{ "UsersManager": { "AddUser": "Add a new user", "Alias": "Alias", "AllWebsites": "All websites", "AnonymousAccessConfirmation": "You are about to grant the anonymous user the 'view' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?", "AnonymousUser": "Anonymous user", "AnonymousUserHasViewAccess": "Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.", "AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2": "Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.", "ApplyToAllWebsites": "Apply to all websites", "ChangeAllConfirm": "Are you sure you want to give '%s' access to all the websites?", "ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie": "Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits", "ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain": "Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s", "ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess": "Do you really want to grant '%s' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.", "ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess": "%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.", "ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess": "Do you really want to remove Super User access from '%s'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.", "DeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?", "Email": "Email", "EmailYourAdministrator": "%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.", "EnterUsernameOrEmail": "Enter a username or email address", "ExceptionAccessValues": "The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %s ]", "ExceptionAdminAnonymous": "You cannot grant 'admin' access to the 'anonymous' user.", "ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist": "User '%s' doesn't exist therefore it can't be deleted.", "ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess": "Deleting user '%s' is not possible.", "ExceptionEditAnonymous": "The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the 'view' access to the 'anonymous' user.", "ExceptionEmailExists": "User with email '%s' already exists.", "ExceptionInvalidEmail": "The email doesn't have a valid format.", "ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat": "The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters '_' or '-' or '.' or '@' or '+'", "ExceptionInvalidPassword": "The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.", "ExceptionLoginExists": "Username '%s' already exists.", "ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected": "UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.", "ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser": "Removing the Super User access from user '%s' is not possible.", "ExceptionSuperUserAccess": "This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.", "ExceptionUserDoesNotExist": "User '%s' doesn't exist.", "ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst": "There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.", "ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready": "This user has access to this website already.", "ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail": "Please enter a username or email address.", "ExcludeVisitsViaCookie": "Exclude your visits using a cookie", "ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault": "For anonymous users, report date to load by default", "GiveUserAccess":"Give '%1$s' %2$s access for %3$s.", "GiveViewAccess": "Give view access for %1$s", "GiveViewAccessTitle": "Give an existing user access to view reports for %s", "GiveViewAccessInstructions": "To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user", "IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne": "If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise leave this blank.", "InjectedHostCannotChangePwd": "You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.", "LastSeen": "Last seen", "MainDescription": "Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing \"Apply to all websites\" in the website selector.", "ManageAccess": "Manage access", "MenuAnonymousUserSettings": "Anonymous user settings", "MenuUsers": "Users", "MenuUserSettings": "User settings", "MenuPersonal": "Personal", "PersonalSettings": "Personal settings", "NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2": "Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.", "NoUsersExist": "There are no users yet.", "PluginDescription": "Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites. ", "PrivAdmin": "Admin", "PrivNone": "No access", "PrivView": "View", "RemoveUserAccess":"Remove access for '%1$s' for %2$s.", "ReportDateToLoadByDefault": "Report date to load by default", "ReportToLoadByDefault": "Report to load by default", "SuperUserAccessManagement": "Manage Super User access", "SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore": "You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.", "SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription": "Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.", "TheLoginScreen": "The login screen", "ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers": "There are currently %s registered users.", "TokenAuth": "API Authentication Token", "TokenRegenerateConfirm": "Changing the API authentication token will invalidate the user's current token. If the user is currently logged in, they may be required to log in again. Do you really want to continue?", "TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf": "Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. You may be required to log in again if you proceed. Do you really want to change your authentication token?", "TokenRegenerateLogoutWarning": "When you re-generate your token you will be logged out and need to log in again.", "TokenRegenerateTitle": "Regenerate", "TypeYourPasswordAgain": "Type your new password again.", "User": "User", "UserHasPermission":"%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.", "UserHasNoPermission":"%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s", "UsersManagement": "Users Management", "UsersManagementMainDescription": "Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.", "WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess": "When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should access", "YourUsernameCannotBeChanged": "Your username cannot be changed.", "YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain": "%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).", "YourVisitsAreNotIgnored": "%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser)." } }