); row.city_names = []; row.label = rows[0].label; // keep label of biggest city for row evolution $.each(rows, function (i, r) { row.city_names = row.city_names.concat(r.city_names ? r.city_names : [r.city_name]); }); row.city_name = row.city_names[0] + (row.city_names.length > 1 ? ' ' + _.and_n_others.replace('%s', (row.city_names.length - 1)) : ''); row.curMetric = quantify(row, metric); return row; }, sortBy: 'radius desc', location: function (city) { return [city.long, city.lat]; }, radius: function (city) { return radscale(city.curMetric); }, tooltip: function (city) { return '

' + city.city_name + '

' + formatValueForTooltips(city, metric, iso); }, attrs: function (city) { return { fill: colscale(city.curMetric).hex(), 'fill-opacity': 0.7, stroke: cityStrokeColor, cursor: 'pointer' }; }, mouseenter: function (city, symbol, evt) { symbol.path.attr({ 'fill-opacity': 1, 'stroke': cityHighlightStrokeColor, 'stroke-opacity': 1, 'stroke-width': 2 }); if (evt.shiftKey) { symbol.path.attr({ fill: cityHighlightFillColor }); if (symbol.label) symbol.label.attr({ fill: cityHighlightLabelColor }); } }, mouseleave: function (city, symbol) { symbol.path.attr({ 'fill-opacity': 0.7, 'stroke-opacity': 1, 'stroke-width': 1, 'stroke': cityLabelColor }); if ($.inArray(city.label, _rowEvolution.labels) == -1) { symbol.path.attr({ fill: colscale(city.curMetric) }); if (symbol.label) symbol.label.attr({ fill: cityLabelFillColor }); } }, click: function (city, symbol, evt) { if (evt.shiftKey) { addMultipleRowEvolution('getCity', city.label); symbol.path.attr('fill', citySelectedColor); if (symbol.label) symbol.label.attr('fill', citySelectedLabelColor); } else { showRowEvolution('getCity', city.label); citySymbols.update({ attrs: function (city) { return { fill: colscale(city.curMetric) }; } }); } } }); }); } _updateMap(iso + '.svg', function () { // add background map.addLayer('context', { key: 'iso', filter: function (pd) { return UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[pd.iso] === undefined; } }); map.addLayer('context', { key: 'iso', name: 'context-clickable', filter: function (pd) { return UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[pd.iso] !== undefined; }, click: function (path, p, evt) { // add click events for surrounding countries evt.stopPropagation(); updateState(path.iso); }, tooltips: function (data) { if (UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[data.iso] === undefined) { return 'no data'; } var metric = $$('.userCountryMapSelectMetrics').val(), country = UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[data.iso]; return '

' + country.name + '

' + formatValueForTooltips(country, metric, 'world'); } }); function isThisCountry(d) { return d.iso == iso;} map.addLayer("context", { name: "regionBG", filter: isThisCountry }); map.addLayer("context", { name: "regionBG-fill", filter: isThisCountry }); map.addLayer('regions', { key: 'fips', name: self.mode != "region" ? "regions2" : "regions", styles: { stroke: regionLayerStrokeColor }, click: function (d, p, evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); } }); function filtCountryLabels(data) { return data.iso != iso && map.getLayer('context-clickable') && map.getLayer('context-clickable').getPath(data.iso) && Math.abs(map.getLayer('context-clickable').getPath(data.iso).path.area()) > 700; } // returns either the reference to the country polygon or a custom label // position if defined in UserCountryMap.customLabelPositions function countryLabelPos(data) { var CLP = UserCountryMap.customLabelPositions; if (CLP[iso] && CLP[iso][data.iso]) return CLP[iso][data.iso]; return 'context-clickable.' + data.iso; } map.addSymbols({ data: map.getLayer('context-clickable').getPathsData(), type: $K.Label, filter: filtCountryLabels, location: countryLabelPos, text: function (data) { return UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[data.iso].iso2; }, 'class': 'countryLabelBg' }); map.addSymbols({ data: map.getLayer('context-clickable').getPathsData(), type: $K.Label, filter: filtCountryLabels, location: countryLabelPos, text: function (data) { return UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[data.iso].iso2; }, 'class': 'countryLabel' }); if (!UserCountryMap.countriesByIso[iso]) return; if (self.mode == "region") { updateRegionColors(); } else { updateCitySymbols(); } }); } var _rowEvolution = { labels: [], method: false }; function addMultipleRowEvolution(method, label) { if (method != _rowEvolution.method) { _rowEvolution = { method: method, labels: [] }; } _rowEvolution.labels.push(label); } /* * opens row evolution popover */ function showRowEvolution(method, label, column) { var box = Piwik_Popover.showLoading('Row Evolution'), multiple, oldLabels = _rowEvolution.labels.slice(); multiple = method == _rowEvolution.method && _rowEvolution.labels.length > 0; if (multiple) { _rowEvolution.labels.push(label); $.each(_rowEvolution.labels, function (i, l) { _rowEvolution.labels[i] = l.replace(/, /g, '%2C%20'); }); } var requestParams = $.extend({}, { apiMethod: 'UserCountry.' + method, label: multiple ? _rowEvolution.labels.join(',') : label.replace(/, /g, '%2C%20'), disableLink: 1, module: 'CoreHome', idSite: config.reqParams.idSite, period: config.reqParams.period, date: config.reqParams.date, action: multiple ? 'getMultiRowEvolutionPopover' : 'getRowEvolutionPopover', token_auth: config.reqParams.token_auth }); if (column) { requestParams.column = column; } ajax(requestParams, 'html') .done(function (html) { Piwik_Popover.setContent(html); // use the popover title returned from the server var title = box.find('div.popover-title'); if (title.size() > 0) { Piwik_Popover.setTitle(title.html()); title.remove(); } box.find('.compare-container').hide(); box.find('.rowevolution-startmulti').hide(); box.find('.multirowevoltion-metric').off('change').change(function (e) { _rowEvolution.labels = oldLabels; showRowEvolution(method, label, box.find('.multirowevoltion-metric').val()); }); }); _rowEvolution.labels = []; } // now load the metrics for all countries ajax(_reportParams('UserCountry', 'getCountry')) .done(function (report) { var metrics = $$('.userCountryMapSelectMetrics option'); var countryData = [], countrySelect = $$('.userCountryMapSelectCountry'), countriesByIso = {}; UserCountryMap.lastReportMetricStats = {}; // read api result to countryData and countriesByIso $.each(report.reportData, function (i, data) { var meta = report.reportMetadata[i], country = { name: data.label, iso2: meta.code.toUpperCase(), fips: meta.code.toUpperCase(), iso: UserCountryMap.ISO2toISO3[meta.code.toUpperCase()], flag: meta.logo }; if (UserCountryMap.differentFIPS[country.iso2]) { country.fips = UserCountryMap.differentFIPS[country.iso2]; } $.each(metrics, function (i, metric) { metric = $(metric).val(); country[metric] = data[metric]; }); countryData.push(country); countriesByIso[country.iso] = country; worldTotalVisits += country['nb_visits']; }); _worldTotal = worldTotalVisits; // sort countries by name countryData.sort(function (a, b) { return a.name > b.name ? 1 : -1; }); // store country data globally UserCountryMap.countryData = countryData; UserCountryMap.countriesByIso = countriesByIso; map.loadCSS(config.mapCssPath, function () { // map stylesheets are loaded // hide loading indicator $$('.UserCountryMap .loadingPiwik').hide(); $('.mapWidgetStatus').height(0); // start with default view (or saved state??) var params = self.widget.dashboardWidget('getWidgetObject').parameters; self.mode = params && params.viewMode ? params.viewMode : 'region'; if (params && params.lastMetric) $$('.userCountryMapSelectMetrics').val(params.lastMetric); //alert('updateState: '+params && params.lastMap ? params.lastMap : 'world'); updateState(params && params.lastMap ? params.lastMap : 'world'); // populate country select $.each(countryData, function (i, country) { countrySelect.append(''); }); initUserInterface(); }); }); function hideOverlay(e) { var overlay = $('.content', $(e.target).parents('.UserCountryMap-overlay')); if (overlay.data('locked')) return; overlay.data('locked', true); overlay.fadeOut(200); $$('.UserCountryMap').mouseleave(function () { overlay.fadeIn(200); $$('.UserCountryMap').parent().off('mouseleave'); setTimeout(function () { overlay.data('locked', false); }, 1000); }); var offset = $$('.UserCountryMap').offset(), dim = { x: overlay.offset().left - offset.left, y: overlay.offset().top - offset.top, w: overlay.width(), h: overlay.height() }; $$('.UserCountryMap').mousemove(function (e) { var mx = e.pageX - offset.left, my = e.pageY - offset.top, pad = 20, outside = mx < dim.x - pad || mx > dim.x + dim.w + pad || my < dim.y - pad || my > dim.y + dim.h + pad; if (outside) { $$('.UserCountryMap').parent().off('mouseleave'); setTimeout(function () { overlay.fadeIn(200); setTimeout(function () { overlay.data('locked', false); }, 1000); }, 100); } }); /*setTimeout(function() { overlay.fadeIn(1000); }, 3000);*/ } $('.UserCountryMap-overlay').off('mouseenter').on('mouseenter', hideOverlay); $$('.widgetUserCountryMapvisitorMap .widgetName span').remove(); $$('.widgetUserCountryMapvisitorMap .widgetName').append(''); }, /* * resizes the map */ resize: function () { var ratio, w, h, map = this.map, maxHeight = $(window).height() - (this.theWidget && this.theWidget.isMaximised ? 150 : 79); ratio = map.viewAB.width / map.viewAB.height; w = map.container.width(); h = w / ratio; h = Math.min(maxHeight, h); map.container.height(h - 2); map.resize(w, h); if (w < 355) $('.tableIcon span').hide(); else $('.tableIcon span').show(); }, /* * removes the map */ destroy: function () { this.map.clear(); $(this.map.container).html(''); } }); }()); /* * Some static data used both by VisitorMap and RealtimeMap */ $.extend(UserCountryMap, { // iso alpha-2 --> iso alpha-3 ISO2toISO3: {"BD": "BGD", "BE": "BEL", "BF": "BFA", "BG": "BGR", "BA": "BIH", "BB": "BRB", "WF": "WLF", "BL": "BLM", "BM": "BMU", "BN": "BRN", "BO": "BOL", "BH": "BHR", "BI": "BDI", "BJ": "BEN", "BT": "BTN", "JM": "JAM", "BV": "BVT", "BW": "BWA", "WS": "WSM", "BQ": "BES", "BR": "BRA", "BS": "BHS", "JE": "JEY", "BY": "BLR", "BZ": "BLZ", "RU": "RUS", "RW": "RWA", "RS": "SRB", "TL": "TLS", "RE": "REU", "TM": "TKM", "TJ": "TJK", "RO": "ROU", "TK": "TKL", "GW": "GNB", "GU": "GUM", "GT": "GTM", "GS": "SGS", "GR": "GRC", "GQ": "GNQ", "GP": "GLP", "JP": "JPN", "GY": "GUY", "GG": "GGY", "GF": "GUF", "GE": "GEO", "GD": "GRD", "GB": "GBR", "GA": "GAB", "SV": "SLV", "GN": "GIN", "GM": "GMB", "GL": "GRL", "GI": "GIB", "GH": "GHA", "OM": "OMN", "TN": "TUN", "JO": "JOR", "HR": "HRV", "HT": "HTI", "HU": "HUN", "HK": "HKG", "HN": "HND", "HM": "HMD", "VE": "VEN", "PR": "PRI", "PS": "PSE", "PW": "PLW", "PT": "PRT", "SJ": "SJM", "PY": "PRY", "IQ": "IRQ", "PA": "PAN", "PF": "PYF", "PG": "PNG", "PE": "PER", "PK": "PAK", "PH": "PHL", "PN": "PCN", "PL": "POL", "PM": "SPM", "ZM": "ZMB", "EH": "ESH", "EE": "EST", "EG": "EGY", "ZA": "ZAF", "EC": "ECU", "IT": "ITA", "VN": "VNM", "SB": "SLB", "ET": "ETH", "SO": "SOM", "ZW": "ZWE", "SA": "SAU", "ES": "ESP", "ER": "ERI", "ME": "MNE", "MD": "MDA", "MG": "MDG", "MF": "MAF", "MA": "MAR", "MC": "MCO", "UZ": "UZB", "MM": "MMR", "ML": "MLI", "MO": "MAC", "MN": "MNG", "MH": "MHL", "MK": "MKD", "MU": "MUS", 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"J7", "", ""], "Northern Ireland": ["R3", "S6", "T3", "Q8", "S9", "R2", "R8", "S1", "S5", "R7", "Q6", "S7", "Q9", "S3", "R4", "T1", "T2", "R9", "R6", "R1", "S4", "R5", "T4", "S2", "Q7", "S8"], "London": ["H9", "A1", "A6", "B5", "B8", "C4", "C8", "D9", "E3", "E7", "F1", "G1", "G3", "G4", "I4", "K8", "L1", "N8", "O5", "O9", "P1", "P5", "F6", "F9", "G7", "E8", "F3", "F4", "H1", "H6", "I8", "M8"], "East": ["M5", "A5", "F8", "C3", "E4", "N5", "I9", "O3", "I1", "K3"], "Wales": ["X7", "X6", "Y7", "Y8", "X3", "X4", "Y3", "Y9", "X5", "Z3", "Y5", "Z1", "X9", "Y1", "Z4", "X1", "X8", "Y2", "X2", "Y4", "Y6", "Z2"] } }, SVN: { groups: { "PS": ["08", "54", "B6"], "NO": ["I7", "00", "13", "38", "91", "94"], "KO": ["E6", "93", "A4", "00", "A5", "16", "25", "74", "76", "81", "A2", "C2"], "SP": ["14", "36", "D2", "01", "06", "07", "44", "46", "J5", "E1", "84", "00"], "LJ": ["D4", "E3", "E5", "G4", "G7", "H6", "00", "00", "00", "00", "05", "09", "22", "32", "37", "39", "I5", "61", "64", "68", "71", "72", "77", "C1"], "JP": ["19", "35", "40", "49", "50", "J9", "B7"], "JS": ["00", "J7", "L1", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "17", "66", "73", "B1", "B4", "B8", "D4"], "PD": ["42", "28", "42", "87", "E9", "00", "00", "00", "18", "I3", "J1", "K7", "L3", "L8", "N2", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "70", "00", "00", "26", "45", "55", "89", "98", "B3", "C8"], "GO": ["03", "04", "32", "52", "53", "62", "A3", "B9", "D5", "F1", "F2", "K5", "00", "H4", "00", "12", "B2"], "SA": ["D7", "E2", "F3", "I9", "92", "L7", "N3", "N5", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "", "11", "30", "08", "57", "62", "79", "83", "99", "A7", "A8", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7", "C9"], "ZS": ["E7", "34", "C9", "C9"], "PM": ["02", "47", "78", "80", "86", "D1", "D6", "33", "I2", "00", "00", "15", "59", "I6", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "10", "29", "97", "97", "A1", "A6"] } }, FRA: { partial: true, groups: { "A5": ["A5", "B5"] } }, POL: { partial: true, groups: { "82": ["82", "60"], "85": ["85", "47", "H9"] } }, CZE: { partial: true, groups: { "82": ["82", "70", "23", "20"], "88": ["88", "41"] } }, BEL: { partial: true, groups: { "12": ["12", "02"] } }, DNK: { partial: true, groups: { "19": ["19", "07"], "18": ["18", "15"], "20": ["20", "12"], "21": ["21", "11", "04"] } } }, // which key should be used, defaults to fips keys: { "SVN": "region", "GBR": "region", "ESP": "fips-", "USA": "p", "CAN": "p" }, // custom country label positions [lon, lat] customLabelPositions: { CZE: { DEU: [12.3, 49] }, DEU: { AUT: [13.9, 48.1] }, ESP: { PRT: [-8.5, 39.6] }, NLD: { BEL: [4.6, 51, 1], DEU: [6.9, 51.5] }, CHE: { FRA: [6.2, 47.2], AUT: [9.95, 47.2], ITA: [9.7, 46.0], DEU: [8.14, 47.83] }, USA: { MEX: [-102, 24], CAN: [-97, 52] }, BIH: { HRV: [15.3, 45] } }, // countries where FIPS differs from 2-letter ISO code differentFIPS: { AD: 'AN', AG: 'AC', AI: 'AV', AQ: 'AY', AS: 'AQ', AT: 'AU', AU: 'AS', AW: 'AA', AZ: 'AJ', BA: 'BK', BD: 'BG', BF: 'UV', BG: 'BU', BH: 'BA', BI: 'BY', BJ: 'BN', BL: 'TB', BM: 'BD', BN: 'BX', BO: 'BL', BS: 'BF', BW: 'BC', BY: 'BO', BZ: 'BH', CC: 'CK', CD: 'CG', CF: 'CT', CG: 'CF', CH: 'SZ', CI: 'IV', CK: 'CW', CL: 'CI', CN: 'CH', CR: 'CS', CW: 'UC', CX: 'KT', CZ: 'EZ', DE: 'GM', DK: 'DA', DM: 'DO', DO: 'DR', DZ: 'AG', EE: 'EN', EH: 'WI', ES: 'SP', GA: 'GB', GB: 'UK', GD: 'GJ', GE: 'GG', GF: 'FG', GG: 'GK', GM: 'GA', GN: 'GV', GQ: 'EK', GS: 'SX', GU: 'GQ', GW: 'PU', HN: 'HO', HT: 'HA', IE: 'EI', IL: 'IS', IQ: 'IZ', IS: 'IC', JP: 'JA', KH: 'CB', KI: 'KR', KM: 'CN', KN: 'SC', KP: 'KN', KR: 'KS', XK: 'KV', KW: 'KU', KY: 'CJ', LB: 'LE', LC: 'ST', LI: 'LS', LK: 'CE', LR: 'LI', LS: 'LT', LT: 'LH', LV: 'LG', MA: 'MO', MC: 'MN', ME: 'MJ', MF: 'RN', MG: 'MA', MH: 'RM', MM: 'BM', MN: 'MG', MO: 'MC', MP: 'CQ', MQ: 'MB', MS: 'MH', MU: 'MP', MW: 'MI', NA: 'WA', NE: 'NG', NG: 'NI', NI: 'NU', NU: 'NE', OM: 'MU', PA: 'PM', PF: 'FP', PG: 'PP', PH: 'RP', PM: 'SB', PN: 'PC', PR: 'RQ', PS: 'WE', PT: 'PO', PW: 'PS', PY: 'PA', RS: 'RI', RU: 'RS', SB: 'BP', SC: 'SE', SD: 'SU', SS: 'OD', SE: 'SW', SG: 'SN', SJ: 'SV', SK: 'LO', SN: 'SG', SR: 'NS', ST: 'TP', SV: 'ES', SX: 'NN', SZ: 'WZ', TC: 'TK', TD: 'CD', TF: 'FS', TG: 'TO', TJ: 'TI', TK: 'TL', TL: 'TT', TM: 'TX', TN: 'TS', TO: 'TN', TR: 'TU', TT: 'TD', UA: 'UP', VA: 'VT', VG: 'VI', VI: 'VQ', VN: 'VM', VU: 'NH', YE: 'YM', YT: 'MF', ZA: 'SF', ZM: 'ZA', ZW: 'ZI', CS: 'YI', AN: 'NT' }, // mapping from Piwik continents to continents used in this widget cont2cont: { afr: 'AF', eur: 'EU', amn: 'NA', ams: 'SA', asi: 'AS', oce: 'OC', amc: 'SA' } });