setUpWebsitesAndGoals(); $this->trackVisits_setVisitorId(); $this->trackVisits_setUserId(); // generate data for the period = week, month, year use cases $this->trackVisits_oneWeekLater_setUserId(); } public function tearDown(): void { // empty } private function setUpWebsitesAndGoals() { // tests run in UTC, the Tracker in UTC if (!self::siteCreated($this->idSite)) { self::createWebsite($this->dateTime, 1); } if (!self::goalExists($this->idSite, $this->idGoal)) { API::getInstance()->addGoal($this->idSite, 'triggered js', 'manually', '', ''); } } private function trackVisits_setVisitorId() { // total = 2 visitors, 3 page views $t = self::getTracker($this->idSite, $this->dateTime, $defaultInit = true); // First, some basic tests $this->settingInvalidVisitorIdShouldThrow($t); // We create VISITOR A $t->setUrl(''); $t->setVisitorId('a13b7c5a62f72dea'); self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('incredible title!')); // VISITOR B: few minutes later, we trigger the same tracker but with a custom visitor ID, // => this will create a new visit B $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Date::factory($this->dateTime)->addHour(0.05)->getDatetime()); $t->setUrl(''); $t->setVisitorId('f66bc315f2a01a79'); self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('incredible title!')); // This new visit B will have 2 page views $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Date::factory($this->dateTime)->addHour(0.1)->getDatetime()); $t->setUrl(''); self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('incredible title!')); } private function trackVisits_setUserId() { $userId = self::USER_ID_EXAMPLE_COM; // total = 2 visitors, 3 page views $t = self::getTracker($this->idSite, $this->dateTime, $defaultInit = true); // First, some basic tests $this->settingInvalidUserIdShouldThrow($t); // We create a visit with no User ID. // When User ID will be set below, then it will UPDATE this visit here that starts without UserID $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Date::factory($this->dateTime)->addHour(1.9)->getDatetime()); $t->setVisitorId('6be121d126d93581'); $t->setUrl(''); self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('no User Id set but it should appear in '. $userId .'!')); // A NEW VISIT // Setting both Visitor ID and User ID // -> User ID takes precedence $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Date::factory($this->dateTime)->addHour(2)->getDatetime()); $t->setUrl(''); // Set Visitor ID first. $generatedVisitorId = '6ccebef4faef4969'; $t->setVisitorId($generatedVisitorId); $this->assertEquals($generatedVisitorId, $t->getVisitorId()); // Set User ID $t->setUserId($userId); // User ID does not take precedence over any previously set Visitor ID $this->assertEquals($generatedVisitorId, $t->getVisitorId()); $this->assertEquals($userId, $t->getUserId()); // Track a pageview with this user id self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('incredible title!')); // Track another pageview $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Date::factory($this->dateTime)->addHour(2.1)->getDatetime()); $this->assertEquals($userId, $t->getUserId()); self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('second page')); // A NEW VISIT WITH A SET USER ID // Change User ID -> This will create a new visit $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Date::factory($this->dateTime)->addHour(2.2)->getDatetime()); $t->setVisitorId('2f16b4d842cc294d'); $secondUserId = ''; $t->setUserId($secondUserId); self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('a new user id was set -> new visit')); // A NEW VISIT BY THE SAME USER // Few hours later, the same user ID comes in from a different place and computer $t = self::getTracker($this->idSite, $this->dateTime, $defaultInit = true); $t->setVisitorId('7dcebef4faef4969'); // set manually so tests are not random $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Date::factory($this->dateTime)->addHour(5)->getDatetime()); // Make sure the computer and IP look really different from previous visit $t->setIp(''); $t->setUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)"); $t->setBrowserLanguage('fr'); $t->setUserId($secondUserId); $t->setUrl(''); self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('same user id was set -> this is the same unique user')); // Do not pass User ID in this request, it should still attribute to previous visit $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Date::factory($this->dateTime)->addHour(5.1)->getDatetime()); self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('second pageview - by this user id')); // Request from a different computer not yet logged in, this should not be added to our User ID session $t->setUserId(false); // make sure the Id is not so random as to not fail the test $t->setVisitorId('5e15b4d842cc294d'); $t->setIp(''); $t->setUserAgent("New unique device"); self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('pageview - should not be tracked by our user id but in a new visit')); // User has now logged in so we measure her interactions to her User ID $t->setUserId($secondUserId); // Trigger a goal conversion $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Date::factory($this->dateTime)->addHour(5.2)->getDatetime()); self::checkResponse($t->doTrackGoal(1)); // An ecommerce add to cart // (helpful to test that &segment=userId==x will return all items purchased by a specific user ID $t->setForceVisitDateTime(Date::factory($this->dateTime)->addHour(5.3)->getDatetime()); $t->setUrl(''); $t->addEcommerceItem('sku-007-PRISM', 'My secret spy tech', 'Surveillance', '10000000000'); $t->doTrackEcommerceCartUpdate(10000000000 + 500 /* add some for shipping PRISM */); } private function trackVisits_oneWeekLater_setUserId() { $oneWeekLater = Date::factory($this->dateTime)->addDay(8); // Set User ID to a known user id $t = self::getTracker($this->idSite, $this->dateTime, $defaultInit = true); $t->setVisitorId('7dcebef4faef4325'); // set manually so tests are not random $t->setForceVisitDateTime($oneWeekLater->getDatetime()); $t->setUrl(''); $t->setUserId(self::USER_ID_EXAMPLE_COM); self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('Page view by ' . self::USER_ID_EXAMPLE_COM)); // Set a new User ID not set before $t->setForceVisitDateTime($oneWeekLater->addHour(0.4)->getDatetime()); $t->setUrl(''); $userId = 'new-user-id@one-weeklater'; $t->setUserId($userId); $t->setVisitorId('6ccebef4faef4969'); // this should not be ignored self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('A page view by ' . $userId)); $t->setForceVisitDateTime($oneWeekLater->addHour(0.8)->getDatetime()); } private function settingInvalidVisitorIdShouldThrow(MatomoTracker $t) { try { $t->setVisitorId('test'); $this->fail('should throw'); } catch (Exception $e) { //OK } try { $t->setVisitorId('61e8'); $this->fail('should throw'); } catch (Exception $e) { //OK } try { $t->setVisitorId('61e8cc2d51fea26dabcabcabc'); $this->fail('should throw'); } catch (Exception $e) { //OK } } private function settingInvalidUserIdShouldThrow(MatomoTracker $t) { try { $t->setUserId(''); $this->fail('should throw'); } catch (Exception $e) { //OK } } }