dumpUrl = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . self::FIXTURE_LOCATION; $this->tablesPrefix = ''; } public function setUp() { self::downloadGeoIpDbs(); parent::setUp(); self::resetPluginsInstalledConfig(); self::updateDatabase(); self::installAndActivatePlugins($this->getTestEnvironment()); // make sure site has an early enough creation date (for period selector tests) Db::get()->update(Common::prefixTable("site"), array('ts_created' => '2011-01-01'), "idsite = 1" ); // for proper geolocation LocationProvider::setCurrentProvider(LocationProvider\GeoIp\Php::ID); IPAnonymizer::deactivate(); $this->addOverlayVisits(); $this->addNewSitesForSiteSelector(); DbHelper::createAnonymousUser(); UsersManagerAPI::getInstance()->setSuperUserAccess('superUserLogin', true); SitesManagerAPI::getInstance()->updateSite(1, null, null, true); // create non super user UsersManagerAPI::getInstance()->addUser('oliverqueen', 'smartypants', 'oli@queenindustries.com'); UsersManagerAPI::getInstance()->setUserAccess('oliverqueen', 'view', array(1)); } public function performSetUp($setupEnvironmentOnly = false) { $this->extraTestEnvVars = array( 'loadRealTranslations' => 1, ); parent::performSetUp($setupEnvironmentOnly); $this->createSegments(); $this->setupDashboards(); $visitorIdDeterministic = bin2hex(Db::fetchOne( "SELECT idvisitor FROM " . Common::prefixTable('log_visit') . " WHERE idsite = 2 AND location_latitude IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1")); $this->testEnvironment->forcedIdVisitor = $visitorIdDeterministic; $this->testEnvironment->overlayUrl = $this->getLocalTestSiteUrl(); $this->createOverlayTestSite(); $forcedNowTimestamp = Option::get("Tests.forcedNowTimestamp"); if ($forcedNowTimestamp == false) { throw new Exception("Incorrect fixture setup, Tests.forcedNowTimestamp option does not exist! Run the setup again."); } $this->testEnvironment->forcedNowTimestamp = $forcedNowTimestamp; $this->testEnvironment->save(); // launch archiving so tests don't run out of time print("Archiving in fixture set up..."); VisitsSummaryAPI::getInstance()->get('all', 'year', '2012-08-09'); VisitsSummaryAPI::getInstance()->get('all', 'year', '2012-08-09', urlencode(OmniFixture::DEFAULT_SEGMENT)); print("Done."); } private function addOverlayVisits() { $baseUrl = $this->getLocalTestSiteUrl(); $visitProfiles = array( array('', 'page-1.html', 'page-2.html', 'page-3.html', ''), array('', 'page-3.html', 'page-4.html'), array('', 'page-4.html'), array('', 'page-1.html', 'page-3.html', 'page-4.html'), array('', 'page-4.html', 'page-1.html'), array('', 'page-1.html', ''), array('page-4.html', ''), array('', 'page-2.html', 'page-3.html'), array('', 'page-1.html', 'page-2.html'), array('', 'page-6.html', 'page-5.html', 'page-4.html', 'page-3.html', 'page-2.html', 'page-1.html', ''), array('', 'page-5.html', 'page-3.html', 'page-1.html'), array('', 'page-1.html', 'page-2.html', 'page-3.html'), array('', 'page-4.html', 'page-3.html'), array('', 'page-1.html', ''), array('page-6.html', 'page-3.html', ''), ); $ips = array( // ip's chosen for geolocation data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ); $date = Date::factory('yesterday'); $t = self::getTracker($idSite = 3, $dateTime = $date->getDatetime(), $defaultInit = true); $t->enableBulkTracking(); foreach ($visitProfiles as $visitCount => $visit) { $t->setNewVisitorId(); $t->setIp($ips[$visitCount]); foreach ($visit as $idx => $action) { $t->setForceVisitDateTime($date->addHour($visitCount)->addHour(0.01 * $idx)->getDatetime()); $url = $baseUrl . $action; $t->setUrl($url); if ($idx != 0) { $referrerUrl = $baseUrl . $visit[$idx - 1]; $t->setUrlReferrer($referrerUrl); } self::assertTrue($t->doTrackPageView("page title of $action")); } } self::checkBulkTrackingResponse($t->doBulkTrack()); } private function createOverlayTestSite() { $realDir = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/tests/resources/overlay-test-site-real"; if (is_dir($realDir)) { return; } $files = array('index.html', 'page-1.html', 'page-2.html', 'page-3.html', 'page-4.html', 'page-5.html', 'page-6.html'); // copy templates to overlay-test-site-real mkdir($realDir); foreach ($files as $file) { copy(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/tests/resources/overlay-test-site/$file", PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/tests/resources/overlay-test-site-real/$file"); } // replace URL in copied files $url = self::getRootUrl() . 'tests/PHPUnit/proxy/'; $scheme = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME); $url = substr($url, strlen($scheme) + 3); foreach ($files as $file) { $path = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/tests/resources/overlay-test-site-real/$file"; $contents = file_get_contents($path); $contents = str_replace("%trackerBaseUrl%", $url, $contents); file_put_contents($path, $contents); } } private function getLocalTestSiteUrl() { return self::getRootUrl() . "tests/resources/overlay-test-site-real/"; } private function addNewSitesForSiteSelector() { for ($i = 0; $i != 8; ++$i) { self::createWebsite("2011-01-01 00:00:00", $ecommerce = 1, $siteName = "Site #$i", $siteUrl = "http://site$i.com"); } } /** Creates two dashboards that split the widgets up into different groups. */ public function setupDashboards() { $dashboardColumnCount = 3; $dashboardCount = 4; $layout = array(); for ($j = 0; $j != $dashboardColumnCount; ++$j) { $layout[] = array(); } $dashboards = array(); for ($i = 0; $i != $dashboardCount; ++$i) { $dashboards[] = $layout; } $oldGet = $_GET; $_GET['idSite'] = 1; $_GET['token_auth'] = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth(); // collect widgets & sort them so widget order is not important $allWidgets = Request::processRequest('API.getWidgetMetadata', array( 'idSite' => 1 )); usort($allWidgets, function ($lhs, $rhs) { return strcmp($lhs['uniqueId'], $rhs['uniqueId']); }); $widgetsPerDashboard = ceil(count($allWidgets) / $dashboardCount); // group widgets so they will be spread out across 3 dashboards $groupedWidgets = array(); $dashboard = 0; foreach ($allWidgets as $widget) { if ($widget['uniqueId'] == 'widgetSEOgetRank' || $widget['uniqueId'] == 'widgetReferrersgetKeywordsForPage' || $widget['uniqueId'] == 'widgetLivegetVisitorProfilePopup' || $widget['uniqueId'] == 'widgetActionsgetPageTitles' || strpos($widget['uniqueId'], 'widgetExample') === 0 ) { continue; } $widgetEntry = array( 'uniqueId' => $widget['uniqueId'], 'parameters' => $widget['parameters'] ); // dashboard images must have height of less than 4000px to avoid odd discoloration of last line of image $widgetEntry['parameters']['filter_limit'] = 5; $groupedWidgets[$dashboard][] = $widgetEntry; if (count($groupedWidgets[$dashboard]) >= $widgetsPerDashboard) { $dashboard = $dashboard + 1; } // sanity check if ($dashboard >= $dashboardCount) { throw new Exception("Unexpected error: Incorrect dashboard widget placement logic. Something's wrong w/ the code."); } } // distribute widgets in each dashboard $column = 0; foreach ($groupedWidgets as $dashboardIndex => $dashboardWidgets) { foreach ($dashboardWidgets as $widget) { $column = ($column + 1) % $dashboardColumnCount; $dashboards[$dashboardIndex][$column][] = $widget; } } foreach ($dashboards as $id => $layout) { if ($id == 0) { $_GET['name'] = self::makeXssContent('dashboard name' . $id); } else { $_GET['name'] = 'dashboard name' . $id; } $_GET['layout'] = json_encode($layout); $_GET['idDashboard'] = $id + 1; FrontController::getInstance()->fetchDispatch('Dashboard', 'saveLayout'); } // create empty dashboard $dashboard = array( array( array( 'uniqueId' => "widgetVisitsSummarygetEvolutionGraphforceView1viewDataTablegraphEvolution", 'parameters' => array( 'module' => 'VisitsSummary', 'action' => 'getEvolutionGraph', 'forceView' => '1', 'viewDataTable' => 'graphEvolution' ) ) ), array(), array() ); $_GET['name'] = 'D4'; $_GET['layout'] = json_encode($dashboard); $_GET['idDashboard'] = 5; $_GET['idSite'] = 2; FrontController::getInstance()->fetchDispatch('Dashboard', 'saveLayout'); $_GET = $oldGet; } public function createSegments() { Db::exec("TRUNCATE TABLE " . Common::prefixTable('segment')); $segmentName = self::makeXssContent('segment'); $segmentDefinition = "browserCode==FF"; APISegmentEditor::getInstance()->add( $segmentName, $segmentDefinition, $idSite = 1, $autoArchive = true, $enabledAllUsers = true); // create two more segments APISegmentEditor::getInstance()->add( "From Europe", "continentCode==eur", $idSite = 1, $autoArchive = false, $enabledAllUsers = true); APISegmentEditor::getInstance()->add( "Multiple actions", "actions>=2", $idSite = 1, $autoArchive = false, $enabledAllUsers = true); } }