globalConfig = _parse_ini_file(PIWIK_PATH_TEST_TO_ROOT . '/config/global.ini.php', true); parent::setUp(); } /** * @group Core */ public function test_icoFilesIconsShouldBeInPngFormat() { $files = Filesystem::globr(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins', '*.ico'); $this->checkFilesAreInPngFormat($files); $files = Filesystem::globr(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/core', '*.ico'); $this->checkFilesAreInPngFormat($files); } /** * @group Core */ public function test_pngFilesIconsShouldBeInPngFormat() { $files = Filesystem::globr(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins', '*.png'); $this->checkFilesAreInPngFormat($files); $files = Filesystem::globr(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/core', '*.png'); $this->checkFilesAreInPngFormat($files); } /** * @group Core */ public function test_gifFilesIconsShouldBeInGifFormat() { $files = Filesystem::globr(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins', '*.gif'); $this->checkFilesAreInGifFormat($files); $files = Filesystem::globr(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/core', '*.gif'); $this->checkFilesAreInGifFormat($files); } /** * @group Core */ public function test_jpgImagesShouldBeInJpgFormat() { $files = Filesystem::globr(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins', '*.jpg'); $this->checkFilesAreInJpgFormat($files); $files = Filesystem::globr(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/core', '*.jpg'); $this->checkFilesAreInJpgFormat($files); $files = Filesystem::globr(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins', '*.jpeg'); $this->checkFilesAreInJpgFormat($files); $files = Filesystem::globr(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/core', '*.jpeg'); $this->checkFilesAreInJpgFormat($files); } /** * @group Core */ public function testCheckThatConfigurationValuesAreProductionValues() { $this->_checkEqual(array('Debug' => 'always_archive_data_day'), '0'); $this->_checkEqual(array('Debug' => 'always_archive_data_period'), '0'); $this->_checkEqual(array('Debug' => 'enable_sql_profiler'), '0'); $this->_checkEqual(array('General' => 'time_before_today_archive_considered_outdated'), '10'); $this->_checkEqual(array('General' => 'enable_browser_archiving_triggering'), '1'); $this->_checkEqual(array('General' => 'default_language'), 'en'); $this->_checkEqual(array('Tracker' => 'record_statistics'), '1'); $this->_checkEqual(array('Tracker' => 'visit_standard_length'), '1800'); $this->_checkEqual(array('Tracker' => 'trust_visitors_cookies'), '0'); // logging messages are disabled $this->_checkEqual(array('log' => 'log_level'), 'WARN'); $this->_checkEqual(array('log' => 'log_writers'), array('screen')); $this->_checkEqual(array('log' => 'logger_api_call'), null); require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/core/TaskScheduler.php"; $this->assertFalse(DEBUG_FORCE_SCHEDULED_TASKS); require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/core/API/ResponseBuilder.php"; $this->assertFalse(\Piwik\API\ResponseBuilder::DISPLAY_BACKTRACE_DEBUG); } private function _checkEqual($key, $valueExpected) { $section = key($key); $optionName = current($key); $value = null; if (isset($this->globalConfig[$section][$optionName])) { $value = $this->globalConfig[$section][$optionName]; } $this->assertEquals($valueExpected, $value, "$section -> $optionName was '" . var_export($value, true) . "', expected '" . var_export($valueExpected, true) . "'"); } /** * @group Core */ public function testTemplatesDontContainDebug() { $patternFailIfFound = 'dump('; $files = Filesystem::globr(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins', '*.twig'); foreach ($files as $file) { $content = file_get_contents($file); $this->assertFalse(strpos($content, $patternFailIfFound), 'found in ' . $file); } } /** * @group Core */ public function testCheckThatGivenPluginsAreDisabledByDefault() { $pluginsShouldBeDisabled = array( 'DBStats' ); foreach ($pluginsShouldBeDisabled as $pluginName) { if (in_array($pluginName, $this->globalConfig['Plugins']['Plugins'])) { throw new Exception("Plugin $pluginName is enabled by default but shouldn't."); } } } /** * test that the profiler is disabled (mandatory on a production server) * @group Core */ public function testProfilingDisabledInProduction() { require_once 'Tracker/Db.php'; $this->assertTrue(\Piwik\Tracker\Db::isProfilingEnabled() === false, 'SQL profiler should be disabled in production! See Db::$profiling'); } /** * @group Core */ public function testPiwikTrackerDebugIsOff() { $this->assertTrue(!isset($GLOBALS['PIWIK_TRACKER_DEBUG'])); $oldGet = $_GET; $_GET = array('idsite' => 1); // hiding echoed out message on empty request ob_start(); include PIWIK_PATH_TEST_TO_ROOT . "/piwik.php"; ob_end_clean(); $_GET = $oldGet; $this->assertTrue($GLOBALS['PIWIK_TRACKER_DEBUG'] === false); } /** * Check that directories in plugins/ folder are specifically either enabled or disabled. * * This fails when a new folder is added to plugins/* and forgot to enable or mark as disabled in Manager.php. * * @group Core */ public function test_DirectoriesInPluginsFolder_areKnown() { $pluginsBundledWithPiwik = \Piwik\Config::getInstance()->getFromGlobalConfig('Plugins'); $pluginsBundledWithPiwik = $pluginsBundledWithPiwik['Plugins']; $magicPlugins = 42; $this->assertTrue(count($pluginsBundledWithPiwik) > $magicPlugins); $plugins = _glob(\Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getPluginsDirectory() . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); $count = 1; foreach($plugins as $pluginPath) { $pluginName = basename($pluginPath); $gitOutput = shell_exec('git ls-files ' . $pluginPath . ' --error-unmatch 2>&1'); $addedToGit = (strlen($gitOutput) > 0) && strpos($gitOutput, 'error: pathspec') === false; if(!$addedToGit) { // if not added to git, then it is not part of the release checklist. continue; } $manager = \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance(); $disabled = in_array($pluginName, $manager->getCorePluginsDisabledByDefault()); $isGitSubmodule = Manager::getInstance()->isPluginOfficialAndNotBundledWithCore($pluginName); $enabled = in_array($pluginName, $pluginsBundledWithPiwik) || $isGitSubmodule; $this->assertTrue( $enabled + $disabled === 1, "Plugin $pluginName should be either enabled (in global.ini.php) or disabled (in Piwik\\Plugin\\Manager)." ); $count++; } $this->assertTrue($count > $magicPlugins); } /** * @group Core */ public function testEndOfLines() { if (SettingsServer::isWindows()) { // SVN native does not make this work on windows return; } foreach (Filesystem::globr(PIWIK_DOCUMENT_ROOT, '*') as $file) { // skip files in these folders if (strpos($file, '/.git/') !== false || strpos($file, '/documentation/') !== false || strpos($file, '/tests/') !== false || strpos($file, '/lang/') !== false || strpos($file, 'yuicompressor') !== false || strpos($file, '/tmp/') !== false ) { continue; } // skip files with these file extensions if (preg_match('/\.(bmp|fdf|gif|deflate|exe|gz|ico|jar|jpg|p12|pdf|png|rar|swf|vsd|z|zip|ttf|so|dat|eps|phar)$/', $file)) { continue; } if (!is_dir($file)) { $contents = file_get_contents($file); // expect CRLF if (preg_match('/\.(bat|ps1)$/', $file)) { $contents = str_replace("\r\n", '', $contents); $this->assertTrue(strpos($contents, "\n") === false, 'Incorrect line endings in ' . $file); } else { // expect native $hasWindowsEOL = strpos($contents, "\r\n"); // overwrite translations files with incorrect line endings $this->assertTrue($hasWindowsEOL === false, 'Incorrect line endings \r\n found in ' . $file); } } } } /** * @group Core */ public function testPiwikJavaScript() { // check source against Snort rule 8443 // @see $pattern = '/\x5b\x5c{2}.*\x5c{2}[\x22\x27]/'; $contents = file_get_contents(PIWIK_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/js/piwik.js'); $this->assertTrue(preg_match($pattern, $contents) == 0); $contents = file_get_contents(PIWIK_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/piwik.js'); $this->assertTrue(preg_match($pattern, $contents) == 0); } /** * @param $files */ private function checkFilesAreInPngFormat($files) { $this->checkFilesAreInFormat($files, "png"); } private function checkFilesAreInJpgFormat($files) { $this->checkFilesAreInFormat($files, "jpeg"); } private function checkFilesAreInGifFormat($files) { $this->checkFilesAreInFormat($files, "gif"); } /** * @param $files * @param $format */ private function checkFilesAreInFormat($files, $format) { $errors = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $function = "imagecreatefrom" . $format; $handle = @$function($file); if (empty($handle)) { $errors[] = $file; } } if (!empty($errors)) { $icons = var_export($errors, true); $icons = "gimp " . implode(" ", $errors); $this->fail("$format format failed for following icons $icons \n"); } } }