assertEquals(Url::getCurrentQueryStringWithParametersModified(array()), Url::getCurrentQueryString()); $this->assertEquals(Url::getCurrentUrl(), Url::getCurrentUrlWithoutQueryString()); $this->assertEquals(Url::getCurrentUrl(), Url::getCurrentScheme() . '://' . Url::getCurrentHost() . Url::getCurrentScriptName()); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'q=test'; $parameters = array_keys(Url::getArrayFromCurrentQueryString()); $parametersNameToValue = array(); foreach ($parameters as $name) { $parametersNameToValue[$name] = null; } $this->assertEquals('', Url::getCurrentQueryStringWithParametersModified($parametersNameToValue)); } /** * Dataprovider for testGetCurrentHost() */ public function getCurrentHosts() { return array( array('localhost IPv4', array('', null, null, null, '')), array('localhost IPv6', array('[::1]', null, null, null, '[::1]')), array('localhost name', array('localhost', null, null, null, 'localhost')), array('IPv4 without proxy', array('', null, null, null, '')), array('IPv6 without proxy', array('[2001::b0b]', null, null, null, '[2001::b0b]')), array('name without proxy', array('', null, null, null, '')), array('IPv4 with one proxy', array('', '', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST', null, '')), array('IPv6 with one proxy', array('[::1]', '[2001::b0b]', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST', null, '[2001::b0b]')), array('name with one IPv4 proxy', array('', '', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST', null, '')), array('name with one IPv6 proxy', array('[::10]', '', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST', null, '')), array('name with one named proxy', array('', '', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST', null, '')), array('IPv4 with multiple proxies', array('', ',', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST', '192.168.1.*', '')), array('IPv6 with multiple proxies', array('[::1]', '[2001::b0b], [::ffff:]', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST', '::ffff:', '[2001::b0b]')), array('name with multiple proxies', array('', ',', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST', '', '')), ); } /** * @dataProvider getCurrentHosts * @group Core */ public function testGetCurrentHost($description, $test) { $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $test[0]; $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] = $test[1]; Config::getInstance()->General['proxy_host_headers'] = array($test[2]); Config::getInstance()->General['proxy_ips'] = array($test[3]); Config::getInstance()->General['enable_trusted_host_check'] = 0; $this->assertEquals($test[4], Url::getCurrentHost(), $description); } /** * Dataprovider for testIsLocalUrl */ public function getLocalUrls() { return array( // simple cases array('', '', '/path/index.php', '', true), array('', '', '/path/index.php', '', true), array('', '', '/path/index.php', '', true), array('', '', '/path/index.php', '', true), array('localhost:8080', 'http://localhost:8080/path/index.php', '/path/index.php', 'http://localhost:8080/path/index.php', true), array('', '', '/path/', '', true), // ignore port array('', '', '/path/index.php', '', true), array('', '', '/path/index.php', '', true), array('localhost', 'http://localhost:8080/path/index.php', '/path/index.php', 'http://localhost:8080/path/index.php', true), array('localhost', 'http://localhost/path/index.php', '/path/index.php', 'http://localhost:8080/path/index.php', true), array('localhost', 'http://localhost:8080/path/index.php', '/path/index.php', 'http://localhost/path/index.php', true), array('localhost:8080', 'http://localhost/path/index.php', '/path/index.php', 'http://localhost:8080/path/index.php', true), array('localhost:8080', 'http://localhost:8080/path/index.php', '/path/index.php', 'http://localhost/path/index.php', true), array('localhost:8080', 'http://localhost/path/index.php', '/path/index.php', 'http://localhost/path/index.php', true), array('localhost:8080', 'http://localhost:8080/path/index.php', '/path/index.php', 'http://localhost:8080/path/index.php', true), // IPv6 array('[::1]', 'http://[::1]/path/index.php', '/path/index.php', 'http://[::1]/path/index.php', true), array('[::1]:8080', 'http://[::1]:8080/path/index.php', '/path/index.php', 'http://[::1]/path/index.php', true), array('[::1]:8080', 'http://[::1]/path/index.php', '/path/index.php', 'http://[::1]:8080/path/index.php', true), // undefined SCRIPT URI array('', null, '/path/index.php', '', true), array('localhost:8080', null, '/path/index.php', 'http://localhost:8080/path/index.php', true), array('', null, '/path/index.php', '', true), array('[::1]', null, '/path/index.php', 'http://[::1]/path/index.php', true), array('[::1]:8080', null, '/path/index.php', 'http://[::1]:8080/path/index.php', true), // Apache+Rails anomaly in SCRIPT_URI array('', '', '', '', true), // mangled HTTP_HOST array('', '', '/path/index.php', '', true), // suppressed Referrer array('', '', '/path/index.php', null, true), array('', '', '/path/index.php', '', true), // mismatched scheme or host array('', '', '/path/index.php', '', false), array('', '', '/path/index.php', '', false), array('', '', '/path/', '', false), ); } /** * @dataProvider getLocalUrls * @group Core */ public function testIsLocalUrl($httphost, $scripturi, $requesturi, $testurl, $result) { $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $httphost; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'] = $scripturi; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $requesturi; Config::getInstance()->General['enable_trusted_host_check'] = 1; Config::getInstance()->General['trusted_hosts'] = array($httphost); $urlToTest = $testurl; $this->assertEquals($result, Url::isLocalUrl($urlToTest)); } /** * Dataprovider for testGetCurrentUrlWithoutFilename */ public function getCurrentUrlWithoutFilename() { return array( array('', false, '', '/'), array('', true, '', '/'), array('', 'on', '', '/piwik/'), ); } /** * @dataProvider getCurrentUrlWithoutFilename * @group Core */ public function testGetCurrentUrlWithoutFilename($expected, $https, $host, $path) { $names = array('PATH_INFO', 'REQUEST_URI', 'SCRIPT_NAME', 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', 'argv', 'HTTPS', 'HTTP_HOST', 'QUERY_STRING', 'HTTP_REFERER'); foreach ($names as $name) { unset($_SERVER[$name]); } if ($https) { $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = $https; } else { unset($_SERVER['HTTPS']); } $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $path; $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $host; Config::getInstance()->General['trusted_hosts'] = array($host); $url = Url::getCurrentUrlWithoutFilename(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $url); } /** * @group Core */ public function test_getCurrentScriptName() { $names = array('PATH_INFO', 'REQUEST_URI', 'SCRIPT_NAME', 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', 'argv', 'HTTPS', 'HTTP_HOST', 'QUERY_STRING', 'HTTP_REFERER'); foreach ($names as $name) { unset($_SERVER[$name]); } $tests = array( array('/', '', null), array('/', '/', null), array('/index.php', '/index.php', null), array('/index.php', '/index.php?module=Foo', null), array('/index.php', '/index.php/route/1', '/route/1'), array('/index.php', '/index.php/route/2?module=Bar', '/route/2'), array('/path/index.php', '/path/index.php/route/3/?module=Fu&action=Bar#Hash', '/route/3/'), ); foreach ($tests as $test) { list($expected, $uri, $pathInfo) = $test; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $uri; $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = $pathInfo; $scriptPathName = Url::getCurrentScriptName(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $scriptPathName); } } /** * Dataprovider for valid hosts */ public function getValidHostData() { return array( // $expected, $host, $trustedHosts, $description array(true, '', array(''), 'Naked domain'), array(true, '', array('', ''), 'Multiple domains'), array(true, '', array(''), 'Fully qualified domain name'), array(true, '', array(''), 'Valid subdomain'), array(false, '', array(''), 'Invalid domain'), array(false, '', array(''), 'Invalid subdomain'), array(false, 'example-com', array(''), 'Regex should match . literally'), array(false, '', array(''), 'Spoofed host'), array(false, '', array(''), 'Spoofed subdomain'), array(true, '', array(''), 'Trailing . on host is actually valid'), array(true, '', array(''), 'host with dashes is valid'), array(false, '', array(''), 'host:port is valid'), array(true, '', array(''), 'host:port is valid'), array(false, '', array('*'), 'regex char is escaped'), ); } /** * @dataProvider getValidHostData * @group Core */ public function testIsValidHost($expected, $host, $trustedHosts, $description) { Config::getInstance()->General['enable_trusted_host_check'] = 1; Config::getInstance()->General['trusted_hosts'] = $trustedHosts; $this->assertEquals($expected, Url::isValidHost($host), $description); } /** * @group Core */ public function testGetReferrer() { $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = ''; $this->assertEquals('', Url::getReferrer()); } /** * @group Core * * @dataProvider getQueryParameters */ public function testGetQueryStringFromParameters($params, $queryString) { $this->assertEquals($queryString, Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($params)); } public function getQueryParameters() { return array( array(array(), ''), array(array('v1', 'v2'), '0=v1&1=v2'), array(array('key' => 'val'), 'key=val'), array(array('key' => 'val', 'k2' => 'v2'), 'key=val&k2=v2'), array(array('key' => 'val', 'k2' => false), 'key=val'), // remove false values array(array('key' => 'val', 'k2' => null), 'key=val'), // remove null values array(array('key' => 'val', 'k2' => array('v1', 'v2')), 'key=val&k2[]=v1&k2[]=v2'), array(array('key' => 'val', 'k2' => array('k1' => 'v1', 'k2' => 'v2')), 'key=val&k2[]=v1&k2[]=v2'), ); } /** * @group Core * * @dataProvider getHostsFromUrl */ public function testGetHostsFromUrl($url, $expectedHost) { $this->assertEquals($expectedHost, Url::getHostFromUrl($url)); } public function getHostsFromUrl() { return array( array(null, null), array('http://', null), array('', ''), array('http://www.ExaMplE.cOm', ''), array('', ''), array('', ''), array('', null), ); } /** * @group Core * * @dataProvider getIsHostInUrls */ public function testIsHostInUrlsl($isHost, $host, $urls) { $this->assertEquals($isHost, Url::isHostInUrls($host, $urls)); } public function getIsHostInUrls() { return array( array(false, null, null), array(false, 'http://', array()), array(false, '', array()), array(false, '', array()), array(false, '', array('')), array(false, '', array('')), array(true, '', array('')), array(true, '', array('')), array(true, '', array('')), array(true, '', array('')), array(true, '', array()), // always trusted host ); } }