params = $params; $this->requestUrl = $requestUrl; $apiResponse = (string) $apiResponse; $this->processedResponseText = $normalize ? $this->normalizeApiResponse($apiResponse) : $apiResponse; } public function getResponseText() { return $this->processedResponseText; } public function save($path) { file_put_contents($path, $this->processedResponseText); } public static function loadFromFile($path, $params, $requestUrl) { $contents = @file_get_contents($path); if (empty($contents)) { throw new Exception("$path does not exist"); } return new Response($contents, $params, $requestUrl); } public static function loadFromApi($params, $requestUrl, $normalize = true) { $testRequest = new Request($requestUrl); // set the request as root request Request::setIsRootRequestApiRequest(Request::getMethodIfApiRequest(Request::getRequestArrayFromString($requestUrl, null))); // Cast as string is important. For example when calling // with format=original, objects or php arrays can be returned. $response = (string) $testRequest->process(); return new Response($response, $params, $requestUrl, $normalize); } public static function assertEquals(Response $expected, Response $actual, $message = false) { $expectedText = $expected->getResponseText(); $actualText = $actual->getResponseText(); $expectedText = preg_replace('/[^\x09-\x0d\x1b\x20-\xff]/', '', $expectedText); $actualText = preg_replace('/[^\x09-\x0d\x1b\x20-\xff]/', '', $actualText); if ($expected->requestUrl['format'] == 'xml') { Asserts::assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString($expectedText, $actualText, $message); return; } // check content size to get quick feedback and avoid lengthy diff $checkSizeFirst = array('pdf', 'csv', 'html'); if(!empty($expected->requestUrl['reportFormat']) && in_array($expected->requestUrl['reportFormat'], $checkSizeFirst)) { Asserts::assertEquals(strlen($expectedText), strlen($actualText), $message); } Asserts::assertEquals($expectedText, $actualText, $message); } private function normalizeApiResponse($apiResponse) { $apiResponse = $this->removeSubtableIdsFromXml($apiResponse); $apiResponse = $this->removePageViewIds($apiResponse); if ($this->shouldDeleteLiveIds()) { $apiResponse = $this->removeAllIdsFromXml($apiResponse); } if ($this->shouldDeleteLiveDates()) { $apiResponse = $this->removeAllLiveDatesFromXml($apiResponse); } else if ($this->requestHasNonDeterministicDate()) { // If date=lastN the element will change each day, we remove XML element before comparison if ($this->requestUrl['method'] == 'API.getProcessedReport') { $apiResponse = $this->removeXmlElement($apiResponse, 'prettyDate'); } $apiResponse = $this->removeXmlElement($apiResponse, 'visitServerHour'); $regex = "/date=[-0-9,%Ca-z]+/"; // need to remove %2C which is encoded , $apiResponse = preg_replace($regex, 'date=', $apiResponse); } $apiResponse = $this->normalizePdfContent($apiResponse); $apiResponse = $this->removeXmlFields($apiResponse); $apiResponse = $this->removeTodaysDate($apiResponse); $apiResponse = $this->normalizeDecimalFields($apiResponse); $apiResponse = $this->normalizeEncodingPhp533($apiResponse); $apiResponse = $this->normalizeSpaces($apiResponse); $apiResponse = $this->replacePiwikUrl($apiResponse); return $apiResponse; } private function removeTodaysDate($apiResponse) { $result = preg_replace('/' . date('Y-m-d') . ' [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/', 'today-date-removed-in-tests', $apiResponse); $result = str_replace(date('Y-m-d'), 'today-date-removed-in-tests', $result);; return $result; } private function normalizeEncodingPhp533($apiResponse) { return str_replace('&#039;', "'", $apiResponse); } private function removePageViewIds($apiResponse) { $toRemove = array( 'idpageview', ); return $this->removeXmlFields($apiResponse, $toRemove); } private function removeAllIdsFromXml($apiResponse) { $toRemove = array( 'visitorId', 'nextVisitorId', 'previousVisitorId', 'idvisitor' ); return $this->removeXmlFields($apiResponse, $toRemove); } private function removeAllLiveDatesFromXml($apiResponse) { $toRemove = array( 'serverDate', 'firstActionTimestamp', 'lastActionTimestamp', 'lastActionDateTime', 'serverTimestamp', 'serverTimePretty', 'daysAgo', 'serverDatePretty', 'serverDatePrettyFirstAction', 'serverTimePrettyFirstAction', 'goalTimePretty', 'serverTimePretty', 'visitServerHour', 'timestamp', 'date', 'prettyDate', 'serverDateTimePrettyFirstAction' ); return $this->removeXmlFields($apiResponse, $toRemove); } /** * Removes content from PDF binary the content that changes with the datetime or other random Ids */ private function normalizePdfContent($response) { // normalize date markups and document ID in pdf files : // - /LastModified (D:20120820204023+00'00') // - /CreationDate (D:20120820202226+00'00') // - /ModDate (D:20120820202226+00'00') // - /M (D:20120820202226+00'00') // - /ID [ <0f5cc387dc28c0e13e682197f485fe65> <0f5cc387dc28c0e13e682197f485fe65> ] $response = preg_replace('/\(D:[0-9]{14}/', '(D:19700101000000', $response); $response = preg_replace('/\/ID \[ <.*> ]/', '', $response); $response = preg_replace('/\/id:\[ <.*> ]/', '', $response); $response = $this->removeXmlElement($response, "xmp:CreateDate"); $response = $this->removeXmlElement($response, "xmp:ModifyDate"); $response = $this->removeXmlElement($response, "xmp:MetadataDate"); $response = $this->removeXmlElement($response, "xmpMM:DocumentID"); $response = $this->removeXmlElement($response, "xmpMM:InstanceID"); return $response; } private function removeXmlFields($input, $fieldsToRemove = false) { if ($fieldsToRemove === false) { $fieldsToRemove = @$this->params['xmlFieldsToRemove']; } if (!is_array($fieldsToRemove)) { $fieldsToRemove = array(); } foreach ($fieldsToRemove as $xml) { $input = $this->removeXmlElement($input, $xml); } return $input; } private function removeXmlElement($input, $xmlElement, $testNotSmallAfter = true) { // Only raise error if there was some data before $testNotSmallAfter = strlen($input > 100) && $testNotSmallAfter; $oldInput = $input; $input = preg_replace('/(<' . $xmlElement . '>.+?<\/' . $xmlElement . '>)/', '', $input); $input = str_replace('<' . $xmlElement . ' />', '', $input); // check we didn't delete the whole string if ($testNotSmallAfter && $input != $oldInput) { Asserts::assertTrue(strlen($input) > 100); } return $input; } private function requestHasNonDeterministicDate() { if (empty($this->requestUrl['date'])) { return false; } $dateTime = $this->requestUrl['date']; return strpos($dateTime, 'last') !== false || strpos($dateTime, 'today') !== false || strpos($dateTime, 'now') !== false; } private function shouldDeleteLiveIds() { return empty($this->params['keepLiveIds']); } private function shouldDeleteLiveDates() { return empty($this->params['keepLiveDates']) && ($this->requestUrl['method'] == 'Live.getLastVisits' || $this->requestUrl['method'] == 'Live.getLastVisitsDetails' || $this->requestUrl['method'] == 'Live.getVisitorProfile'); } private function normalizeDecimalFields($response) { // Do not test for TRUNCATE(SUM()) returning .00 on mysqli since this is not working // $response = str_replace('.000000', '', $response); // eg. 0.00 $response = str_replace('.00requestUrl['format'], 'json') === 0) { $apiResponse = str_replace(' ', '\u00a0', $apiResponse); } return $apiResponse; } private function removeSubtableIdsFromXml($apiResponse) { return $this->removeXmlFields($apiResponse, array('idsubdatatable_in_db')); } /** * To allow tests to pass no matter what port Piwik is on, we replace the test URL w/ another * one in the response. We don't remove the URL outright, because then we would not be able * to detect regressions where the root URL went missing. * * @param $apiResponse * @return mixed * @throws Exception */ private function replacePiwikUrl($apiResponse) { $rootUrl = Fixture::getRootUrl(); $rootUrlRel = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), '//', $rootUrl); $apiResponse = str_replace($rootUrl, "", $apiResponse); $apiResponse = str_replace($rootUrlRel, "//", $apiResponse); return $apiResponse; } }