dbName !== false) { return $this->dbName; } if ($this->persistFixtureData) { return str_replace("\\", "_", get_class($this)); } return Config::getInstance()->database_tests['dbname']; } public function performSetUp($setupEnvironmentOnly = false) { try { if ($this->createConfig) { Config::getInstance()->setTestEnvironment(); } $this->dbName = $this->getDbName(); if ($this->persistFixtureData) { $this->dropDatabaseInSetUp = false; $this->dropDatabaseInTearDown = false; $this->overwriteExisting = false; $this->removeExistingSuperUser = false; Config::getInstance()->database_tests['dbname'] = Config::getInstance()->database['dbname'] = $this->dbName; $this->getTestEnvironment()->dbName = $this->dbName; } if ($this->dbName === false) { // must be after test config is created $this->dbName = Config::getInstance()->database['dbname']; } static::connectWithoutDatabase(); if ($this->dropDatabaseInSetUp || $this->resetPersistedFixture ) { $this->dropDatabase(); } DbHelper::createDatabase($this->dbName); DbHelper::disconnectDatabase(); // reconnect once we're sure the database exists Config::getInstance()->database['dbname'] = $this->dbName; Db::createDatabaseObject(); DbHelper::createTables(); \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->unloadPlugins(); } catch (Exception $e) { static::fail("TEST INITIALIZATION FAILED: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString()); } include "DataFiles/SearchEngines.php"; include "DataFiles/Socials.php"; include "DataFiles/Languages.php"; include "DataFiles/Countries.php"; include "DataFiles/Currencies.php"; include "DataFiles/LanguageToCountry.php"; include "DataFiles/Providers.php"; if (!$this->isFixtureSetUp()) { DbHelper::truncateAllTables(); } static::createAccessInstance(); // We need to be SU to create websites for tests Piwik::setUserHasSuperUserAccess(); Cache::deleteTrackerCache(); static::loadAllPlugins($this->getTestEnvironment(), $this->testCaseClass); $_GET = $_REQUEST = array(); $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = ''; // Make sure translations are loaded to check messages in English if ($this->loadTranslations) { Translate::reloadLanguage('en'); APILanguageManager::getInstance()->setLanguageForUser('superUserLogin', 'en'); } FakeAccess::$superUserLogin = 'superUserLogin'; \Piwik\SettingsPiwik::$cachedKnownSegmentsToArchive = null; \Piwik\CacheFile::$invalidateOpCacheBeforeRead = true; if ($this->configureComponents) { \Piwik\Plugins\PrivacyManager\IPAnonymizer::deactivate(); \Piwik\Plugins\PrivacyManager\DoNotTrackHeaderChecker::deactivate(); } if ($this->createSuperUser) { self::createSuperUser($this->removeExistingSuperUser); } if ($setupEnvironmentOnly) { return; } $this->getTestEnvironment()->save(); $this->getTestEnvironment()->executeSetupTestEnvHook(); Piwik_TestingEnvironment::addSendMailHook(); if ($this->overwriteExisting || !$this->isFixtureSetUp() ) { $this->setUp(); $this->markFixtureSetUp(); $this->log("Database {$this->dbName} marked as successfully set up."); } else { $this->log("Using existing database {$this->dbName}."); } } public function getTestEnvironment() { if ($this->testEnvironment === null) { $this->testEnvironment = new Piwik_TestingEnvironment(); $this->testEnvironment->delete(); } return $this->testEnvironment; } public function isFixtureSetUp() { $optionName = get_class($this) . '.setUpFlag'; return Option::get($optionName) !== false; } public function markFixtureSetUp() { $optionName = get_class($this) . '.setUpFlag'; Option::set($optionName, 1); } public function performTearDown() { // Note: avoid run SQL in the *tearDown() metohds because it randomly fails on Travis CI // with error Error while sending QUERY packet. PID=XX $this->tearDown(); self::unloadAllPlugins(); if ($this->dropDatabaseInTearDown) { $this->dropDatabase(); } DataTableManager::getInstance()->deleteAll(); Option::clearCache(); Site::clearCache(); Cache::deleteTrackerCache(); Config::getInstance()->clear(); ArchiveTableCreator::clear(); \Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API::$cache = array(); \Piwik\Registry::unsetInstance(); \Piwik\EventDispatcher::getInstance()->clearAllObservers(); $_GET = $_REQUEST = array(); Translate::unloadEnglishTranslation(); } public static function loadAllPlugins($testEnvironment = null, $testCaseClass = false) { DbHelper::createTables(); $pluginsManager = \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance(); $plugins = $pluginsManager->getPluginsToLoadDuringTests(); // make sure the plugin that executed this method is included in the plugins to load $extraPlugins = array( \Piwik\Plugin::getPluginNameFromBacktrace(debug_backtrace()), \Piwik\Plugin::getPluginNameFromNamespace($testCaseClass) ); foreach ($extraPlugins as $pluginName) { if (empty($pluginName)) { continue; } $plugins[] = $pluginName; if ($testEnvironment) { $testEnvironment->pluginsToLoad = array_merge($testEnvironment->pluginsToLoad ?: array(), array($pluginName)); } } Log::info("Plugins to load during tests: " . implode(', ', $plugins)); $pluginsManager->loadPlugins($plugins); // Install plugins $messages = $pluginsManager->installLoadedPlugins(); if(!empty($messages)) { Log::info("Plugin loading messages: %s", implode(" --- ", $messages)); } // Activate them foreach($plugins as $name) { if (!$pluginsManager->isPluginActivated($name)) { $pluginsManager->activatePlugin($name); } } } public static function unloadAllPlugins() { try { $plugins = \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->getLoadedPlugins(); foreach ($plugins AS $plugin) { $plugin->uninstall(); } \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->unloadPlugins(); } catch (Exception $e) { } } /** * Creates a website, then sets its creation date to a day earlier than specified dateTime * Useful to create a website now, but force data to be archived back in the past. * * @param string $dateTime eg '2010-01-01 12:34:56' * @param int $ecommerce * @param string $siteName * * @param bool|string $siteUrl * @param int $siteSearch * @param null|string $searchKeywordParameters * @param null|string $searchCategoryParameters * @return int idSite of website created */ public static function createWebsite($dateTime, $ecommerce = 0, $siteName = false, $siteUrl = false, $siteSearch = 1, $searchKeywordParameters = null, $searchCategoryParameters = null, $timezone = null) { if($siteName === false) { $siteName = self::DEFAULT_SITE_NAME; } $idSite = APISitesManager::getInstance()->addSite( $siteName, $siteUrl === false ? "http://piwik.net/" : $siteUrl, $ecommerce, $siteSearch, $searchKeywordParameters, $searchCategoryParameters, $ips = null, $excludedQueryParameters = null, $timezone, $currency = null ); // Manually set the website creation date to a day earlier than the earliest day we record stats for Db::get()->update(Common::prefixTable("site"), array('ts_created' => Date::factory($dateTime)->subDay(1)->getDatetime()), "idsite = $idSite" ); // Clear the memory Website cache Site::clearCache(); return $idSite; } /** * Returns URL to Piwik root. * * @return string */ public static function getRootUrl() { $piwikUrl = Url::getCurrentUrlWithoutFileName(); $pathBeforeRoot = 'tests'; // Running from a plugin if (strpos($piwikUrl, 'plugins/') !== false) { $pathBeforeRoot = 'plugins'; } $testsInPath = strpos($piwikUrl, $pathBeforeRoot . '/'); if ($testsInPath !== false) { $piwikUrl = substr($piwikUrl, 0, $testsInPath); } // in case force_ssl=1, or assume_secure_protocol=1, is set in tests // we don't want to require Travis CI or devs to setup HTTPS on their local machine $piwikUrl = str_replace("https://", "http://", $piwikUrl); return $piwikUrl; } /** * Returns URL to the proxy script, used to ensure piwik.php * uses the test environment, and allows variable overwriting * * @return string */ public static function getTrackerUrl() { return self::getRootUrl() . 'tests/PHPUnit/proxy/piwik.php'; } /** * Returns a PiwikTracker object that you can then use to track pages or goals. * * @param int $idSite * @param string $dateTime * @param boolean $defaultInit If set to true, the tracker object will have default IP, user agent, time, resolution, etc. * @param bool $useLocal * * @return PiwikTracker */ public static function getTracker($idSite, $dateTime, $defaultInit = true, $useLocal = false) { if ($useLocal) { require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/tests/LocalTracker.php'; $t = new Piwik_LocalTracker($idSite, self::getTrackerUrl()); } else { $t = new PiwikTracker($idSite, self::getTrackerUrl()); } $t->setForceVisitDateTime($dateTime); if ($defaultInit) { $t->setTokenAuth(self::getTokenAuth()); $t->setIp(''); // Optional tracking $t->setUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)"); $t->setBrowserLanguage('fr'); $t->setLocalTime('12:34:06'); $t->setResolution(1024, 768); $t->setBrowserHasCookies(true); $t->setPlugins($flash = true, $java = true, $director = false); } return $t; } /** * Checks that the response is a GIF image as expected. * Will fail the test if the response is not the expected GIF * * @param $response */ public static function checkResponse($response) { $trans_gif_64 = "R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw=="; $expectedResponse = base64_decode($trans_gif_64); $url = "\n =========================== \n URL was: " . PiwikTracker::$DEBUG_LAST_REQUESTED_URL; self::assertEquals($expectedResponse, $response, "Expected GIF beacon, got:
\n" . var_export($response, true) . "\n If you are stuck, you can enable [Tracker] debug=1; in config.ini.php to get more debug info." . base64_encode($response) . $url ); } /** * Checks that the response from bulk tracking is a valid JSON * string. Will fail the test if JSON status is not success. * * @param $response */ public static function checkBulkTrackingResponse($response) { $data = json_decode($response, true); if (!is_array($data) || empty($response)) { throw new Exception("Bulk tracking response (".$response.") is not an array: " . var_export($data, true) . "\n"); } if(!isset($data['status'])) { throw new Exception("Returned data didn't have a status: " . var_export($data,true)); } self::assertArrayHasKey('status', $data); self::assertEquals('success', $data['status'], "expected success, got: " . var_export($data, true)); } public static function makeLocation($city, $region, $country, $lat = null, $long = null, $isp = null) { return array(LocationProvider::CITY_NAME_KEY => $city, LocationProvider::REGION_CODE_KEY => $region, LocationProvider::COUNTRY_CODE_KEY => $country, LocationProvider::LATITUDE_KEY => $lat, LocationProvider::LONGITUDE_KEY => $long, LocationProvider::ISP_KEY => $isp); } /** * Returns the Super User token auth that can be used in tests. Can be used to * do bulk tracking. * * @return string */ public static function getTokenAuth() { return APIUsersManager::getInstance()->getTokenAuth( self::ADMIN_USER_LOGIN, UsersManager::getPasswordHash(self::ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD) ); } public static function createSuperUser($removeExisting = true) { $login = self::ADMIN_USER_LOGIN; $password = UsersManager::getPasswordHash(self::ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD); $token = self::getTokenAuth(); $model = new \Piwik\Plugins\UsersManager\Model(); if ($removeExisting) { $model->deleteUserOnly($login); } $user = $model->getUser($login); if (empty($user)) { $model->addUser($login, $password, 'hello@example.org', $login, $token, Date::now()->getDatetime()); } else { $model->updateUser($login, $password, 'hello@example.org', $login, $token); } if (empty($user['superuser_access'])) { $model->setSuperUserAccess($login, true); } return $model->getUserByTokenAuth($token); } /** * Create three MAIL and two MOBILE scheduled reports * * Reports sent by mail can contain PNG graphs when the user specifies it. * Depending on the system under test, generated images differ slightly. * Because of this discrepancy, PNG graphs are only tested if the system under test * has the characteristics described in 'canImagesBeIncludedInScheduledReports'. * See tests/README.md for more detail. * * @see canImagesBeIncludedInScheduledReports * @param int $idSite id of website created */ public static function setUpScheduledReports($idSite) { // fake access is needed so API methods can call Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin(), e.g: 'ScheduledReports.addReport' $pseudoMockAccess = new FakeAccess; FakeAccess::$superUser = true; Access::setSingletonInstance($pseudoMockAccess); // retrieve available reports $availableReportMetadata = APIScheduledReports::getReportMetadata($idSite, ScheduledReports::EMAIL_TYPE); $availableReportIds = array(); foreach ($availableReportMetadata as $reportMetadata) { $availableReportIds[] = $reportMetadata['uniqueId']; } //@review should we also test evolution graphs? // set-up mail report APIScheduledReports::getInstance()->addReport( $idSite, 'Mail Test report', 'day', // overridden in getApiForTestingScheduledReports() 0, ScheduledReports::EMAIL_TYPE, ReportRenderer::HTML_FORMAT, // overridden in getApiForTestingScheduledReports() $availableReportIds, array(ScheduledReports::DISPLAY_FORMAT_PARAMETER => ScheduledReports::DISPLAY_FORMAT_TABLES_ONLY) ); // set-up sms report for one website APIScheduledReports::getInstance()->addReport( $idSite, 'SMS Test report, one website', 'day', // overridden in getApiForTestingScheduledReports() 0, MobileMessaging::MOBILE_TYPE, MobileMessaging::SMS_FORMAT, array("MultiSites_getOne"), array("phoneNumbers" => array()) ); // set-up sms report for all websites APIScheduledReports::getInstance()->addReport( $idSite, 'SMS Test report, all websites', 'day', // overridden in getApiForTestingScheduledReports() 0, MobileMessaging::MOBILE_TYPE, MobileMessaging::SMS_FORMAT, array("MultiSites_getAll"), array("phoneNumbers" => array()) ); if (self::canImagesBeIncludedInScheduledReports()) { // set-up mail report with images APIScheduledReports::getInstance()->addReport( $idSite, 'Mail Test report', 'day', // overridden in getApiForTestingScheduledReports() 0, ScheduledReports::EMAIL_TYPE, ReportRenderer::HTML_FORMAT, // overridden in getApiForTestingScheduledReports() $availableReportIds, array(ScheduledReports::DISPLAY_FORMAT_PARAMETER => ScheduledReports::DISPLAY_FORMAT_TABLES_AND_GRAPHS) ); // set-up mail report with one row evolution based png graph APIScheduledReports::getInstance()->addReport( $idSite, 'Mail Test report', 'day', 0, ScheduledReports::EMAIL_TYPE, ReportRenderer::HTML_FORMAT, array('Actions_getPageTitles'), array( ScheduledReports::DISPLAY_FORMAT_PARAMETER => ScheduledReports::DISPLAY_FORMAT_GRAPHS_ONLY, ScheduledReports::EVOLUTION_GRAPH_PARAMETER => 'true', ) ); } } /** * Return true if system under test has Piwik core team's most common configuration */ public static function canImagesBeIncludedInScheduledReports() { $gdInfo = gd_info(); return stristr(php_uname(), self::IMAGES_GENERATED_ONLY_FOR_OS) && strpos( phpversion(), self::IMAGES_GENERATED_FOR_PHP) !== false && strpos( $gdInfo['GD Version'], self::IMAGES_GENERATED_FOR_GD) !== false; } public static $geoIpDbUrl = 'http://piwik-team.s3.amazonaws.com/GeoIP.dat.gz'; public static $geoLiteCityDbUrl = 'http://piwik-team.s3.amazonaws.com/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz'; public static function downloadGeoIpDbs() { $geoIpOutputDir = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/tests/lib/geoip-files'; self::downloadAndUnzip(self::$geoIpDbUrl, $geoIpOutputDir, 'GeoIP.dat'); self::downloadAndUnzip(self::$geoLiteCityDbUrl, $geoIpOutputDir, 'GeoIPCity.dat'); } public static function downloadAndUnzip($url, $outputDir, $filename) { $bufferSize = 1024 * 1024; if (!is_dir($outputDir)) { mkdir($outputDir); } $deflatedOut = $outputDir . '/' . $filename; $outfileName = $deflatedOut . '.gz'; if (file_exists($deflatedOut)) { return; } $dump = fopen($url, 'rb'); $outfile = fopen($outfileName, 'wb'); $bytesRead = 0; while (!feof($dump)) { fwrite($outfile, fread($dump, $bufferSize), $bufferSize); $bytesRead += $bufferSize; } fclose($dump); fclose($outfile); // unzip the dump exec("gunzip -c \"" . $outfileName . "\" > \"$deflatedOut\"", $output, $return); if ($return !== 0) { Log::info("gunzip failed with file that has following contents:"); Log::info(file_get_contents($outfile)); throw new Exception("gunzip failed($return): " . implode("\n", $output)); } } protected static function executeLogImporter($logFile, $options) { $python = self::getPythonBinary(); // create the command $cmd = $python . ' "' . PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/misc/log-analytics/import_logs.py" ' # script loc . '-ddd ' // debug . '--url="' . self::getRootUrl() . 'tests/PHPUnit/proxy/" ' # proxy so that piwik uses test config files ; foreach ($options as $name => $value) { $cmd .= $name; if ($value !== false) { $cmd .= '="' . $value . '"'; } $cmd .= ' '; } $cmd .= '"' . $logFile . '" 2>&1'; // run the command exec($cmd, $output, $result); if ($result !== 0) { throw new Exception("log importer failed: " . implode("\n", $output) . "\n\ncommand used: $cmd"); } return $output; } public static function siteCreated($idSite) { return Db::fetchOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . Common::prefixTable('site') . " WHERE idsite = ?", array($idSite)) != 0; } public static function goalExists($idSite, $idGoal) { return Db::fetchOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . Common::prefixTable('goal') . " WHERE idgoal = ? AND idsite = ?", array($idGoal, $idSite)) != 0; } /** * Connects to MySQL w/o specifying a database. */ public static function connectWithoutDatabase() { $dbConfig = Config::getInstance()->database; $oldDbName = $dbConfig['dbname']; $dbConfig['dbname'] = null; Db::createDatabaseObject($dbConfig); $dbConfig['dbname'] = $oldDbName; } /** * Sets up access instance. */ public static function createAccessInstance() { Access::setSingletonInstance(null); Access::getInstance(); Piwik::postEvent('Request.initAuthenticationObject'); } public function dropDatabase($dbName = null) { $dbName = $dbName ?: $this->dbName ?: Config::getInstance()->database_tests['dbname']; $this->log("Dropping database '$dbName'..."); $config = _parse_ini_file(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/config/config.ini.php', true); $originalDbName = $config['database']['dbname']; if ($dbName == $originalDbName && $dbName != 'piwik_tests' ) { // santity check throw new \Exception("Trying to drop original database '$originalDbName'. Something's wrong w/ the tests."); } DbHelper::dropDatabase($dbName); } public function log($message) { if ($this->printToScreen) { echo $message . "\n"; } } // NOTE: since API_Request does sanitization, API methods do not. when calling them, we must // sometimes do sanitization ourselves. public static function makeXssContent($type, $sanitize = false) { $result = ""; if ($sanitize) { $result = Common::sanitizeInputValue($result); } return $result; } } // TODO: remove when other plugins don't use BaseFixture class Test_Piwik_BaseFixture extends Fixture { } // needed by tests that use stored segments w/ the proxy index.php class Test_Access_OverrideLogin extends Access { public function getLogin() { return 'superUserLogin'; } }