_getDataTable1ForTest(); $this->assertEquals(4, $table->getRowsCount()); $table->filter('Limit', array(2, 2)); $this->assertEquals(2, $table->getRowsCount()); $table->filter('Limit', array(0, 1)); $this->assertEquals(1, $table->getRowsCount()); } protected function _getSimpleTestDataTable() { $table = new DataTable; $table->addRowsFromArray( array( array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => 'ten', 'count' => 10)), array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => 'ninety', 'count' => 90)), array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => 'hundred', 'count' => 100)), DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW => array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => 'summary', 'count' => 200)) ) ); return $table; } /** * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testRenameColumn() { $table = $this->_getSimpleTestDataTable(); $this->assertEquals(array(10, 90, 100, 200), $table->getColumn('count')); $table->renameColumn('count', 'renamed'); $this->assertEquals(array(false, false, false, false), $table->getColumn('count')); $this->assertEquals(array(10, 90, 100, 200), $table->getColumn('renamed')); } /** * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testDeleteColumn() { $table = $this->_getSimpleTestDataTable(); $this->assertEquals(array(10, 90, 100, 200), $table->getColumn('count')); $table->deleteColumn('count'); $this->assertEquals(array(false, false, false, false), $table->getColumn('count')); } /** * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testDeleteRow() { $table = $this->_getSimpleTestDataTable(); // normal row $idToDelete = 1; $this->assertEquals(2, count($table->getRowFromId($idToDelete)->getColumns())); $table->deleteRow($idToDelete); $this->assertFalse($table->getRowFromId($idToDelete)); // summary row special case $idToDelete = DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW; $this->assertEquals(2, count($table->getRowFromId($idToDelete)->getColumns())); $table->deleteRow($idToDelete); $this->assertFalse($table->getRowFromId($idToDelete)); } /** * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testGetLastRow() { $table = $this->_getSimpleTestDataTable(); $rowsCount = $table->getRowsCount(); $this->assertEquals($table->getLastRow(), $table->getRowFromId(DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW)); $table->deleteRow(DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW); $this->assertEquals($table->getLastRow(), $table->getRowFromId($rowsCount - 2)); } /** * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testGetRowFromIdSubDataTable() { $table1 = $this->_getDataTable1ForTest(); $idTable1 = $table1->getId(); $table2 = $this->_getDataTable2ForTest(); $this->assertFalse($table2->getRowFromIdSubDataTable($idTable1)); $table2->getFirstRow()->addSubtable($table1); $this->assertEquals($table2->getRowFromIdSubDataTable($idTable1), $table2->getFirstRow()); $table3 = $this->_getDataTable1ForTest(); $idTable3 = $table3->getId(); $table2->getLastRow()->addSubtable($table3); $this->assertEquals($table2->getRowFromIdSubDataTable($idTable3), $table2->getLastRow()); } /** * we test the count rows and the count rows recursive version * on a Simple array (1 level only) * * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testCountRowsSimple() { $table = new DataTable; $idcol = Row::COLUMNS; $rows = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'piwik')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'yahoo')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'amazon')), array($idcol => array('label' => '238975247578949')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'Q*(%&*("$&%*(&"$*")"))'))); $table->addRowsFromArray($rows); $this->assertEquals(count($rows), $table->getRowsCount()); $this->assertEquals(count($rows), $table->getRowsCountRecursive()); } /** * we test the count rows and the count rows recursive version * on a Complex array (rows with 2 and 3 levels only) * * the recursive count returns * the sum of the number of rows of all the subtables * + the number of rows in the parent table * * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testCountRowsComplex() { $idcol = Row::COLUMNS; $idsubtable = Row::DATATABLE_ASSOCIATED; // table to go in the SUB table of RoW1 $tableSubOfSubOfRow1 = new DataTable; $rows1sub = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'google78')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'googlaegge')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'gogeoggle')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'goaegaegaogle')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask')), array($idcol => array('label' => '238975247578949')), ); $tableSubOfSubOfRow1->addRowsFromArray($rows1sub); // table to go in row1 $tableSubOfRow1 = new DataTable; $rows1 = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google'), $idsubtable => $tableSubOfSubOfRow1), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask')), array($idcol => array('label' => '238975247578949')), ); $tableSubOfRow1->addRowsFromArray($rows1); // table to go in row2 $tableSubOfRow2 = new DataTable; $rows2 = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask')), array($idcol => array('label' => '238975247578949')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'agaegaesk')), array($idcol => array('label' => '23g 8975247578949')), ); $tableSubOfRow2->addRowsFromArray($rows2); // main parent table $table = new DataTable; $rows = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'row1')), array($idcol => array('label' => 'row2'), $idsubtable => $tableSubOfRow1), array($idcol => array('label' => 'row3'), $idsubtable => $tableSubOfRow2), ); $table->addRowsFromArray($rows); $this->assertEquals(count($rows), $table->getRowsCount()); $countAllRows = count($rows) + count($rows1) + count($rows2) + count($rows1sub); $this->assertEquals($countAllRows, $table->getRowsCountRecursive()); } /** * Simple test of the DataTable_Row * * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testRow() { $columns = array('test_column' => 145, 092582495 => new Piwik_Timer, 'super' => array('this column has an array value, amazing')); $metadata = array('logo' => 'piwik.png', 'super' => array('this column has an array value, amazing')); $arrayRow = array( Row::COLUMNS => $columns, Row::METADATA => $metadata, 'fake useless key' => 38959, 43905724897 => 'value'); $row = new Row($arrayRow); $this->assertEquals($columns, $row->getColumns()); $this->assertEquals($metadata, $row->getMetadata()); $this->assertNull($row->getIdSubDataTable()); } /** * Simple test of the DataTable_Row * * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testSumRow() { $columns = array('test_int' => 145, 'test_float' => 145.5, 'test_float3' => 1.5, 'test_stringint' => "145", "test" => 'string fake', 'integerArrayToSum' => array(1 => 1, 2 => 10.0, 3 => array(1 => 2, 2 => 3)), ); $metadata = array('logo' => 'piwik.png', 'super' => array('this column has an array value, amazing')); $arrayRow = array( Row::COLUMNS => $columns, Row::METADATA => $metadata, 'fake useless key' => 38959, 43905724897 => 'value'); $row1 = new Row($arrayRow); $columns2 = array('test_int' => 5, 'test_float' => 4.5, 'test_float2' => 14.5, 'test_stringint' => "5", 0925824 => 'toto', 'integerArrayToSum' => array(1 => 5, 2 => 5.5, 3 => array(2 => 4)), ); $finalRow = new Row(array(Row::COLUMNS => $columns2)); $finalRow->sumRow($row1); $columnsWanted = array('test_int' => 150, 'test_float' => 150.0, 'test_float2' => 14.5, 'test_float3' => 1.5, 'test_stringint' => 150, //add also strings!! 'test' => 'string fake', 'integerArrayToSum' => array(1 => 6, 2 => 15.5, 3 => array(1 => 2, 2 => 7)), 0925824 => 'toto', ); // Also testing that metadata is copied over $rowWanted = new Row(array(Row::COLUMNS => $columnsWanted, Row::METADATA => $metadata)); $this->assertTrue(Row::isEqual($rowWanted, $finalRow)); // testing that, 'sumRow' does not result in extra unwanted attributes being serialized $expectedRow = 'O:19:"Piwik\DataTable\Row":1:{s:1:"c";a:3:{i:0;a:8:{s:8:"test_int";i:150;s:10:"test_float";d:150;s:11:"test_float2";d:14.5;s:14:"test_stringint";i:150;i:0;s:4:"toto";s:17:"integerArrayToSum";a:3:{i:1;i:6;i:2;d:15.5;i:3;a:2:{i:2;i:7;i:1;i:2;}}s:11:"test_float3";d:1.5;s:4:"test";s:11:"string fake";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"logo";s:9:"piwik.png";s:5:"super";a:1:{i:0;s:39:"this column has an array value, amazing";}}i:3;N;}}'; $this->assertEquals($expectedRow, serialize($finalRow)); // Testing sumRow with disabled metadata sum $rowWanted = new Row(array(Row::COLUMNS => $columnsWanted)); // no metadata $finalRow = new Row(array(Row::COLUMNS => $columns2)); $finalRow->sumRow($row1, $enableCopyMetadata = false); $this->assertTrue(Row::isEqual($rowWanted, $finalRow)); } public function test_unserializeWorks_WhenDataTableFormatPriorPiwik2() { // Prior Piwik 2.0, we didn't use namespaces. Some $oldSerialized = 'O:19:"Piwik_DataTable_Row":1:{s:1:"c";a:3:{i:0;a:8:{s:8:"test_int";i:150;s:10:"test_float";d:150;s:11:"test_float2";d:14.5; s:14:"test_stringint";i:150;i:0;s:4:"toto";s:17:"integerArrayToSum";a:3:{i:1;i:6;i:2;d:15.5;i:3;a:2:{i:2;i:7;i:1;i:2;}}s:11:"test_float3";d:1.5;s:4:"test";s:11:"string fake";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"logo";s:9:"piwik.png";s:5:"super";a:1:{i:0;s:39:"this column has an array value, amazing";}}i:3;N;}}'; } /** * Test that adding two string column values results in an exception. * * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testSumRow_stringException() { $columns = array( 'super' => array('this column has an array string that will be 0 when algorithm sums the value'), ); $row1 = new Row(array(Row::COLUMNS => $columns)); $columns2 = array( 'super' => array('this column has geagaean array value, amazing'), ); $row2 = new Row(array(Row::COLUMNS => $columns2)); // TODO: when phpunit 3.7 is released, can do check w/ "@expectedException Exception" try { $row2->sumRow($row1); $this->fail("sumRow did not throw when adding two string columns."); } catch (Exception $ex) { // pass } } /** * Test serialize with an infinite recursion (a row linked to a table in the parent hierarchy) * After 100 recursion must throw an exception * * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testSerializeWithInfiniteRecursion() { try { $table = new DataTable; $table->addRowFromArray(array(Row::COLUMNS => array('visits' => 245, 'visitors' => 245), Row::DATATABLE_ASSOCIATED => $table,)); $table->getSerialized(); } catch (Exception $e) { return; } $this->fail('Expected exception not raised'); } /** * Test queing filters * * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testFilterQueueSortString() { $idcol = Row::COLUMNS; $table = new DataTable; $rows = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google')), //0 array($idcol => array('label' => 'tsk')), //1 array($idcol => array('label' => 'Q*(%&*("$&%*(&"$*")"))')), //2 ); $table->addRowsFromArray($rows); $expectedtable = new DataTable; $rows = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google')), //0 array($idcol => array('label' => 'Q*(%&*("$&%*(&"$*")"))')), //2 array($idcol => array('label' => 'tsk')), //1 ); $expectedtable->addRowsFromArray($rows); $expectedtableReverse = new DataTable; $expectedtableReverse->addRowsFromArray(array_reverse($rows)); $tableCopy = clone $table; $this->assertTrue(DataTable::isEqual($tableCopy, $table)); // queue the filter and check the table didnt change $table->queueFilter("Sort", array('label', 'asc')); $this->assertTrue(DataTable::isEqual($tableCopy, $table)); // apply filter and check the table is sorted $table->applyQueuedFilters(); $this->assertTrue(DataTable::isEqual($expectedtable, $table)); // apply one more filter check it hasnt changed $table->queueFilter("Sort", array('label', 'desc')); $this->assertTrue(DataTable::isEqual($expectedtable, $table)); // now apply the second sort and check it is correctly sorted $table->applyQueuedFilters(); $this->assertTrue(DataTable::isEqual($expectedtableReverse, $table)); // do one more time to make sure it doesnt change $table->applyQueuedFilters(); $this->assertTrue(DataTable::isEqual($expectedtableReverse, $table)); } /** * General tests that tries to test the normal behaviour of DataTable * * We create some tables, add rows, some of the rows link to sub tables * * Then we serialize everything, and we check that the unserialize give the same object back * * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testGeneral() { /* * create some fake tables to make sure that the serialized array of the first TABLE * does not take in consideration those tables */ $useless1 = new DataTable; $useless1->addRowFromArray(array(Row::COLUMNS => array(13,),)); /* * end fake tables */ /* * MAIN TABLE */ $table = new DataTable; $subtable = new DataTable; $idtable = $table->getId(); $idsubtable = $subtable->getId(); /* * create some fake tables to make sure that the serialized array of the first TABLE * does not take in consideration those tables * -> we check that the DataTable_Manager is not impacting DataTable */ $useless2 = new DataTable; $useless1->addRowFromArray(array(Row::COLUMNS => array(8487,),)); $useless3 = new DataTable; $useless3->addRowFromArray(array(Row::COLUMNS => array(8487,),)); /* * end fake tables */ $row = array(Row::COLUMNS => array(0 => 1554, 1 => 42, 2 => 657, 3 => 155744,), Row::METADATA => array('logo' => 'test.png')); $row = new Row($row); $table->addRow($row); $table->addRowFromArray(array(Row::COLUMNS => array(0 => 1554, 1 => 42,), Row::METADATA => array('url' => 'piwik.org'))); $table->addRowFromArray(array(Row::COLUMNS => array(0 => 787877888787,), Row::METADATA => array('url' => 'OUPLA ADDED'), Row::DATATABLE_ASSOCIATED => $subtable)); /* * SUB TABLE */ $row = array(Row::COLUMNS => array(0 => 1554,), Row::METADATA => array('searchengine' => 'google'), ); $subtable->addRowFromArray($row); $row = array(Row::COLUMNS => array(0 => 84894,), Row::METADATA => array('searchengine' => 'yahoo'), ); $subtable->addRowFromArray($row); $row = array(Row::COLUMNS => array(0 => 4898978989,), Row::METADATA => array('searchengine' => 'ask'), ); $subtable->addRowFromArray($row); /* * SUB SUB TABLE */ $subsubtable = new DataTable; $subsubtable->addRowFromArray(array(Row::COLUMNS => array(245), Row::METADATA => array('yes' => 'subsubmetadata1'),) ); $subsubtable->addRowFromArray(array(Row::COLUMNS => array(13,), Row::METADATA => array('yes' => 'subsubmetadata2'),) ); $row = array(Row::COLUMNS => array(0 => 666666666666666,), Row::METADATA => array('url' => 'NEW ROW ADDED'), Row::DATATABLE_ASSOCIATED => $subsubtable); $subtable->addRowFromArray($row); $idsubsubtable = $subsubtable->getId(); $serialized = ($table->getSerialized()); $this->assertEquals(array_keys($serialized), array($idsubsubtable, $idsubtable, 0)); // In the next test we compare an unserialized datatable with its original instance. // The unserialized datatable rows will have positive DATATABLE_ASSOCIATED ids. // Positive DATATABLE_ASSOCIATED ids mean that the associated sub-datatables are not loaded in memory. // In this case, this is NOT true: we know that the sub-datatable is loaded in memory. // HOWEVER, because of datatable id conflicts happening in the datatable manager, it is not yet // possible to know, after unserializing a datatable, if its sub-datatables are loaded in memory. $expectedTableRows = array(); foreach ($table->getRows() as $currentRow) { $expectedTableRow = clone $currentRow; $currentRowAssociatedDatatableId = $currentRow->c[Row::DATATABLE_ASSOCIATED]; if ($currentRowAssociatedDatatableId != null) { // making DATATABLE_ASSOCIATED ids positive $expectedTableRow->c[Row::DATATABLE_ASSOCIATED] = -1 * $currentRowAssociatedDatatableId; } $expectedTableRows[] = $expectedTableRow; } $tableAfter = new DataTable; $tableAfter->addRowsFromSerializedArray($serialized[0]); $this->assertEquals($expectedTableRows, $tableAfter->getRows()); $subsubtableAfter = new DataTable; $subsubtableAfter->addRowsFromSerializedArray($serialized[$idsubsubtable]); $this->assertEquals($subsubtable->getRows(), $subsubtableAfter->getRows()); $this->assertEquals($table, Manager::getInstance()->getTable($idtable)); $this->assertEquals($subsubtable, Manager::getInstance()->getTable($idsubsubtable)); } /** * for all datatable->addDatatable tests we check that * - row uniqueness is based on the label + presence of the SUBTABLE id * => the label is the criteria used to match 2 rows in 2 datatable * - no metadata are lost in the first datatable rows that have been changed * - when a subtable */ /** * add an empty datatable to a normal datatable * * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testAddSimpleNoRowTable2() { $table = $this->_getDataTable1ForTest(); $tableEmpty = new DataTable; $tableAfter = clone $table; $tableAfter->addDataTable($tableEmpty); $this->assertTrue(DataTable::isEqual($table, $tableAfter)); } /** * add a normal datatable to an empty datatable * * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testAddSimpleNoRowTable1() { $table = $this->_getDataTable1ForTest(); $tableEmpty = new DataTable; $tableEmpty->addDataTable($table); $this->assertTrue(DataTable::isEqual($tableEmpty, $table)); } /** * add to the datatable another datatable// they don't have any row in common * * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testAddSimpleNoCommonRow() { $table1 = $this->_getDataTable1ForTest(); $table2 = $this->_getDataTable2ForTest(); $table1->addDataTable($table2); $rowsExpected = array_merge($this->_getRowsDataTable1ForTest(), $this->_getRowsDataTable2ForTest()); $tableExpected = new DataTable; $tableExpected->addRowsFromArray($rowsExpected); $this->assertTrue(DataTable::isEqual($table1, $tableExpected)); } /** * add 2 datatable with some common rows * * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testAddSimpleSomeCommonRow() { $idcol = Row::COLUMNS; $rows = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google', 'visits' => 1)), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask', 'visits' => 2)), array($idcol => array('label' => '123', 'visits' => 2)), DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW => array($idcol => array('label' => DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW, 'visits' => 7)) ); $table = new DataTable; $table->addRowsFromArray($rows); $rows2 = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'test', 'visits' => 1)), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask', 'visits' => 111)), array($idcol => array('label' => ' google ', 'visits' => 5)), array($idcol => array('label' => '123', 'visits' => 2)), ); $table2 = new DataTable; $table2->addRowsFromArray($rows2); $table->addDataTable($table2); $rowsExpected = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google', 'visits' => 1)), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask', 'visits' => 113)), array($idcol => array('label' => '123', 'visits' => 4)), array($idcol => array('label' => 'test', 'visits' => 1)), array($idcol => array('label' => ' google ', 'visits' => 5)), DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW => array($idcol => array('label' => DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW, 'visits' => 7)) ); $tableExpected = new DataTable; $tableExpected->addRowsFromArray($rowsExpected); $this->assertTrue(DataTable::isEqual($table, $tableExpected)); } /** * add 2 datatable with only common rows * * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testAddSimpleAllCommonRow() { $idcol = Row::COLUMNS; $rows = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google', 'visits' => 1)), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask', 'visits' => 2)), array($idcol => array('label' => '123', 'visits' => 2)), DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW => array($idcol => array('label' => DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW, 'visits' => 7)) ); $table = new DataTable; $table->addRowsFromArray($rows); $rows2 = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google', 'visits' => -1)), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask', 'visits' => 0)), array($idcol => array('label' => '123', 'visits' => 1.5)), DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW => array($idcol => array('label' => DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW, 'visits' => 8)) ); $table2 = new DataTable; $table2->addRowsFromArray($rows2); $table->addDataTable($table2); $rowsExpected = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google', 'visits' => 0)), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask', 'visits' => 2)), array($idcol => array('label' => '123', 'visits' => 3.5)), DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW => array($idcol => array('label' => DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW, 'visits' => 15)) ); $tableExpected = new DataTable; $tableExpected->addRowsFromArray($rowsExpected); $this->assertTrue(DataTable::isEqual($table, $tableExpected)); } /** * test add 2 different tables to the same table * * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testAddDataTable2times() { $idcol = Row::COLUMNS; $rows = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google', 'visits' => 1)), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask', 'visits' => 0)), array($idcol => array('label' => '123', 'visits' => 2)), DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW => array($idcol => array('label' => DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW, 'visits' => 1)) ); $table = new DataTable; $table->addRowsFromArray($rows); $rows2 = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google2', 'visits' => -1)), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask', 'visits' => 100)), array($idcol => array('label' => '123456', 'visits' => 1.5)), ); $table2 = new DataTable; $table2->addRowsFromArray($rows2); $rows3 = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google2', 'visits' => -1)), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask', 'visits' => -10)), array($idcol => array('label' => '123ab', 'visits' => 1.5)), DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW => array($idcol => array('label' => DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW, 'visits' => 3)) ); $table3 = new DataTable; $table3->addRowsFromArray($rows3); // add the 2 tables $table->addDataTable($table2); $table->addDataTable($table3); $rowsExpected = array( array($idcol => array('label' => 'google', 'visits' => 1)), array($idcol => array('label' => 'ask', 'visits' => 90)), array($idcol => array('label' => '123', 'visits' => 2)), array($idcol => array('label' => 'google2', 'visits' => -2)), array($idcol => array('label' => '123456', 'visits' => 1.5)), array($idcol => array('label' => '123ab', 'visits' => 1.5)), DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW => array($idcol => array('label' => DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW, 'visits' => 4)) ); $tableExpected = new DataTable; $tableExpected->addRowsFromArray($rowsExpected); $this->assertTrue(DataTable::isEqual($table, $tableExpected)); } /** * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testUnrelatedDataTableNotDestructed() { $mockedDataTable = $this->getMock('\Piwik\DataTable', array('__destruct')); $mockedDataTable->expects($this->never())->method('__destruct'); $rowBeingDestructed = new Row(); // we simulate the fact that the value of Row::DATATABLE_ASSOCIATED retrieved // from the database is in conflict with one of the Manager managed table identifiers. // This is a rare but legitimate case as identifiers are not thoroughly synchronized // when the expanded parameter is false. $rowBeingDestructed->c[Row::DATATABLE_ASSOCIATED] = $mockedDataTable->getId(); Common::destroy($rowBeingDestructed); } /** * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testGetSerializedCallsCleanPostSerialize() { $mockedDataTableRow = $this->getMock('Row', array('cleanPostSerialize')); $mockedDataTableRow->expects($this->once())->method('cleanPostSerialize'); $dataTableBeingSerialized = new DataTable(); $dataTableBeingSerialized->addRow($mockedDataTableRow); $dataTableBeingSerialized->getSerialized(); } /** * @group Core * @group DataTable */ public function testSubDataTableIsDestructed() { $mockedDataTable = $this->getMock('\Piwik\DataTable', array('__destruct')); $mockedDataTable->expects($this->once())->method('__destruct'); $rowBeingDestructed = new Row(); $rowBeingDestructed->setSubtable($mockedDataTable); Common::destroy($rowBeingDestructed); } protected function _getDataTable1ForTest() { $rows = $this->_getRowsDataTable1ForTest(); $table = new DataTable; $table->addRowsFromArray($rows); return $table; } protected function _getDataTable2ForTest() { $rows = $this->_getRowsDataTable2ForTest(); $table = new DataTable; $table->addRowsFromArray($rows); return $table; } protected function _getRowsDataTable1ForTest() { $rows = array( array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => 'google', 'visits' => 1)), array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => 'ask', 'visits' => 2)), array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => '123', 'visits' => 2)), DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW => array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW, 'visits' => 4)) ); return $rows; } protected function _getRowsDataTable2ForTest() { $rows = array( array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => 'test', 'visits' => 1)), array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => ' google ', 'visits' => 3)), array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => '123a', 'visits' => 2)), ); return $rows; } }