tablesPrefix)) { Config::getInstance()->database['tables_prefix'] = self::$fixture->tablesPrefix; } Db::query("USE " . $dbName); $installedFixture = \Piwik\Option::get('benchmark_fixture_name'); } catch (Exception $ex) { // ignore } $createEmptyDatabase = $fixtureName != $installedFixture; parent::_setUpBeforeClass($dbName, $createEmptyDatabase, $createConfig = false, $installPlugins = true); // if we created an empty database, setup the fixture if ($createEmptyDatabase) { self::$fixture->setUp(); \Piwik\Option::set('benchmark_fixture_name', $fixtureName); } } public static function tearDownAfterClass() { // only drop the database if PIWIK_BENCHMARK_DATABASE isn't set $dropDatabase = empty($GLOBALS['PIWIK_BENCHMARK_DATABASE']); parent::_tearDownAfterClass($dropDatabase); } /** * Creates a tracking object that invokes the tracker directly (w/o going through HTTP). */ public static function getLocalTracker($idSite) { $t = new Piwik_LocalTracker($idSite, Test_Piwik_BaseFixture::getTrackerUrl()); $t->setUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)"); $t->setBrowserLanguage('fr'); $t->setLocalTime('12:34:06'); $t->setResolution(1024, 768); $t->setBrowserHasCookies(true); $t->setPlugins($flash = true, $java = true, $director = false); $t->setTokenAuth(Test_Piwik_BaseFixture::getTokenAuth()); return $t; } } /** * Reusable fixture. Adds one site w/ goals and no visit data. */ class Piwik_Test_Fixture_EmptyOneSite { public $date = '2010-01-01'; public $period = 'day'; public $idSite = 1; public function setUp() { // add one site Test_Piwik_BaseFixture::createWebsite( $this->date, $ecommerce = 1, $siteName = "Site #0", $siteUrl = ""); // add two goals $goals = API::getInstance(); $goals->addGoal($this->idSite, 'all', 'url', 'http', 'contains', false, 5); $goals->addGoal($this->idSite, 'all', 'url', 'http', 'contains'); } }